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SON of a tallow chandler, born in Boston, 1706. Printer. Published an almanac known as "Poor Richard's Almanack" famous for its wise proverbs. Printed and edited the best newspaper in the American colonies. Post-Master General. Proved by kite in 1752, that lightning of the clouds was electricity. Promoted literary institutions. Influential in repealing Stamp Act. One of the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence, negotiated the treaty with France, 1776, without which the Revolution could hardly have succeeded. Assisted in making treaty of peace with England 1782. Took part in framing the Constitution of the United States 1787. Died 1790, aged 84, and it was said he wrested the lightning from the sky and the scepter from tyrants.

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The Pearl is a leader among small cutters for cutting stock in quantity. It is
in large use by small print shops and multigraph shops for cutting stock to
special sizes as required; by banks, department stores, and large commercial
houses for cutting the margins from their monthly statements; and by pho-
tographers for cutting sensitized paper in quantity and to exact size for

Exceedingly low priced, but broadly
guaranteed as to accuracy, durability and

The Base is a desirable feature as a
waste receptacle.

Made in sizes 142 and 19
inches. Cutting depth 2". Both
sizes can be furnished with or
without cast iron base.

The Improved PEARL PRESS

Every Print Shop Should Have a
Pearl Press for the Small Work

The Pearl is the fastest platen power press made. It is easily fed at
high speed. Any boy or girl will just naturally fall into the swing of
it and will produce the small work at a reduction in the actual per-
centage of cost for labor, interest, power, rent and maintenance, as
compared with the results secured from the same work done on the
larger press.

The Pearl Press for small work-is efficiency.

Made in sizes 5x8 and 7x11 inches. Illustration
shows the 7x11 inch size with complete equipment.






A Versatile Press for the Production of

Quantity and Quality Work

Printers who have used the Golding Art Jobber are very enthusiastic about it because of its ease of feed, quick make-ready, excellent distribution, durability, high speed and quality of production.

THE GOLDING ART JOBBER is extraordinarily productive on the regular run of job printing; it is well adapted to the printing of large rule forms, large halftone and plate forms and booklet halftone pages; also does good printing on wood and is strong enough for embossing work.

THE ILLUSTRATION SHOWS the Golding Art Jobber No. 18-12x18 inches-complete with full length automatic brayer fountain, duplex distributor, vibrating roller, adjustable rollerways, safety feed guard, counter and power fixtures. This press is also made in size of 15x21 inches. Both sizes can be furnished complete for operation by individual electric motor.

Unusual jobs are done with ease and at an extra profit with THE GOLDING ART JOBBER!




The Golding Tablet Press is an excellent device for padding and bundling stationery and padding discarded stationery for scratch pads. It is made in two sizes, the larger size holding up to five thousand sheets of stock of size up to 82x16 inches.

The Improved

Here is an automatic clamping, power paper cutter that is meeting
to perfection, the requirements of the medium sized job print
shop. There is much economy in Automatic Clamping.
There are two sizes having cutting widths of 36 and 42 inches,
respectively. The cutting depth is four inches.

All parts are strongly ribbed and reinforced for strength and
durability. The knife has a double shear action, the shear increas-
ing with the depth of the cut.

Some special features are the three part finger back gage, scored bed, graduated scale on bed, foot lever for clamp adjustment, safety control lever; and a fool-proof clutch which automatically trips after each cut. The Operating Clutch is positive and noiseless.

The lowest priced auto-clamp paper cutter made. Broadly guaranteed as to accuracy, durability and workmanship.

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He wanted eight distinct colors


He found twelve!

HE advertising manager of a nationally known concern needed eight distinct colors in an inexpensive bond paper to use for certain forms.

He told us that he had investigated every sulphite bond paper on the market and could not find the colors. “I've looked at them all," he said. "It's no use. There's not enough difference between them."

But we found that he hadn't seen Basic Bond. We sent him samples. Right back came an enthusiastic letter. "I wanted eight colors. I found twelve- and they're distinctive, just what I need!" he wrote. "Basic Bond is the only paper of its kind that offers such advantages in color."

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Copyright, 1923, by C. H. Dexter & Sons, Inc.

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