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Infection, doctrine, applied to con-
traband, 47

Inquiry, courts of, 84; joint com-
missions, 90-92; Dogger Bank
incident, 93

Institute of International Law,
298; "conditional" contraband,

Institute of Research, for legal

science, 338

Institutions, differences in, 322,

Inter arma leges silent, maxim, vii
International Arbitration, theory

and practice, xii: judicial pro-
cess, 96; among the Greeks, 97;
international courts at The
Hague, xiii, 83, 93; Jay treaty,
88, 97, 361, 362; situation 1895-
1914, 80-81; present reactionary
attitude, 364; compulsory juris-
diction, 84, 85-90; pecuniary
claims, 86-88; Alabama claims,
42, 85; Misiones question, 82;
Bering Sea dispute, 82; Ven-
ezuelan boundary, 82; seizure of
property of religious orders in
Portugal, 82; Bryan peace plan,

International courts of inquiry,
84; Dogger Bank incident, 93
International Justice, Permanent
Court of, 96
International law, infringements,
vii; creed of founders, 13; dis-
respect created by war, 4, 35;
fundamental principles, 5; na-
ture, 291, 293, 294; comity and
custom, 296; legislative action,
296-298, 324; standard of lawful-
ness, 41-42; remedies for viola-
tion, 301; principle of conquest,
302, 315; observance and en-
forcement of law, 299-301;
equality of States, 302, 306, 307;
making and declaration, 303; in-
ternational organization, 305,

315; proposals of codification,

International Law and Some Cur-
rent Illusions, 1

International rivers, navigation,

International sanction, 39

International Union of American
States, 306

Internment, property, 21-22; per-
sonnel of disabled belligerent
military aircraft, 261
Inventions, influence of mechan-
ical, 2

Italy, treaty with U. S., immunity
of private property, 21, 52, 70;
rules of warfare, aircraft and
radio, xiii; proposals on aerial
bombardment, 198; protection
of historic monuments, 244;
marginal territorial air belt, 285
Ito, M., legal adviser, 183

Japan, rules of warfare, aircraft
and radio, xiii; national devel-
opment, 319
Jaworzina boundary, 135
Jay treaty, article against confisca-
tion, 15, 17; compensation for
grain cargoes, 31; contraband
clause, 58; arbitral clauses, 88,
97, 361; claims commission, Art.
VII, 361, 362

Jazz, and radio, 350-351
Jefferson, Thomas, on neutral
rights, 30; penalty for contra-
band, 45

Johnston, Gen. W. H., military
adviser, 182

Judiciary Act, 359

Jurisdiction, definition, 285; com-
pulsory, in arbitration, 84-90, 99,
102, 144

Jurisprudence, Suggestions for a
School of, xvi, 339

Justice, International. See Per-
manent Court of International

Karnebeek, Jonkheer H. A. Van,
minister of foreign affairs, 186;
address of welcome, 187
Katagiri, M., secretary, 183
Kent, on contraband of war, 43
Kiel Canal, neutralization, 138-140
Kiyokawa, Admiral, naval adviser,

Knox, P. C., arbitration treaties,

Labor, International Labor Organ-
izations, 120-122

Labor questions, 104

Lambe, Air Commodore C. L.,
military adviser, 182

Land warfare, rules applicable to
aircraft, 284

Lapradelle, M. de, French dele-
gate, 183, 288; counsel, 123
Latin, study of, 352-355
Law, universal need, 290; theory

and experience, xiv; chaotic
conditions, xv; study of juris-
prudence, xvi, 331; effects of
war, 4; violations, 24, 25
Law, International. See Interna-
tional Law.

Law and Organization, xv, 289;
universal need of law, 290; Aus-
tinian definition, 292; inter-
national and municipal law, 294;
evolution, 295; comity and cus-
tom, 296; legislative action, 296-
298; observance of law, 299;
remedies for violation, 301;
principle of conquest, 301;
trial by battle, 302; organiza-
tion, 302, 304; equality of states,
302; making and declaration of
law, 303; determination of dis-
putes, 303; maintenance of
peace, 304; sphere of legal regu-
lation, 304; internal disturb-
ances, 305; equal representation
of States in U. S. Senate, 306;
civil wars, 308; human attitude
towards war, 308; part of force,
309, 310; tendency to divide,

310; balance of power, 310-311;
responsibility for wars, 311-313;
limitation of armaments, 314
Law Institute, American, for re-
statement of law, xvi, 346
Laws of war, damages for viola-
tion, 243, 287; penalties, 288
League of Nations, powers of
Council, 123. See Covenant.
Lee, Lord, on visit and search by
aircraft, 203

