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IV. Didactic.

1. Generally speaking, an author's style is a faithful copy of his mind. If you would write a lúcid style, let there first be light in your own mind; and if you would write a gránd style, you ought to have a grand character.

2. The clouds, which rise with thunder, slake

Our thirsty souls with rain;

The blow most dreaded falls to break
From off our limbs a chain;

And wrongs of man to mán but make
The love of Gòd more plain.
As through the shadowy lens of èven
The eye looks farthest into heaven,
On gleams of star and depths of blue
The glaring sunshine never knèw.

3. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good he does in this world to his fellow-man. When he dies, people will say, "What property has he left behind him?" But the angels who examine him will ask, "What good deeds hast thou sent before thee?"

4. The tastes of men may differ very considerably as to their object, and yet none of them be wròng. One man relishes poetry most; another takes pleasure in othing but history. One prefers cómedy; another, tragedy. One admires the símple; another, the ornamented style. The young are amused with gay and sprightly compositions; the elderly are more entertained with those of a gràver cast. Some nations delight in bold pictures of mánners and strong representations of pássions; others incline to more correct and regular èlegance both in description and sèntiment. Though all differ, yet all pitch upon some one beauty which peculiarly suits their turn of mind,—and, therefore, no one has a title to condemn the rèst.

5. How often do we sigh for opportunities of doing good, whilst we neglect the openings of Providence in little things which would frequently lead to the accomplishment of most important ùsefulness! Dr. Johnson used to say, "He who waits to do a great deal of good at once, will never do any." Good is done by degrèes.


6. Be nòble! and the nobleness that lies
In other men, sleeping, but never dead,
Will rise in majesty to meet thine own.
I have seen
A curious child who dwelt upon a tract
Of inland ground, applying to his ear
The convolutions of a smooth-lipped shell;
To which, in silence hushed, his very sóul
Listened intèntly; and his countenance soon
Brightened with joy; for mùrmurings from within
Were heard-sonorous càdences! whereby,
To his belief, the monitor expressed
Mysterious union with its native sèa.
-Even such a shell the universe itself
Is to the ear of Faith.

V. Public Address.

1. Canning, in a reply to one of Lord Brougham's speeches, used the following illustràtion:-In Queen Anne's reign there lived a very sage and able critic, named Dènnis, who, in his old age, was the prey of a strange fancy that he himself had written all the good things in all the good plays that were acted. Every good passage he met with in any author he insisted was his own. "It is none of his," Dennis would say; “nò, it's mìne!" He went one day to see a new tràgedy. Nothing particularly good to his taste occurred till a scene in which a great storm was represented. As soon as he heard the thunder rolling over head, he exclaimed, "That's my thunder!" So it is with the honorable and learned gentleman; it's all his thunder. It will henceforth be impossible to confer any boon, or make any innovation, but he will claim it as his thunder.

2. It is common for men to say that such and such things are perfectly right, very desirable, but, unfortunately, they are not pràcticable. Oh no. Those things which are not practicable are not desirable. There is nothing really beneficial that does not lie within the rèach of an informed understanding and a welldirected pursuit. There is nothing that God has judged good for us that He has not given us the means to accòmplish, both in the natural and mòral world. If we cry like children for the moon, like children we must cry on.

3. I do not mean to be disrespectful; but the attempt of the Lords to stop the progress of reform reminds me very forcibly of the great storm of Sidmouth, and of the conduct of the excellent Mrs. Partington on that occasion. In the winter of 1824 there set in a great flood upon that town; the tide rose to an incredible height; the waves rushed in upon the houses, and everything was threatened with destrùction.

In the midst of this sublime and terrible storm, Dame Partington, who lived upon the beach, was seen at the door of her house, with mop and pattens, trundling the mop, squeezing out the seawater, and vigorously pushing away the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic was roused. Mrs. Pàrtington's spirit was up; but I need not tell you that the contest was unèqual. The Atlantic Ocean beat Mrs. Partington. She was èxcellent at a slop or a puddle, but she should not have meddled with a tèmpest. Gentlemen, be at your ease; be quiet and steady. You will beat Mrs. Partington.

4. "Poor Ìndians! Where are they now? Indeed, this is a truly afflicting consideration. The people here may say what they please; but, on the principles of eternal truth and justice, they have no rìght to this country. They say that they have bought it. Bought it! Yès. Of whom? Of the poor trembling nàtives, who knew that refusal would be in vàin, and whỏ strove to make a merit of necessity by seeming to yield with grace what they knew they had not the power to retàin.”

