RICH IN PHOSPHATES & NITROGEN. Woman's Hospital and Foundling's Home, Detroit, Mich., January 3rd, 1881. We treat, in the course of a year, a great number of children. Since we have used MELLIN'S FOOD the mortality has been reduced by more than one half. Our children have never looked so well and healthy as they do at the present moment. H. E. DEANE, M.D., Resident Physician. PRICE 1/6 & 2/6 PER BOTTLE. MMOTTASED 31 Sample and Prospectus on application to the Inventor and Manufacturer, G. MELLIN, Marlboro' Works, Peckham, S.E. MARRIOTT & COOPER. MESSRS. MARRIOTT & COOPER, Who, for many years, have been partners in the Firm of Humber, Marriott, & Cooper, beg to inform the Trade and the Public that they have made arrangements for the dissolution of their former firm of Humber, Marriott, & Cooper, and that they have NO CONNECTION therewith, or with Mr. Humber. Under the arrangement for such dissolution, and for their retirement, Messrs. & COOPER MARRIOTT have commenced, and now carry on, an entirely separate business, and have Taken over, and have now on Sale, a Large Stock of Humber, Marriott, & Cooper's Cycles OF THE LATEST PATTERNS, And have also the right of making and selling all the Humber Cycles as heretofore made and sold by Humber, Marriott, & Cooper. The Humber Cycles so taken over are ready for IMMEDIATE SELECTION at MESSRS. MARRIOTT & NEW CENTRAL PREMISES, COOPER'S 65a, HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON (Opposite Holborn Viaduct Station). Works for the Library. Chatto & Windus, Publishers. 1 vol., 6s. THE FIFTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES of the WORLD: from Marathon to Waterloo. By Sir EDWARD CREASY, late Chief Justice of Ceylon. Twenty-ninth Edition, with Plans. Also a Library Edition in 8vo., with Plans, 10s. 6d. 1 vol., 6s. THE LIFE OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. From the French of M. MIGNET, by ANDREW SCOBLE. With Two Portraits. In crown 8vo. "The standard authority on the subject."-Daily News. "A good service done to historical accuracy."— Morning Post. 1 vol.., 6s. THE LIFE OF OLIVER CROMWELL. From the French of M. GUIZOT, by ANDREW SCOBLE. In crown 8vo., with Four Portraits. "M. Guizot has unravelled Cromwell's character with singular skill. No one, in our opinion, has drawn his portrait with equal truth."-Quarterly Review. 1 vol., 3s. 6d. THE GREAT TONE POETS: being Brief Memoirs of the Greater Musical Composers -Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, Spohr, Beethoven, Weber, Rossini, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, &c. By FREDERICK CROWEST. Fifth Edition, crown 8vo. 1 vol., 6s. THE LIFE OF LORD WOLSELEY. By CHARLES RATHBONE LOW (late), Indian Navy, F.R.G.S. A New and Extended Edition, brought down to date. Crown 8vo., with a portrait. The 4 Vols., 148., or separately. CURIOSITIES OF NATURAL HISTORY. By FRANK BUCKLAND. Popular Edition, with Illustrations, in 4 vols., small crown 8vo., 14s. Each volume can be had separately, price 3s. 6d. "These most fascinating works on natural history." -Morning Post. 1 vol., 6s. CONNOP THIRLWALL, D.D., Bishop of St. "One of the most interesting collections of letters in the English language."-St. James's Gazette. With over 200 Illustrations. THE HEAVENS. An Illustrated Hand- 1 vol., 3s. 6d. By LOUIS THE DAY AFTER DEATH; or, the With numerous Illustrations. THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS; or, "Abundant in humour, observation, fancy; in extensive knowledge of books and men; in palpable hits of character, exquisite grave irony, and the most whimsical indulgence in point of epigram. We cannot open a page that is not sparkling with its wit and humour, that is not ringing with its strokes of pleasantry and satire.