Legal science, research, 343
Legislation, international, 324-328
Legislative drafting, 342
Levasseur, on war devastation, 11
Library of Congress, legislative
reference service, 340

Limitation of Armament, Wash-

ington Conference, 184, 314. See

Livy, on cruelty in war, 7, 354
Loder, B. C. J., judge of Perma-
nent Court, 105; president, 113
Loreburn, Earl, on "conditional
contraband," 70

Lowe, Lieut. Col. S. J., military
adviser, 182
Luther, study, 2

Macdonell, Sir J., on contraband
of war, 33; international law
among the ancients, 295
Macedonians, war practices, 6, 317
Madison, President, war message,

Madrid Military Congress, 298
Magna Carta, enemy private
property, 21; internment, 22
Maine, Sir Henry, Austinian
definition of law, 293
Majority, sufficient for judgment,

Mandates, 285

Manning, on contraband of war,

Man-power, drafts on, in war, 9-13
Manufacturers, spared in war, 9
Marcy, W. L., on immunity of
private property at sea, 20

Marine league, xiv
Maritime Law, contraband, 40-80;
blockade, 50, 207; immunity of
private property, 51; Declara-
tion of Paris, 297; radio, 211;
aircraft, 284

Marks, false or lacking, ground of
capture, 274, 278

Marshall, Chief Justice, on confis-
cation, 17-19; equality of states,
301; physical changes since his
day, 349

Martial law, 290

Matsuda, M., Japanese delegate,
183, 288

Matsui, Baron, Japanese delegate,
183, 288

Matsumoto, M., secretary, 183
McKinley, President, on im-
munity of private property, 20
Mechanical inventions, influence,

Mechanics, spared in war, 7
Mediation, 83, 93, 96

Menten, E. E., assistant secretary-
general, 183

Merchants, spared in war, 7
Mérillon, M., Procureur Général,

Merrell, G. R., Jr., secretary to
delegation, 182

Mexican war, origin, 313

Mexico, Declaration of Paris, 49;
seizure of Vera Cruz, 94; civil
war, 83

Military concentrations, 199
Military, definition of term, 283
Military objectives, 194, 196, 197,

Military occupation, law of, 291
Mill, John Stuart, on theory and
practice, xii

Milton, influence, 2

Minorities, treaty protection, 133-

Misiones territory, arbitral award,

Mohonk (Lake) conference on in-
ternational arbitration, 81

Moizo, Col. R., military adviser,

Molière, influence, 2

Montesquieu, on division of pow-
ers, 357

Monuments, artistic. See Historic

Moore, J. B., judge of Permanent
Court, 105, 108, 130; U. S. rep-
resentative, conference on rules
of warfare, aircraft and radio,
182, 186, 187, 211, 288; on preser-
vation of distinction between
combatants and non-combatants,

Morocco, treaty against confisca-
tion, 21; French zone, nation-
ality decrees, 122

Münster, religious zealots, 316

Napoleon, on movement of ar-
mies, xi

Napoleonic wars, losses in, 12
Nationality, arbitrators and
judges, 108, 109; in Poland, 133,
134, 135; decrees in Tunis and
Morocco (French zone), 122;
change, by aircraft, 277

Navy, General Board, report on
chemical warfare, ix
Negotiation, diplomatic process,


Negulesco, D., deputy-judge, 105,
Neilson, Lieut. F. W., naval ad-
viser, 182

Netherlands, warfare rules for air-

craft and radio, xiii; on export
of contraband of war, 47;
treaties on contraband, 54; ap-
pointment of workers' delegate,

Neutral aircraft, destruction, 281-

Neutral commerce, historic con-
test, 53-70; "free ships, free
goods," 48-49

Neutral duties, standard of, 41-42,

Neutral government, forbidden to
do any unneutral act, 43
Neutrality in Franco-German
War, 46; Spanish War, 46; rules
of, 360; policy, 362
Neutrality, Armed, 49
Neutralization, Kiel Canal, 138-

Neutrals, trade rights, xi, xii, 25-
35, 40-80; rights and duties in
aerial warfare, 257-264
New Granada, treaty against con-
fiscation, 21

Newman, Cardinal, on power of
estimation, 359

New York, City of, Bar Associa-

tion, in favor of internationial
court, 101

Niagara mediation, United States
and Mexico, 94
Nicaragua, treaty against confisca-
tion, 21

Nicholl, Sir John, arbitrator, 363
Noel, Commander, naval adviser,

[blocks in formation]

