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Changes in the structure of the Earth compared with his-
torical revolutions-Uncertainty of Geological knowledge-
Herculaneum-Pompeii-M. Cuvier-Different state of the
ancient Earth evident from facts-Shells in limestone-Flu-
idity of the primitive Earth-Form of the Earth-Probability
that it was not always inhabited-The Deluge-Ancient
inundations-Land formed by deposition from water-By
coral-worms-Captain Flinder's account of the formation of
coral-islands-The days of Creation-Discoveries and per-
secution of Galileo-Form of coral-reefs-Half-way Island-
Captain Basil Hall's description of coral-worms-Climate of
the ancient Earth-Primitive animals.


Technical terms - Deposition - Strata-Neptunists-Plu-
tonists-Dr. Hutton-John Ray-Progress of knowledge-
Division of minerals into stratified and unstratified bodies-
Formation of granite-its geological position-Mont Blanc-
Dr. Hutton's discovery of granite-veins-Position of gra-
nite in America.

CHAPTER IV.-Page 77.

Visit to the lime-kiln-Dr. Hutton's opinion of the effect
of subterraneous heat in the consolidation of the strata-
Carbonic acid-its effect on calcareous rocks-Pæstum sup-
posed to have been a Phenician colony-Temples and lake
of Pæstum-Tufa-Calcareous waters-Falls of the Velino
-Marble of Tivoli-Decay of granite in Auvergne-Cler-
mont-Natural bridges formed by deposition-Dr. Forbes
on the granite of Cornwall-St. Michael's Mount-Probable
formation of Mount's Bay - Granitic sand-bank — Edward
the Confessor's grant to the monks-The Goodwin Sands-
Encroachments of the Sea on the Sussex coast-Subterranean
forest laid bare at Felpham-Bognor-Monkish legend respect-
ing St. Michael's Mount referred to by Milton-Drayton-

CHAPTER V.-Page 113.

Volcanic eruptions - Causes of heat


Power of steam-Geographical position of volcanoes-Cap-
tain B. Hall's passage of Cape Horn, and account of a vol.
cano in Terra del Fuego-Mrs. Graham's account of an
earthquake in Chili-Volcanoes of Peru and Quito-Of

[blocks in formation]

Mexico - Isles of Revillagigedo - California - Earthquake
in the valley of the Mississippi--At Caraccas-Volcanic
character of the Caribbean Sea-Table-land-Plain of Mal-
pais-Eruption of Jorullo-Volcanic band traced from Alas-
ka to the Society Islands-Low coral-islands subject to in-
undations and shaken by earthquakes-Advantages enjoyed
by the islands which have been elevated by volcanic agency
-Description of Coral-reefs-Of the islands formed on their
extremities-Breaking of the waves on coral-reefs-Owyhee
-Lord Byron's visit to Kirauea-Eruption of Tomboro-
Shower of volcanic dust in Barbadoes-Eruption in St.
Vincent's-Volcanic exhalations fatal to animal life-In-
stance in Lancerote-Extensive influence of the eruption of
Tomboro-Sir Stamford Raffles-Long inaction of Vesuvius

Successive eruptions - Eastern volcanic region -- Extinct

volcanoes of Auvergne, of Germany, of Hungary-Signs of

volcanic action in the Azores, Madeira, the Canaries, Jan

Mayen's Island, Greenland, Cutch, Hindostan-Interior of

Tartary and China unexplored-The Field of Fire-The Par-

sees, artifice of their priests-Volcanic appearances near the

Caspian, Black, and Dead Seas-Transfers of volcanic agency

-The new volcano in the Mediterranean-Mirage-Dis-

appearance of volcanic islands soon after their elevation-Op-

posite effects of earthquakes in raising or depressing the

Earth's surface-Explanation of the wave-like motion of the

ground observed during earthquakes-Earthquake in Jamaica

-At Lisbon-Credibility of great changes of surface being

effected by volcanic agency.

Fructification of ferns-Origin of coal-Primitive vegeta-
bles Formation of mould, of peat-Bituminous fermenta-

tion-Decomposition explained-Vinous and bituminous
fermentation compared-Cannel coal used as pavement-A
coal-pit-Historical facts respecting the use of coal in Great
Britain-Effects of the discovery of coal on national prosperity
-Fossil-wood-Dr. Plot's experiment-Coal fossils-Fine ex-
amples in the Coal mines of Bohemia-Primitive climate-
Gigantic size of the primitive vegetables-Probable order of
the production of plants and animals-Change of climate
in Melville Island-Dr. Paley's view of the unity of purpose
in creation.

CHAPTER VII.-Page 223.

Animal fossils-Consideration of the succession of rocks pro
posed-Strata near Chichester-Advantages of the successive
emergence of the strata-Facts proving the dip of the chalk be-
neath the later formations-Primitive rocks-Granite, various
forms of that rock-Use of a hammer-Granite of Scotland,
of Auvergne-Composition of granite-Quartz-Felspar-
Mica, how distinguished from talc-Muscovy glass-Mica
windows-Granite vein in gneiss-Granite veins in the granite
of Shetland-Geological position of gneiss—Irregular succession
of the primitive strata-Coal resting on granite in Scotland-
Extensive distribution of gneiss-Various forms assumed by that
rock-Metallic substances contained in it-Composition of mica-
slate-Saussure's account of garnets in the Simplon-Origin
of the name garnet-Distribution of mica-slate in Europe and
metals contained in it-Clay-slate-Minerals contained in that
rock-Impressions of fish in Mount Pilate-Primary limestone
-Statuary or Parian marble-Imperfection of the present ar-
rangement-Strata of the Mendip Hills-Conglomerates-
Overlying rocks-Trap rocks-Classification of rocks-Se-

[blocks in formation]

condary strata-Extensive distribution of the old red sand-
stone-Use of conglomerates in facilitating a new arrangement
of the strata-Montserrat-Red marle, the depository of salt
-Deposit of salt in Cheshire-Druidical remains in Cumber-
land-Caves at Nottingham-Alabaster near Whitehaven-
Situation of the red marle in England-Gypsum a characteristic
of that rock-Geographical distribution of red marle-Iron-
sand-The Weald-First division of the secondary strata-
Mountain-limestone-Coal-Northumberland coal-field-Staf-
fordshire coal-field-Iron manufacture-Use of lime in fusing
the iron-stone-Appearance of coal-mines-Numerous strata of
the coal-measures-Formation of coal-Subterranean forests in
Mount's Bay, at Felpham-Position of the coal-strata, faults
or dislocations-Magnesian-limestone-Ninety-Fathom Dyke
caused by basaltic eruption.


Oolites, the term explained-Situation of the English oolites
-Lias, used for lithographs-Jet-Sir Everard Home's Disco-
very of the icthyosaurus-Miss Anning's skeletons-The giant of
Lucerne-Conybeare's discovery of bones at Bristol-Plesio-
saurus found at Lyme-Researches of Cuvier-Habits of animals
indicated by their structure.

CHAPTER IX.- Page 315.

Geological section explained-Destruction of rocks-Fall
of the Rosenburg-The Lionnesse-Land's End District-
Structure of the Cornish rocks-Rock basins-Disintegration
-The Logan Stone-Mason's Caractacus-Druidical ordeal
-Removal of the Logan Stone-Enterprise of a miner-

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