-Examiner. The ILLUSTRATED EDITION, with 69 Illustrations by Cruikshank, Leech, and Tenniel, bevelled boards, gilt edges, 218.; or bound in the Ely pattern, same price; also, in white cloth, in the Ely pattern, for Presentation Copies, 22s. 6d. The CARMINE EDITION, with 20 Illustrations on Steel by Cruikshank and Leech, with gilt edges and bevelled boards, 10s. 6d. The EDINBURGH EDITION, in large type, with 50 Illustrations by Cruikshank, Leech, Tenniel, Barham, and Du Maurier, in red cloth, 68. The POPULAR EDITION, in crown 8vo. cloth, with 16 Illustrations by Cruikshank, Leech, Tenniel, and Barham, 3s. 6d. 6 vols., crown 8vo., 63s. JANE AUSTEN'S NOVELS. Steventon Edition.) (The "An edition which all lovers of this delightful authoress should hasten to place upon their shelves."St. James's Gazette. RICHARD BENTLEY & SON, New Burlington-st. WORKS BY GRANT ALLEN. Crown 8vo., cloth THE EVOLUTIONIST AT LARGE. WORKS BY W. MATTIEU WILLIAMS, F.R.A.S. zine." 1s. Monthly. SCIENCE IN SHORT CHAPTERS. Crown 8vo., A SIMPLE TREATISE ON HEAT. Crown 8vo., THE EARTH AND MAN; or, Physical Geography POPULAR ASTRONOMY. By J. RAMBOSSON, A SYNOPSIS OF THE BACTERIA AND YEAST- WORKS BY RICHARD A. PROCTOR, Editor of Small crown 8vo., cloth extra, 4s. 6d. Crown 8vo., ROUGH WAYS MADE SMOOTH. Familiar Essays THE EXPANSE OF HEAVEN. Crown 8vo., cloth SATURN AND ITS SYSTEM. With 13 Steel Plates. extra, 6s. WORKS BY Dr. ANDREW WILSON, F.R.S.E. LEISURE TIME STUDIES, Chiefly Biological. WORKS BY MICHAEL FARADAY. ON THE VARIOUS FORCES OF NATURE, WORKS BY Dr. J. E. TAYLOR, F.L.S. SCIENCE-GOSSIP. An Illustrated London: CHATTO & WINDUS, Piccadilly, W. Eighth Edition, completely Revised. With 135 Woodcuts and 17 Plates. 8vo. price 168. A HANDBOOK OF PRACTICAL TELEGRAPHY. By R. S. CULLEY, Member Inst. C.E., late Engineer-in-Chief of Telegraphs to the Post Office. London: LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. With 111 Diagrams and 5 Woodcut Illustrations. 8vo. 218. Aid to Engineering Solution. By LOWIS D'A. JACKSON. Second English Edition with Additions. With 291 SPECTRUM ANALYSIS In its application to Terrestrial Substances, and the Dr. H. SCHELLEN, Translated from the Third Enlarged and Revised London: LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. MANITOBA DESCRIBED. series of General Observations upon Farming, Climate, Sport, Natural History, and Future Pros pects of the Country. By ROBERT MILLER CHRISTY. "A full and well-digested account of the great Canadian province."-Saturday Resiow. Just ready. New Work by ARTHUR CLAYDEN, with HE POPULAR HANDBOOK TO NEW TZEALAND, its Resources, Industries, Natural Attractions, Government, and Institutions, compiled from authentic sources. With Introduction on New Zealand as an English Middle-Class Emigration Field, and personal experiences during a Four Years' Residence in the Colony. By ARTHUR CLAYDEN, F.R.C.I., Author of "The Revolt of the Field," "The England of the Pacific," &c. A person intending to emigrate may here find all that he can desire to know about New Zealand as a field for enterprise."-Daily News. Just published, in stiff paper covers, price 1s. RUS: A Bundle of Bucolics. "The clever writer has a clear and honest purpose in view.-Weekly Despatch. "A series of short and very clever essays." -Knowledge. "We must send our readers to the book itself, which is well written, interesting, and only costs one shilling."-Weekly Times. "It exposes the seamy side of English country life. Ought to be read by the present and coming electorate. The terrible evils of our laws of primogeniture, of game laws, are mercilessly exposed.' Halifax Courier. London: Just Published. Crown 8vo., cloth, price 2s. 6d. LITERARY SUCCESS: Being a Guide to Practical Jour. nalism, with Hints how to Succeed in Literature. By A. ARTHUR READE, Author of "Study and Stimulants," "Tea and Tea Drinking," &c. "It is crammed full of information from cover to cover; and, moreover, of just the kind and amount of information needed by the literary aspirant. .. The whole book is so thoroughly useful and to the point, that the literary aspirant will do himself a real injustice if he omits to obtain it."