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Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test, 212, 300
Microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system, 151, 158
Midwest Prevention Project, 271

Minimum drinking age laws, 12, 239, 280-281
Minnesota model of residential treatment, 261,

Minority populations. See also Racial or ethnic
differences; specific racial or ethnic

prevention programs, 276-278

Mitochondria aspartate aminotransferase, 306
Mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase

Asian variant, 152, 158

Molecular biology research techniques, 67-68, 73
Monitoring the Future Project, 21, 22, 281
Monoamine oxidase, 72, 306
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

comorbid patients and, 52

Morbidity and mortality. See also Mortality rates;
Psychiatric comorbidity

alcohol-attributable fractions and, 13
categorization of drinking, 16
chronic liver disease/cirrhosis, 11–12, 29
death certificate underreporting, 13
information from next of kin or

knowledgeable informants, 13, 15
motor vehicle crashes, 12-13, 29
multiple-cause data, 16

years of potential life lost, 16

alcohol drinking and, 122
BSR and, 114

intravenously administered alcohol

comparison, 117

voluntary versus involuntary drug

administration, 115

Mortality rates

cardiovascular disease, 172

cirrhosis, 11-12, 29, 165

liver disease in Western countries, 166–167

Mothers Against Drunk Driving, 12

Motor function

effects of alcohol, 115

prenatal alcohol exposure and, 213

Motor vehicle crashes. See also Aviation crashes

alcohol advertising influence, 140

alcohol and increased injury risk, 239-240
BAC limits of States, 238

BAC of victims, 237

day-and-time variations, 234–235

dram shop liability laws and, 283
economic issues, 256

fatalities, 238

impaired-driving population variables, 241

minimum drinking age laws and, 281
mortality rates, 12-13, 29

price of alcohol and, 279

random roadside breath testing, 282-283
young females, 240-241

Mouth cancers, 177

MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging

mRNA. See Messenger ribonucleic acid
Multi-infarct dementia, 183
Myelin sheath, 87, 88


Na+/K+ pumps, 156


alcohol dehydrogenase subunits and, 150

conversion to NADH, 154

functions, 147-148

NADH. See Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

NADH/NAD+ ratio, 154–155

Naloxone, 335

Naltrexone, 335

Narcotics Anonymous, 338

National Adolescent Student Health Survey,


National Alcohol Surveys

gender differences, 20

oversampling of Hispanics, 26

racial and ethnic differences in alcohol use
patterns, 25

social consequences of alcohol use, 16–18,

National Cancer Institute, smoking cessation

programs, 311

National Drug and Alcoholism Treatment Unit

Survey, 319

National Health and Nutrition Examination


alcohol taxes and, 279-280

minimum drinking age, 280–281

National Health and Nutrition Examination

Survey Epidemiologic Follow-up Study,

National Health Interview Promotion and

Disease Prevention survey, 210

National Health Interview Survey, Alcohol


description, 5

ECA comparison, 18, 19

gender differences, 20

prenatal alcohol exposure, 205

racial or ethnic differences, 25

National Hospital Discharge Survey, 11
National Mortality Followback Survey, 15
National Youth Survey, 285

Nationwide Personal Transportation Study, 241
Native Americans. See also Alaska Natives
alcohol-related fatal injury, 235

alcohol use patterns, 28-29
bicultural skills programs, 278

FAS and FAE, 204, 205

FAS prevention program, 211

high school students alcohol use patterns, 22
prevention programs targeting, 277-278

Natural causes deaths, BAC levels, 234

Natural killer cells, 176, 177

Negative reinforcement effects of alcohol, 66-67
Negative reinforcement models of drinking


stress response dampening, 131–132
tension reduction hypothesis, 130-131
Neonatal behavior, alcohol effects, 213-214
Nerve growth factor, 215, 219

Neurologic disorders

acute effects of alcohol, 181
alcohol-exposure categories, 180

alcohol withdrawal syndrome, 181-182, 186

chronic effects of alcohol, 182-184

cognitive deficits, 180-181, 182-183, 184–185
imaging techniques, 180-181, 183, 186


cell membrane, 88

description, 86-87

prenatal alcohol exposure and, 215
protein manufacturing, 87-88
Neurotransmitters, 87

