Read It and RunXulon Press, 2006 - Всего страниц: 280 Find out how Daniel foresaw the rise of America as the world's only superpower, the events of 9/11/01, and a soon coming showdown in the Middle East with Iran. |
Introduction | xi |
Habakkuks Complaint | 75 |
The Lady in Red | 101 |
Interim | 135 |
Daniels Dream | 165 |
The Eighth King | 203 |
Is He Mahdi or Is He Isa? | 233 |
Fighting Back | 249 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Abraham According Afghanistan Ahmadinejad al Qaeda Alexander Allah America ancient Arab attacks Babylon behold believe Bible Biblical bomb called century Chaldeans Chechen Chechnya Christ Christians corporations Cyrus Daniel Daniel's dream defeat destroy earth empire enemy Europe eyes forces fourth beast Future Jihad gather global God's Habakkuk heaven Hezbollah human hundred ideology Iran Iran's Iranian Iraq Iraqi Islamic Islamist Israel Jesus Jihad jihadists killed king kingdom land leader Lebanon leopard lion little horn live Lord Mahdi means Middle East military million modern Muhammad Muslim nations Nebuchadnezzar's dream nuclear Osama bin Laden Palestinian Persian Empire Persian Gulf political predicted prophecy prophet Qaeda radical region revealed rule Saudi Arabia story suicide bombers symbol Taliban terror terrorists thee things thou thousand tion tribulation understand United unto violence vision Walid Walid Phares weapons West Western words