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if different from mine, and therefore submitted to their notice cases of direct and indirect Mesmerism. A man was brought before us with an enlarged and tender testis, and of the latter point Dr. Behn satisfied himself and friends, by pressing the part-there could be no mistake about it. I then, by the hands and breath, mesmerised him, standing before me, till he could not open his eyes, and the sensibility of the skin had disappeared. Dr. Behn then used any degree of pressure he chose to apply to the tender part, and the man's face was as placid as a statue of Somnus; every means was used to ascertain the state of the skin and the organs of sense, and it was clear that the ear was the only organ that transmitted any sensation to the brain, and this only of sound; when water was squirted suddenly into his ear, he said that he felt nothing, and on waking, he was surprised to find his face wet. I also converted him into a somnambulist, that the gentlemen might at once have before them as many as possible of the genuine mesmeric phenomena. Another man was then brought; and on asking him about his health, he said that he was feverish and had a severe pain in the side. This was evidently the case; for Dr. Behn pressed between the ribs, and found the intercostal spaces

exceedingly tender. I then put him in a corner of the room, and bid him sleep: in less than five minutes he was asleep, could not turn round, or open his eyes, catalepsy was established, and all sensibility had disappeared; as Dr. Behn ascertained by now pressing between the ribs to any degree he pleased; and not only so, the whole chest was seen to be catalepsed and immovable. His eyelids were forced open, and the white of the eye could only be seen. The moment he awoke, Dr. Behn again made pressure on the intercostal spaces, and he showed immediate and acute suffering.—In a word, the spontaneous mesmeric condition differed in no particular from that induced by the direct application of the mesmeric influence, and my visiters seemed to be perfectly satisfied of the reality of the symptoms in both


It would be tedious to dwell on this point farther, and I hope enough has been said to convince the public that, in general, when people are said to have been mesmerised "by nothing," it is a certain proof that something has pre-disposed to this, and we know nothing that can do this but Mesmerism. It is hardly worth while to dispute about names; and if it is allowed that I can cure nervous headaches, and perform painless surgical operations

by hysteria, call the process hysteric or mesmericI care not.

But after all, there is a satisfaction in calling things by their right names, and I cannot possibly see how hysteria has got into my hospitals, where I never saw it before coolies and felons not being at all nervous subjects. I have, therefore, generated a new disease among my patients by nothing, or by using the mesmeric processes. Which is the more likely, I leave my readers to decide. As natural hysteria may be supposed to be more powerful than the imitation, I shall look with impatience for the announcement, in "The Morning Post," that Mrs. Freak has been cured of her nervous headaches by the skilful application of hysteria, and Lady Tantrum has had her arm cut off when in a fit of hysterics, without knowing it. These should be easy feats for our fashionable physicians and surgeons, as they have the disease and antidote ready made to their hands; whereas, it costs me and my assistants great trouble to make the coolies and prisoners of Bengal hysterical, to the degree necessary to render them insensible to the loss of their members.

But seriously, if medical men wish to see and understand the effects of Mesmerism on the body, the natural and rational mode of proceeding is to

attempt to develope them in the persons of their own patients; and if they will take a tithe of the trouble I have been at, I can promise them very general success. The finest, as well as the most striking phenomena will thenbe equally diagnostic to their practised eyes, and their understandings will be left clear, and free to study and imitate the curative processes of Nature, undisturbed by doubts and suspicions regarding the powers of observation and the honesty of others.



Mesmerism in Surgery.

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Journal of Practical Mesmerism. Mesmeric Trance: A Leg straightened in; Colic cured by; Penis amputated in; Arm straightened in; Arm amputated in; Breast cut off in; Abscess opened in; Heel flayed in; Tooth extracted in; End of Thumb cut off in ; Arm laid open in; Three Abscesses opened in; Sinus laid open in; Gum cut away in; Invasion of the waking by the sleeping State. · Mesmeric Trance: Hypertrophied Prepuce cut off in; Suppurating Pile in; Both great Toe Nails cut out in; Knee straightened in; Ulcer on Temple burned with Muriatic Acid in; Seton introduced, &c. in; Tumour in Groin removed in; Fungoid Sores pared off in; Scirrhus Testes extirpated in; Cataract operated on in; Malignant Disease of Testes extirpated in; Unhealthy Sore pared in; Hypertrophied Prepuce cut off in; Pain extinguished by; Return on awaking; Amputation of Penis in; Unhealthy Sores pared in; Two Operations for Hydrocele in. Mesmerism alike favour

able to the Operator and the Patient.

IN Surgery, the benefits of Mesmerism are not confined to the extinction of pain during an operation, but are of the greatest general and particular advantage in the after-treatment of surgical diseases. The nerves and brain have not been shattered by bodily and mental anguish, which generally excites an irritative fever in the system,

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