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Psal. lxxxii 2. perverting justice; from false witness

Prov. xix. 5; x. 18.

Psal. xv. 3.

ing and deceit; from slandering, backbiting, uncharitable censuring, or other wrong to the reputation of our neighbours.

Exod. xx. 17.

Matt. vii. 12.

Matt. xxii. 39.

Keep us from coveting any thing that Matt. vii. 12. is our neighbour's. Let us love our neighbours as ourselves, and do to others as we would they should do to us.

Matt. xxv. 40.
1 Pet. i. 22.
Matt. v. 44.
Gal. vi. 10.

Cause us to love Christ in his members with a pure and fervent love; and to love our enemies, and do good to all, as we are able, but especially to the household of


Give us our necessary sustentation and provision for thy service, and contentedness therewith. Bless our labours,

Luke xi. 3.
1 Tim. vi. 8.

Deut. xxviii.


Psal, cxii. 3; and the fruits of the earth in their sea

cxxviii. 2.

Deut. xi. 14.
Phil. ii. 27.

Rom. xiii. 13, 14; xii. 11.

son; and give us such temperate weather as tendeth hereunto. Deliver us and all thy servants from such sickness, wants, Mark viii. 36. or other distresses, as may unseasonably take us off thy service. Keep us from gluttony and drunkenness, slothfulness, unlawful gain, and from making provision for the flesh to satisfy its lusts.

Gal, vi. 1.
Jas. v. 19, 20.

When we sin, restore us by true 1 John ii. 1, 2. repentance, and faith in Christ. Let us loathe ourselves for our transgressions: forgive them all, and accept us in thy

Ezek. vi. 9.
Eph. i. 6,

7. Heb. vii. 25.

well-beloved Son. Save us from the Matt. vi. 12, 14,

15; ν. 44.

curse and punishment which they de- Luke xxiii. 34. serve, and teach us heartily to forgive Matt. xxvi. 41. others. Convert our enemies, persecutors, and slanderers, and forgive them.

v. 4.

Cause us to watch against tempta- Jam. iv. 7. tions; to resist and overcome the flesh, 1 John ii. 13; the devil, and the world; and by no Rom. viii. 13. allurements of pleasure, profit, or honour, to be drawn from thee to sin. Let us patiently suffer with Christ, that 2 Tim. ii. 18.

we may reign with him.

Gal. v. 17.
1 John ii. 16,

Rom. viii. 17.

Psal. cxl. 1, 2,

Deliver us and all thy people from 1 Pet. v. 8. the enmity and rage of Satan, and all 3. his wicked instruments; and preserve 2 Tim. iv. 18, us to thy heavenly kingdom.

Matt. vi. 13.

For thou only art the universal King: 1 Tim. i. 17. all power is thine in heaven and earth: Rom. xi. 36. of thee, and through thee, and to thee,

are all things; and the glory shall be thine for ever. Amen.

Concerning the Psalms for public use.

We desire that instead of the imperfect version of the Psalms in metre now in use, Mr. William Barton's version, and that perused and approved by the Church of Scotland there in use, (being the best that we have seen,) may be received and corrected by some skilful men, and both allowed (for grateful variety) to be printed together in several columns or pages, and publicly used; at least, until a better than either of them shall be made.

A Thanksgiving for Christ, and his gracious benefits.

Eph. i. 6.
Psal. cxvi. 17.

Psal. cxix. 108. Most glorious God, accept, through thy beloved Son, (though from the hands of sinners,) of thanksgiving, which thy unspeakable love and mercies, as well

2 Cor. ix. 15. Psal. cvii. 22. 2 Cor. i. 3.

Psal. lxxxvi. 15. as thy command, do bind us to offer up Exod. xxxiii. 6, unto thee. Thou art the Father of


Isa. xliii. 7.

Rev. iv. 11.

mercies, and the God of all consolation; full of compassion, gracious, longsuffer

Gen. i. 27.

