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Imprisonment for habitual criminals,

In-breeding, effects of, 494

Income tax allowances for children,
436; relative advantages, 438;
flat rate system, 439, 441; pro-
posed reforms, 439
Incomes earned, average, 164
Indeterminate sentences, system
of, 225

Individual selection, 150-158
Infantile mortality, causes of, 44
Infertility of the better-paid classes,


Inheritance, laws of, 11, 18-24;
mental qualities, 21, 31; of ac-
quired differences, 73, 94-109;
attack on the belief, 98, 100; of
money, 152 n

Insane, the, 227-238; number of,
228, 237; due to heredity, 229;
to environment, 229; prohibi-
tion of marriage, 457
Insanity, disease of, 227-238, 472;
causes of, 229; types of, 232;
caused by alcoholism, 233; eli-
mination, 234-237

Insurance, system of, cost, 296, 299
Intelligence tests, 259, 269, 271, 281,
Intemperance, effects of, 84, 86;
result of a campaign in favour, 89

Juke family, case of, 190 n, 286, 289
Juvenile offenders, 222, 225

Kellog, Mind and Heredity, 260

Lamarck, J. B. de, theory of evolu-
tion, 96

Laughlin, Eugenical Sterilization in
the United States, 149 n, 292 n
Lethal chamber, 171, 184
Life, duration of, 282

Lombroso, Signor, the pioneer
criminologist, 209

London districts, result of investi-
gations into the birth-rate, 320;
divided into groups, 321

McDougall, Prof., Mental Welfare
and Mental Decay, 269 n
Malthus, T. R., 126; Principles of
Economics, 44; Essay on Popula-
tion, 45 n

Man, average height, 18-20, 279-
281; cultivation of the moral
sense, 134

March, M., 332

Marriage, 457; compulsory, result


of, 136; age of, 332; with rela.
tives, 361; licence, issue of, 459;
proposed safeguards, 460-465;
enforced, 463; exercise of fore-
thought, 469

Mass selection, 158-162

Mate selection, 345-365; desire for
good qualities, 352-356; amongst
human beings, 357-360; good
stock with bad, 360; advocacy of
care in, 363

Mechanical, meaning of the word,

Medical science, work of, 64
Mendel, Gregor, 11; theory of
inheritance, 118–121, 235, 291
Mental qualities, inheritance of,
21, 31; causes of defect, 196
Mental Deficiency Act, 40, 186, 199,
205, 457

Meyerson, A., Eugenics, Genetics
and the Family, 236 n

Military strength of the nation, 308,
Miscegenation, 494-497; results of,

Money, inheritance of, 152 n
Moral imbeciles, 186, 194

Morons or feeble-minded persons,
187, 190

Mother, the unmarried, lot of, 478
Mott, Sir F. W., Problems in Eu
genics, 228 n, 236 n

Multiple factor qualities, 150, 167
Münsterberg, Psychology and Crime,

211; Psychology and Industrial
Efficiency, 304 n

Mutation, or changes in the genes,
119, 124 n

Mutilations, effects of, not inherited,
100, 110

Napoleon I, Emperor, 250, 251
National Council for Combating
Venereal Diseases, 83

National Dividend, the, 300, 313
Natural inheritance, laws of, 11,

Natural Selection, 50, 97, 112, 129;
belief in, as an evolutionary
agency, 113-115; effects on the
death-rate, 125; action on man,
beneficial effects, 127;
effects on domestic animals, 137
Negroes, deaths from infectious
diseases, 127; from tuberculosis,

Newman, Sir George, An Outline of
the Practice of Preventive Medi-
cine, 196; Public Opinion in Pre-

ventive Medicine, 62, 64, 302 n,
309 n
Newsholme, investigations into the
birth- and death-rate, 321

‘Optimum ' size of family, 334
Organic Evolution, principle of,
3, 145

Origin of Species, The, extract from,

Papillault, Dr., Eugénique, 234 n
Paralysis, caused by syphilis, 232
Parenthood, cases of prohibition,

148; prevention among aments,
188-191, 193; question of, 278;
the right to, 378; receipt of
public assistance a test, 380-384;
warnings to be given to, 383;
practical measures, 385-390
Paupers, number of, 301
Pearl, Prof. Raymond, 87, 88, 126 n,

502 n; Poultry Science, 282 n;
Studies in Human Biology, 317 n
Pearson, Prof. Karl, 20, 87, 125,

234; Study of Inheritance of
Vision, 67; A First Study of the
Statistics of Pulmonary Tuber-
culosis, 241; Tuberculosis, Here-
dity and Environment, 242 n;
The Problem of Practical Eugenics,
331 n

