MATT. XVIII. 23-35.-The Unmerciful Servant...... 51 LUKE VII. 14-49.-The Two Debtors THE PARABLES OF OUR LORD. CONVERSATION I. THE SOWER AND THE SEED. Matt. xiii. 3-9. THOSE Who have returned to their "Dulce Domum," after their first half year at school, can understand George Mansfield's feelings on reaching that much loved dwelling, where all his infant griefs had been soothed by a fond mother; where he had been the companion of an enlightened father, and the play-fellow of a beloved sister. That sister he found unchanged; she was still the same amiable, lively child he had left her; his father still looked as if he should be wel B come as ever to his study; but his tender mother was no longer (as she had once been) able to sympathise in all his childish amusements, to share in all his more rational pursuits. Confined almost continually to a sofa, she could only converse with her children, or listen while they read. It was winter; and after dinner her sofa was wheeled to the fireside, and in the interval between that meal and tea, an hour which Mr. Mansfield usually spent in his study, little Emily (now in her twelfth year) would quietly seat herself beside her mother, and either read or talk, as best suited the inclination of the invalid. For the first evening after George's arrival, Mr. Mansfield remained with them; but on the next he retired as usual, and George seating himself in his father's chair seemed quite ready for conversation. 6 Mother,' he said, ' do you remember how we agreed, that when I should come home at Christmas we should read together every day a chapter in one of the Gospels? ' |