Panama canal, international use,

Pan American diplomacy, 94
Panaceas, 1, 2

Papers, irregular, ground of cap-
ture, 274, 278

Paquete, Habana, case of, 296
Paraguay, treaty against confisca-
tion, 21

Paris, Declaration of, maritime
law, 49-50

Parkinson, Thomas I., legislative
drafting, 342

Parmoor, Lord, on confiscation of
private property, 19

Parole, in aerial warfare, 255
Passion for Uniformity, xv, xvi;
religious zealots, 316, 317, 318;
study of physical sciences, 319;
steam and electricity, 319; de-
velopment of resources, 320;
wars of extermination, 321;
difference and inferiority, 321;
indestructibility of nations and
races, 321; extension of sphere
of legislation, 323-324; different
attitudes, 323; right to be differ-
ent, 324; proposals of codifica-
tion, 324; Commission of Jur-
ists, Rio de Janeiro, 324; inter-
national legislation, 328; need of
uniformity of law in United
States, 329, 333; task of simplifi-
cation, 330-338

Peace, preservation of, 304, 307-
308; part of force, 309; limita-
tion of armaments, 315; plans,
1, 2; Bryan plan, 91-92
Peace Conferences, Hague, 94, 97-
100; contraband discussion, 68,
71; land war convention, 185,
298, 299; defects, 207-208, 210;
aerial bombardment, 192, 193,
194; limitation of armaments,
314; attempts at international
legislation, 324

Peace Palace, Hague, 113; sym-
bolism, 188; conference on rules
for aircraft and radio, 182

"Peace through victory," 308
Pecuniary claims, arbitration, 86-

Peloponesian war, 10

Pennsylvania, University of, 358
Percheman, case of, on confisca-
tion, 19

Permanent Court of Arbitration,
at The Hague, xiii, 82, 83, 85,
87, 98-100

Permanent Court of International

Justice, at The Hague, xiii;
U. S. initiative, 98-100; clause in
Covenant, 102; Advisory Com-
mittee of Jurists, 102; question
of compulsory jurisdiction, 102,
103, 147, 148, 155; protocol and
"optional clause," 147, 148; Stat-
ute, 102-103, 147-161; special
chambers, 104; election of
judges, 104, 149, 164; personnel,
105-108; nationality, 108, 109,
139; qualifications of judges, 109,
149; tenure, 109, 151, 161; pay,
110, 132, 155, 179; sessions, 110-
111, 119, 152, 168; robes, 111;
official languages, 112, 140, 157,
171, 173; organization, formal
opening, 112-113; rules, 113, 161;
publicity of proceedings, 113,
130-131; intervention, 114; ad-
visory opinions, 114-115, 119,
178; functions of deputy-judges,
115-117, 162, 166; rules of de-
cision, 117, 119, 157; force of
decisions, 118; appointment of
Netherlands workers' delegate,
119; competence of International
Labor Organization, 120-122;
nationality decrees in Tunis and
Morocco (French zone), 122;
case of Eastern Carelia, 124-131;
Court's judicial independence,
126-133; case of German settlers
in Poland, 133; Polish minor-
ities treaty, 134; question of
boundary between Poland and
Czechoslovakia, 135; Wimble-

[blocks in formation]

national judge, 139; dissenting
opinions, 120, 129, 140, 176;
opening of Court to all nations,
141, 146, 179; formal adhesion,
141-142; recommendations of
Presidents Harding and Cool-
idge, 142-145; composition of
Court, 149; precedence, 161; va-
cancies, 151; disqualifications,
116, 151, 152; dismissal, 117, 152,
163; privileges, 152; quorum,
153, 168; special chamber for
labor cases, 153; for transit
cases, 154; assessors, 153, 154,
163; summary procedure, 155,
177; national judges, 155, 162;
parties litigant, 156; access,
institution of proceedings, 158,
170; provisional measures, 158,
174; agents and counsel, 158;
procedure, written and oral, 158-
159; notices and hearings, 158-
159; proofs, 159; experts, 159,
174; non-appearance of party,
159; judgment, 112, 160, 175,
176; revision, 160, 176; interven-
tion of third party, 161, 174-175;
costs, 161, 173, 174; installation
of judges, 163; president and
vice-president, 152, 164; duties,
164; residence, 164; special
chambers, 165; registrar, elec-
tion, duties, residence, 152, 166-
168; archives, 167; docket, 168;
sittings, 168; deliberations, 168-
169; individual opinions, 169;
contentious procedure, 169;
time-limits, 169; copies of docu-
ments, 169; translations, 171,
173; cases, counter-cases, replies,
171-172; oral proceedings, 172;
witnesses, 173; minutes, 174;
agreements of parties, 175; cor-
rection of errors, 178

Persian wars, 10

Peru, treaty against confiscation,


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