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CONTENTMENT-OR THE HERMIT OF THE MOUNTAINS. 1. THE sun had long since sunk behind the adjacent -mountains, and the sage Ibrahim was returning to rest, when a knocking at the door of his hermitage drew him thither. He opened it, and there stood before him a youth, whose care-marked visage spoke him to be the child of grief. Sire," said the youth, "permit a stranger to pass the night beneath your friendly roof till the returnring morn enables him to pursue his way with safety." The hermit bid him welcome to his cot, and spread his homely board before him.

2. Roots supplied the place of costly viands, and water from a neighbouring spring, the place of blood inflaming wine. The sigh, the starting tear, and all the behaviour of his guest, filled the sage with emotions of compassion; and desiring, if possible, to alleviate the pains of the stranger, he thus addressed him.

3. "In a face so young, in a breast so untutored in this world's cares, it seems to me a wonder that sorrow is a guest; and might it not be thought a bold intrusion, I would know the spring of these your cares; perhaps you mourn the pangs of disappointed love, the loss of some dear friend or earthly joy Say, if your grief be of the common course, perchance my riper years may speak the wished for comfort." "Sire," said the youth, "your kind intentionsdemand at once my thanks and my compliance"

4. "My father was a merchant; in point of wealth Bagdat held not his equal; early he left me to possess his fortunes. The loss of my father was soon forgotten amidst the riches, flatteries, and friends, that now surrounded me. But when reflection took place, happiness became my desire, and I vainly thought that to be rich was to be happy. I enlarged my merchandize, I trafficked to all parts of the globe, and not a wind blew into port but it brought an increase to my store, but yet I was not happy; my desires increased with my possessions, and I was yet miserable.

5. "I then determined to apply to honor, and there seek the happiness which riches would not afford me. I sold off my wares, and, by dint of friends and wealth,


I soon obtained a commission, and on several occasions gave proofs of my valor, till I was sent by the sovereign to oppose a rebellion that had broken out in a distant province. I went, was successful, and returned in triumph, laden with honors, and so much was the Sultan possessed in my favour, that he offered me his daughter in marriage.

6. "Awhile I thought myself happy; but the envy of some, and the artifice of others, soon convinced me of my error. I now resolved to quit public life, and to seek in pleasure the happiness hitherto unknown. My palace now became the scene of continued delights; the richest viands were daily on my table, the most costly liquors sparkled in my bowl, and the beauties of all nations adorned my seraglio: in short, my life was a continued round of pleasure. But alas! frequent excesses impaired my health, and the diversions of the night embittered the reflections of the morning..

7. "I was now determined to quit my home, and seek in solitude and retirement that happiness I had hitherto sought in vain, and which I am, at times inclined to believe, is no more than an object of creative fancy. For this purpose I consigned to the care of a friend all my possessions, and was on the search after a proper place of retirement, when night overtook me, and I implored the shelter of your hospitable roof." Here paused the youth, and thus the sage began.

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8. "The object of your pursuit, my son, indeed is good, and your not attaining it hitherto arises not from its non-existence, but from your errors in the pursuit of it. Happiness, my son, has not its seat in honour, pleasure, or riches. To be happy is in the power of every individual. To all the great Supreme has given wisely; and those who receive what he gives with thankfulness and content, are the only happy."

9. "Return, then, my son, to thy possessions, employ the power of doing good lent by thy Creator, and know that contentment is the substance, and happiness her shadow; those who possess the one, have the other also." The words of the sage sunk deep in the breast of the stranger. He retired to rest in peace, and in the morning he re

turned again to his house, where he witnessed the truth of Ibrahim's advice; and, embracing every method to do, good, he lived in peace and tranquillity; and experienc ed, that to be content is truly to be happy.

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1. THE tolling of the dreadful bell, summoning the miserable to pay their forfeited lives to the injured laws of their country, awoke Henry from the first sleep he had fallen into since he entered the walls of a dismal prison.

2. Henry had been a merchant, and married the beautiful Eliza in the midst of affluence; but the capture of our West-India fleet in the late American war was the first misfortune his house felt. His creditors, from the nature of the loss, were for some time merciful; but, to satisfy some partial demands, he entered into a dishonourable treaty, which being found out, Henry was thrown into prison. He had offended against the laws, and was condemned to die.

