The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: The political essaysHarvard University Press, 1974 |
Unions upon | 16 |
The Effect of Trades | 24 |
The Effect of Trades Unions | 30 |
Авторские права | |
Не показаны другие разделы: 13
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¹ This article Alsace army Assembly Austria Bagehot believe better Bill cabinet Cobden Constitution danger Declaration of Paris defend difficulty Disraeli doubt Economist effect election Emperor Empire England English equal Europe evil existing fact favour fear feel Fenian force foreign France French friendly societies Germany give Gladstone Gladstone's grievance Home Rule House of Lords India influence interest Ireland Khedive labour least less Liberal Lord Carnarvon Lord Derby Lord Hartington majority Marshal MacMahon matter means ment military mind ministers nation navy never object opinion Orleanists Paris Parliament parliamentary party peace persons political popular possible present President Prince Bismarck principle probably Protestant question reason recognised Republic result Roman Catholic Rulers Russia secure shares ships sort speech statesmen Suez Canal sure Thiers things tion trades unions Turkey Turkish Volume vote wages wish