5. Whatever your lot on earth, is it not better than you desérve? and amidst all your troùbles, have not you much to be thankful for? There are sadder hearts than yoúrs; go and còmfort them, and that will comfort you. Are you ill and suffering? By your gentle patience be an example to those who are suffering tòo. It is the selfish manner in which we live, engrossed by our own troubles, which renders us unmindful of those of others; we hurry through the streets, intent on some business of our òwn, heeding not the many little acts of kindness we could do for one another which would send us home with a light heart.

6. I do not acknowledge, sir, the right of Plymouth to the whole rock. Nò, the rock underlies all Amèrica; it only crops out here. It has cropped out a great many times in our history. You may recognize it àlways. Old Pùtnam stood upon it at

Bunker Hill when he said to the Yankee boys, "Don't fire tiil you see the whites of their eyes." Ingraham had it for ballast when he put his little sloop between two Austrian frigates, and threatened to blow them out of the water if they did not respect the broad eagle of the United States. Jefferson had it for a writing-desk when he drafted the Declaration of Indepèndence and the "Statute of Religious Liberty" for Virgìnia.

VI. Declamatory.

1. Advànce, then, ye future generations! We would hàil you, as you rise in your long succession, to fill the places which wè now fill, and to taste the blessings of existence where we are pássing, and shall soon have pàssed, our own human duràtion.

We bid you wèlcome to this pleasant land of the fathers. We bid you wèlcome to the healthful skies and the verdant fields of New England. We greet your accession to the great inheritance which we have enjoyed. We welcome you to the blessings of good government and religious liberty.

We welcome you to the treasures of scíence and the delights of learning. We welcome you to the transcendent sweets of domèstic life, to the happiness of kindred, and parents, and chìldren. We welcome you to the immeasurable blessings of rational existence, the immortal hope of Christiánity, and the light of everlasting truth.

2. "The gentleman, sir, has misconceived the spirit and tèndency of Northern institutions. He is ignorant of Northern chàracter. He has forgotten the history of his country. Preach insurrection to the Northern láborers! Who are the Northern laborers? The history of your coùntry is thèir history. The renòwn of your country is thèir renown. The brightness of their doings is emblazoned on its every page. Where is Còncord, and Lexington, and Princeton, and Trènton, and Saratoga, and Bun-* ker Hill, but in the North? And what, sir, has shed an imperishable renown on the names of those hallowed spots but the blood, and the struggles, the high daring, and patriotism, and sublime courage of Northern laborers? The whole North is an everlasting monument of the freedom, virtue, intelligence, and indomitable indepèndence of Northern laborers? Gò, sir, go preach insurrection to men like thèse!"

3. "Sir, in the most express tèrms I deny the còmpetency of parliament to do this act. I warn you, do not dàre to lay your hand on the constitution. I tell you that if, circumstanced as you are, you pass this act, it will be a nùllity, and no man in Ireland will be bound to obèy it. I make the assertion delìberately. I repeat it, and call on any man who hears me to take down my words. You have not been elected for this pùrpose. You are appointed to make làws, not legislatures."

4. "I have returned, nòt as the right honorable member has said, to raise another stórm,-I have returned to protect that constitution, of which I was the párent and foùnder, from the assassination of such men as the honorable gentleman and his unworthy associates. They are corrùpt-they are seditious— and they, at this very moment, are in a conspiracy against their country! Here I stand for impeachment or trìal! I dàre accusation! I defy the honorable gentleman! I defy the gòvernment! I defy their whole phalanx! Let them come fòrth! I tell the ministers I will neither give thém quarter, nor take it!"

5. The right honorable gentleman has called me "an unimpeached traitor." I ask, why not traitor unqualified by any epitnet? I will tell him: it was because he dare not. It was the act of a còward who raises his arm to strike, but has not courage to give the blow. I will not call him villain, because it would be unparliamentary, and he is a privy councillor. I will not call him fool, because he happens to be Chancellor of the Exchequer. But I say he is one who has abused the privilege of Parliament and the freedom of debate to the uttering language, which, if spoken out of the House, I should answer only with a blòw! I care not how high his situátion, how low his character, how contemptible his speech; whether a privy councillor or a parasite, my answer would be a blow!

6. I wish for nothing but to breathe in this our island, in common with my fellow-subjects, the air of liberty. I have no ambition, unless it be to break your chains and contemplate your glòry. I never will be satisfied so long as the meanest cottager in İreland has a link of the British chàin clanking to his rags. He may be naked, he shall not be in ìrons. And I do see the time at hand; the spirit is gone fòrth; the Declaration of Right

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