Pigou, Prof. 440 n; Wealth and
Welfare, 298

Popenoe and Johnson, Applied
Eugenics, 108 n, 208 n, 228 n,
353 n, 496 n
Population problems, 42-50;
agencies to check, 43-45, 56;
increasing and diminishing re-
turns, 46; result of an in-
crease, 55, 274-277; a decrease,
57, 276; hereditary qualities,
measurements of, 325; registers
of the, 479

Potential parents, effect of educa-
tion, 445; of the award of
scholarships, 450
Pre-natal care, 108; environment,
73, 74, 143

Public assistance, meaning of the
term, 416-419

Qualities, desirable, 257; variety
of type preferable to uniformity,
258; intelligence tests, 259, 269,
271, 281; temperamental, 260;
scholastic, 261, 271, 281; me-
thods of measurement, 283-
285, 293

Quality, definition of the term, 30,

Quarterly Review, the, 308 n

Racial deterioration, 315, 324;
poisoning, cases of, 73, 76, 99;
progress, the aim of eugenics,
71; views on, 146; difficulties
in connexion with, 408-412
Rathbone, Miss E., The Disinherited
Family, 425, 428 n

Recruits, medical examination of,
62, 64, 309

Red Indians, deaths from infectious
diseases, 127

Registration, system of, 385, 479-

Regression to the mean, 24, 286;
coefficients, 280, 288 n

Relatives, defects in, 290, 293;
marriage with, 361

Religion, influence on eugenics,

519; conflicts with science, 522
Reversion to the mean, tendency
of, 24, 286

Ruggles-Gates, Heredity and Eu
genics, 149 n

Salpingectomy, operation of, 174
Sayers, Dr. Ettie, 190 n
Scholarships, awards of, 449-452
Scholastic tests of mental qualities,
261, 281

School-children, number of defec-
tive, 62; defective eyesight, 66–
tests of intelligence, 269,
281; examinations, 285-289
Schuster, Dr. Edgar, 67n; Eugenics,
322 n

Science, conflicts with religion, 522
Seager, Introduction to Economics,
275 n

Segregation, 171, 172, 184, 198-

200, 204; for habitual criminals,
219-221, 224; in cases of epi-
lepsy, 239

Selection, 73; slow process on the
birth-rate, 340; meaning of the
word, 346; individual, 150-158;
mass, 158-162

Sex hygiene, 497-499

Sexual selection, theory of, 345;
evolutionary effects, 347; origin
of æsthetic taste, 347-351;
racial effects produced by, 351
Sherrington, Sir Charles, Address
at the British Association, 232
Shrubsall, Dr., 188
Sidgwick, H., The Elements of
Politics, 203 n, 378 n

[blocks in formation]

Sterilization, 171, 173-179, 184,
198, 200, 204, 386; objections to,
174-177; result on the feeble-
in-mind, 189

Sterilization and Mental Deficiency,
201 n

Stevenson, Dr., investigations into
the birth- and death-rate, 321,
324; Fertility of Social Classes,
322 n

Stockard, Dr. C. R., 85, 87;
Journal of Experimental Zoology,
86; American Journal of the
Medical Sciences, 88
Stock-taking, periodical, of the
people, 483-489; objections to,

Stockyard, lessons of the, 131-
138, 144

Struggle for existence, 113

Stupidity, a cause of crime, 209,

Survival of the fittest, 114, 129
Sweden, marriage of epileptics,
illegal, 239, 458

Syphilis, cases of, 77-81, 92;

cause of general paralysis, 232

Temperament, definition of, 260
Temperance reformer, work

the, 212

Thomson, J. A., Heredity, 98 n



Tradition, important element of
environment, 58; of civilization,

Tredgold, Dr., Mental Deficiency,
187 n, 188, 191, 196 n, 199 n
Tuberculosis, 240, 290, 458; num.
ber of deaths from, 126, 240,
242; natural immunity, 241;
renunciation of marriage, 243-


Twins, similarity between, 139–142

Unemployed, number of, 384 n
Unemployment doles, result, 429
Unfit, killing of the, 171; financial
burden, 295-303; cost of, 296,
312; elimination, 366, 380
United States, sterilization laws,
40; experiences on sterilization,
174, 178; number of insane,
228; ideals of mate selection,
353, 355; number of childless
marriages, 399

Universe, riddle of the, two aspects,

[blocks in formation]

Wage-earning, a test of qualities,
262, 282; correlation between
wages and natural endowments,
264-268, 271; cause of low
wages, 264

Wages of workmen, 297-299
War, the Great, effect of, 296;
racial effects of, 499-504
Wealth, distribution of, 304, 313;
possession, 333; effects of
changes, 395; transfer of, from
the childless to parents, 396, 413
Weismann, August, inheritance of
acquired differences, 98, 110;
theory of the continuity of the
germ plasm, 98, 110
Workmen, wages of, 297-299

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