Science: v.1-v.219Moses King, 1958 |
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Стр. 981
... York , 1957 ) . 2. W. C. Nixon and H. H. Pattee , in X - ray Microscopy and Microradiography , V. Ε . Cosslett et al . , Eds . ( Academic Press , New York , 1957 ) , p . 397 . 3. W. J. Oosterkamp , Philips Research Repts . 3 , 49 , 161 ...
... York , 1957 ) . 2. W. C. Nixon and H. H. Pattee , in X - ray Microscopy and Microradiography , V. Ε . Cosslett et al . , Eds . ( Academic Press , New York , 1957 ) , p . 397 . 3. W. J. Oosterkamp , Philips Research Repts . 3 , 49 , 161 ...
Стр. 1228
... York area ; abstracting , translating , editing , and so on . Woman , 27. Box 235 , SCIENCE . Zoologist - Biologist , male , age 32 , married ; 1 year of research and 3 years of college teaching beyond doctorate , at present assistant ...
... York area ; abstracting , translating , editing , and so on . Woman , 27. Box 235 , SCIENCE . Zoologist - Biologist , male , age 32 , married ; 1 year of research and 3 years of college teaching beyond doctorate , at present assistant ...
Стр. 1470
... YORK 5 December 1958 Information Requisition Send for booklet Use this easy self - mailer to obtain further information about items or literature from the Equipment section as well as from advertised products . EQUIPMENT Circle below ...
... YORK 5 December 1958 Information Requisition Send for booklet Use this easy self - mailer to obtain further information about items or literature from the Equipment section as well as from advertised products . EQUIPMENT Circle below ...
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12 Sept 18 July AAAS acid activity aldosterone American amino acids animals apparatus Association Atomic B. F. Skinner Bausch & Lomb behavior biochemical biological cells Chem chemical chemistry Chicago chlorophyll Choice Hotel cholinesterase College Colorimeters complete Corp curve Department Dept effect electron ence energy enzyme equipment experiments field Glass gram hemerythrin increase Institute Instrument International Geophysical isotopes Laboratory material mathematics measurement Medical ment method microscope Model molecules National nuclear observed operation optical oxidation papers particles percent physics plant predicates present problems properdin protein PYREX radiation radioactive range reaction References and Notes sample Science Scientific scientists Soviet surface temperature tion titration tive tryptophan tube ture U.S. Geological Survey United Univ University volume Washington x-ray York