Psal. viii. 5, 6,

ing, plenteous in goodness and truth,

Deut. xxxi. 16; keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving

xxxii. 5.

iniquity, transgression, and sin.


Hos. iv. 7.

Psal. vi. 10.

Hos. xiii. 4.

Gen. iv. 4.
John iii. 16.

Heb. ii, 16.

thy glory thou didst create us after thine image; thou madest us a little lower than the angels, and crownedst us with glory and honour, giving us

Eph. iii. 8.
1 Tim. iii. 16.

dominion over the works of thy hands, John i. 14.
and putting all these things under our
feet. And when we forsook thee, and 1 Pet. i. 12.

Heb. ii. 18.

broke thy covenant, and rebelled against Matt. iv. 10. thee, and corrupted ourselves, and 2 Cor. viii. 9. turned our glory into shame, thou didst 1 Pet. ii. 22.

Matt. iv. 10.

not leave us in the hands of death, nor i Johni. 9. cast us out into utter desperation; but Phil. ii. 7. thou didst so love the sinful world, as Heb. xii. 2. to give thy Son to be our Saviour. Rev. iii. 18. He took not upon him the nature of Heb. ii. 10. angels, but of man. The Word made flesh, and dwelt among us. is the unsearchable mystery of love, Heb. ii. 14. which the angels desire to pry into. Gal. iii. 13. He was tempted that he might succour Rev. xxii. 14. them that are tempted; and conquered Eph. i. 22. the tempter, that had conquered us. Phil. ii. 9. He became poor, that was Lord of all, Matt. xxviii. 19. to make us rich. He did not sin, but fulfilled all righteousness, to save us 2 Pet. i. 4. from our unrighteousness. He made himself of no reputation, but was re- Psal. cxix. 130. viled, scorned, and spit upon, enduring Eph. ii. 20. the cross, and despising the shame, to Acts xxvi.17, 18. Tit. iii. 3,4 5, 6. cover our shame, and to bring us into

1 Pet. ii. 23.

Psal. xxxii. 1.

was Isa. liii. 5, 6. 1 Tim. i. 6. This 1 Cor. xv. 3.

Matt. xi. 28.

Psal. ii. 8.

John v. 22.
Heb. viii. 6.

1 John v. 11.
2 Pet. i. 19.

2 Cor. v. 19, 20.

2 Tim, ii, 25.

Eph. iv. 18.

John xii. 40.

1 Tim. iv. 2.
Psal, lxxxi. 11,

John v. 4.
Luke xix. 27.
1 Pet. iii. 20.
Rom. x. 21.
Heb. xii. 25.

Ezek. xxxiii. 11.
Prov. i. 22, 23.

John vi. 44.
Acts xvi. 14.
1 John iv. 19.
Rom. x. 20.
Amos v. 12.
Rom. v. 1.
Acts xi. 18.
Rom, viii. 14,
15, 16, 17.
Eph. v. 30.
Gal. iv. 6.

Eph. ii. 19.

glory. Thou laidst upon him the iniquity of us all. He was bruised and wounded for our transgressions, that we might be healed by his stripes. He gave himself a ransom for us; and died for our sins, and rose again for our justification. We thank thee for his death, that saveth us from death, and that he bore the curse to redeem us from the curse; and for his life, which opened us the way to life. Thou hast given him to be head over all things to the Church; and hast given the heathen to be his inheritance, and given him a name above every name, and given all power and judgment unto him. We

thank thee for the new and better cove

1 Pet. i. 3, 4, 5, 6. nant; for thy great and precious pro

Rom. viii. 28.
Eph. iii. 12.
Heb. iv. 16.
Psal. i. 15.

1 Tim. ii. 8.

mises, that thou hast given us eternal life in Christ: that we have the clear and sure revelation of thy will in the

holy scriptures : that thou foundedst Psal. Ixxxix. 7; thy Church upon apostles and pro22; lxxxvi. 13. phets, Jesus Christ himself being the

Matt. xi. 13.

xxviii, 6; xxxi.

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