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ble to have written without having sometimes erred. Sensible of this, he wishes to be corrected, being persuaded that truth alone ought to be the aim of an interpreter of the sacred volume.

From the very favourable reception which the former edition of this Work has met with, and the opinion which the best judges have been pleased to form of it, the author thinks himself warranted to consider his plan of the Harmony as just. This, joined with his desire to oblige those who wish to see the Paraphrase and Commentary completed, induced him, with the utmost care and accuracy, to finish his design. In this new edition, therefore, the reader will find the whole Gospels, without the omission of a single sentence, paraphrased and commented upon, in such a manner as to explain them to the meanest capacity. And farther, to render the Work as extensively useful as possible, there are now added six discourses of Jewish antiquities; one chronological dissertation; a discourse concerning the regard that is due to opinions derived merely from tradition; and an essay on the demoniacs.

These, it is presumed, will be peculiarly acceptable, as they throw great light upon the history of our Lord in general, as well as upon many passages of it in particular. In short, it is hoped that the book will now be found a complete history of the life of Christ, and an accurate explication of his sermons, parables, conversations and miracles; which, together with the indexes, is peculiarly adapted to assist those who desire to study the Gospels with diligence and accuracy.

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In this study every Christian ought to employ himself, seeing it is universally acknowledged, that the Gospels contain the immutable laws of God, by which men ought to govern their lives here, and by which they will be judged hereafter.


After the second possover, the disciples pluck the ears of corn
on the Sabbath, in some field nigh to Jerusalem,
A few days after the second passover, a man that had his
hand withered, is cured in a synagogue near Jerusalem.
After which Jesus goes away to Galilee,

The Pharisees in Capernaum ascribe Christ's miracles a se-

cond time to Beelzebub. See § 35, 36. 86. He con-

futes that calumny. They ask the sign from heaven the

first time. See § 68. 86. The sign of the prophet Jonas

promised the first time. See § 68. Our Lord's mother

and brethren visit him. See § 53. 57.
Jesus preaches the parabolical sermon beside the sea of Ga-
lilee. The parable of the sower. The reason why he
taught the people by parables. The interpretation of the
parable of the sower. The parable of the lighted lamp, 49

The parable of the tares of the field,

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