3. Eliza possessed Roman virtues. She would not quit hisside; and, with her infant son, she preferred chasing away his melancholy in a dungeon, to her father's house, which was still open to receive her. Their hopes of a reprieve from day to day had fled; but not before the death warrant arrived, Grief overpowered all other senses; sleep, the balmy charmer of the woes of humanity, in pity to their miseries, extended her silken embraces over them, and beguiled the time they had appropriated for prayer: and Eliza, with the infant, still contined under her influence.

4. "Father of mercies !"-exclaimed Henry-" lend thine ear to a supplicating penitent. Give attention to my short prayer. Grant me forgiveness, endue me with fortitude to appear before Thee; and, O God! extend thy mercies to this injured, this best of thy servants, on whom I have entailed undeserved, heart-felt woe. Chase not sleep from her until I am dead.”

5. The keeper interrupted his devotion by warning him of his fate." If there be mercy in you," replied Henry," make no noise; for I would not have my dear

wife and child awakened till I am no more." He wept even he who was inured to misery; he, who with apathy had till now looked upon distress, shed tears at Henry's request.-Nature predominated in the gaoler.

6. At this instant the child cried "O heavens," said Henry, "I am too guilty to have my prayer heard!" He took up his infant, and fortunately hushed it again to rest, while the goaler stood petrified with grief and astonishment. At last he thus broke out "This is too much, my heart bleeds for you; I would I had not seen this day.". "What do I hear," replied Henry. "Is this an angel in the garb of my keeper? Thou art indeed unfit for thy office. This is more than I was prepared to hear. Hence, and let me be conducted to my fate."

7. These words awoke the unhappy Eliza; who, with eagerness to atone for lost time, began to appropriate the few moments left in supplicating for her husband's salvation. Side by side the unhappy couple prayed as the Ordinary advanced to the dismal cell. They were too intent upon their devotion to observe him. The holy man came with more comfort than what his function alone could administer. It was a reprieve; but with caution he communicated the glad tidings to the loving but hapless pair.

8. The effect it had on them was too affecting to be expressed. Henry's senses were overpowered, while Eliza became frantic with joy. She ran to the man of God, then to her child, ere she perceived her husband apparently lifeless. He soon inhaled life from her tender kisses, while the humane gaoler gladly knocked off his fetters.



1. MY brave associates! partners of my toil, my feel. ings, and my fame! Can Rolla's words add vigour to the virtuous energies which inspire your hearts? No-you have judged as I have, the foulness of the crafty plea by which these bold invaders would delude you. Your generous spirit has compared, as mine has, the motives which, in a war like this, can animate their minds, and ours.

• Rolla addressed his patriotic sentiments to the Peruvian warriors preparatory to their engaging the Spaniards,

2. They, by a strange frenzy driven, fight for power, for plunder, and extended rule-we, for our country, our altars, and our homes-They follow an adventurer whore they fear, and obey a power which they hate-we serve a monarch whom we love-a God whom we adore.

3. Whenever they move in anger, desolation tracks their progress! Whenever they pause in amity, affliction mourns their friendship! They boast they come but to improve our state, enlarge our thoughts, and free us from the yoke of error! Yes-they will give enlightened freedom to our minds, who are themselves the slaves of passion, avarice, and pride.

4. They offer us their protection-Yes, such protection as vultures give to lambs-covering and devouring them! They call on us to barter all of good we have inherited and proved, for the desperate chance of something better, which they promise. Be our plain answer this:

5. The throne we honour, is the people's choice-the laws we reverence are our brave fathers' legacy-the faith we follow teaches us to live in bonds of charity with ali mankind, and die in hopes of bliss beyond the grave. your invaders this; and tell them too, we seek no change; and least of all, such change as they would bring us.




Gentlemen of the house of Representatives,

14 THE present situation of our country imposes an obligation on all the departments of government to adopt an explicit and decided conduct. In my situation, an exposition of the principles upon which my administration will be governed, ought not to be omitted.

2. It is impossible to conceal from ourselves, or the world, what has been before observed, that endeavours have been employed to foster, and establish a division between the government and people of the United States. To investigate the causes which have encouraged this attempt, is not necessary; but to repel by decided and united councils, insinuations so derogatory to the honour, and aggressions so dangerous to the constitution, union,

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