Neutrophils, hepatitis role, 170-171

NHANES. See National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey

NHIS. See National Health Interview Survey
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, 147, 154
Night blindness, 156

NMDA. See N-methyl-D-aspartate
Noradrenergic system

alcohol reinforcement role, 118-119

Norepinephrine, 95-96, 185, 218-219, 332

Normative Aging Study, 23

Nucleus accumbens, 86

dopamine action, 118

Nursing homes, comorbidity data, 41

Nutritional deficiencies. See also High-fat diet

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alcohol reinforcement role, 118-119

BSR and, 114

differences in brains of P and NP rats, 118
Opioid antagonists, 335

Ottawa Prenatal Prospective Study, 206, 207, 208
Outcome Expectancy Scale, 327
Oxazepam, 333

Oxidation process, 147

Oxygen deficiency role in liver damage, 171


P300 waveform, 72

Pacific Islanders, 319

Pancreatitis, 171–172

Parent Communication Project, 272

Parent Effectiveness Training, 272

Parental drinking. See also Children of alcoholic
fathers; Children of alcoholics

adolescent drinking and, 136–138, 269

early childhood knowledge about alcohol, 133
peer influences and, 137

Parenting practices

adolescent behaviors and, 137-138

adolescent drinking and, 269

antisocial behavior role, 138

Patch clamp recording technique, 85, 92

Patient factors in treatment

assessment, 325–328

diagnosis of alcohol abuse and dependence,


pretreatment characteristics, 328-329

Patient-treatment matching, 335, 340–341

PCP. See Phencyclidine

Peer influences, 138-139, 141, 269

PEI. See Personal Experience Inventory
Pentobarbital, 122

Pentylenetetrazole, stimulus properties, 119
Per se laws, 282-283

Perceived Benefit of Drinking and Drug Use
Scales, 303

Peroxisomes, lipids and, 168
Personal Experience Inventory, 303, 338
Personality factors

adolescent drinking, 135–136, 141, 268
impaired driving, 241

PET. See Positron emission tomography
PGs. See Prostaglandins

Pharmacological interventions

alcohol-sensitizing agents, 333-334

alcohol withdrawal management, 332-333
amethystic agents, 335

anticraving agents, 334-335

for comorbid patients, 51-52

Phencyclidine, NMDA and, 92

Phobias, addiction treatment patients and, 42, 43

Phosphatidyl choline, 155
Phosphatidyl inositol, 155
Phospholipase C, 156
Phospholipase D, 153, 156

Phospholipid adducts, 153

Physical anomalies of FAS, 203, 205-206, 208, 210
Physical availability of alcohol, 279
Physiological dependence, definition, 96–97
Pittsburgh Maternal Health Practices and Child
Development Study, 206, 207, 208-209

Platelets, 156

Pleasure as alcohol drinking reinforcement, 132
Plus maze, 119–120

Pneumonia, 176

Polydrug abuse, 121-122. See also Psychiatric

Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 170-171
POSIT. See Problem-Oriented Screening
Instrument for Teenagers

Positional alcohol nystagmus, 243

Positive reinforcement effects of alcohol, 66
Positron emission tomography, 101-102,

180-181, 183, 186

description, 85

Posttraumatic stress disorder, comorbidity
data, 41

Prenatal alcohol exposure

immune system effects, 218-219
longitudinal studies, 206-210
mechanism of damage, 219-221

neonatal and regulatory behavioral effects,


neuroanatomical effects, 214-215

neurochemical effects, 215-216

neuroendocrine system effects, 216–218

sensorimotor effects, 212-213

Prevention paradox, 279

Prevention programs. See also Brief interventions
availability of alcohol, 279-281, 288

BAC estimation, 273

community-based programs, 286-287, 288
deterrence, 282-283, 288

dram shop liability, 283-285, 288
environmental approaches, 278–287
Indian Health Service, 29

individuals as targets, 268–278
media campaigns, 273, 288

minority populations, 276-278, 288

public health perspective, 267-268

school-based programs, 268–272, 287-288

warning labels, 273-275, 288

women as targets, 275–276, 288

workplace programs, 285-286, 288

Price of alcohol, effect on consumption,
261-262, 279-280

Prisons, comorbidity data, 41

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