-Knowledge. LONDON: WYMAN & SONS, 75, Great Queen Street, W.C. STAINS FOR WOOD FLOORS. LIGHT OAK. DARK OAK. ASK FOR Applied to Ordinary Deal gives an exact imitation of Old Polished Oak Floors. IMMENSE SAVING IN THEIR USE, As no size or varnish is required, the application of one coat only taking the place of two coats of size, one of stain, and one of varnish by the ordinary process. INVALUABLE FOR THE BORDERS OF ROOMS, As they do not scratch like ordinary varnished surfaces, and the cost of staining would be about 1d. a square yard, as against 4s. or 58. per square yard for carpet. GREAT PREVENTIVE TO CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Dr. Koch, in a recent lecture on Cholera, stated that polishing and dry-rubbing floors was a greater protection than washing floors. Prices, 10s. 6d. per gallon; 6s. 6d. per half-gallon; 4s. per quart. Half a gallon will do a three-foot border round a large room. TORBAY PAINT COMPANY, 26, 27, and 28, BILLITER STREET, LONDON, E.C. MOIR'S JAMS, SOUPS TABLE HOME MADE IN GLASSES, JELLIES, AND URE PICKLES. PURE ODELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION drawing, in wood or metal. Estimates given. Best workmanship guaranteed.-LUCAS & DAVIES, 21, Charles-street, Hatton-garden, E.C. HE CALIGRAPH THE Is the fastest, lightest, and most durable WRITING MACHINE. It does not cramp the hand. writing can be press-copied and manifolded on the Hektograph or Cyclostyle. Sole Agent for the United Kingdom, T. DAVISON, 18, Queen Victoria-street, London, E.C. Price 2s. 6d., cloth, with Diagrams throughout, PRACTICking Drawings useful in the Workshop. By ROBERT SCOTT BURN, C.E. "Nothing can be plainer or more perspicuous than the language of its descriptions, which are illustrated by no less than 130 figures. This is a book to be obtained by everyone, be he mechanic or amateur, who has to work to scale."-Knowledge. Manchester: ABEL HEYWOOD & SON. Works by E. D. GIRDLESTONE, B.A., &c. OUR DEBT AND DUTY TO THE SOIL, Or, the Poetry and Philosophy of Sewage Utilisation. 12mo. 66 pp. Price 6d. NEW and SECOND-HAND Magic Lanterns and Slides. An immense stock at a great reduction in price. Catalogue three stamps. NEW and SECOND-HAND Photographic Apparatus, Chemicals, and every requisite. Catalogue with simple instructions for Amateurs in Dry-Plate Photography by W. K. BURTON, C.E., forwarded by post on receipt of seven stamps. NEW and SECOND-HAND Microscopes, Telescopes, Mathematical Cases, Opera Glasses, Spectacles, and every description of Optical and Scientific Goods. Catalogue three stamps. WALTER LAWLEY, 78, Farringdon St., near Ludgate Circus, at o A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS M BEE CHANN PATENT LANCASHIRE Are admitted by thonsands to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such 88 Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fullness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness, and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. "A most clearly-written, instructive, and useful little pamphlet."-KNOWLEDGE, Feb. 6, 1885, p. 106. VIVISECTION In its Scientific, Religious, and Moral Aspects. 8vo., 68 pp. Price 1s. Apply to the Author, 17, Goldney-rd. Clifton, Bristol. A powerful plea by a competent scholar, an able reasoner, and a fair critic."-Oldham Chronicle. By Appoint. ments to the Queen and Crown Princess of Germany. Gents' 3/8 Gents' 8/9 ALL PURE FLAX. ROBINSON & "The Cambrics of Robinson and Cleaver HELENS For females of all ages these pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are "FACTS" admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society; and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, Beecham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. CAUTION.-The public are requested to notice that the words "BEECHAM'S PILLS, St. Helens," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not on, they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, T. BEECHAM, Chemist, St. Helens, Lancashire, in boxes at 1s. 1d. and 2s. 9d. each. Sent post free from the proprietor for 15 or 36 stamps.-Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers in the Kingdom. N.B. Full directions are given with each box. MESSER'S BRITISH WILD FLOWERS. -A New and Rapid Method of Studying Wild Flowers by Analytical Illustrations. "This original and striking work should be in the hands of every student."-Schoolmaster. Cloth, 10s. 6d. DIPROSE & BATEMAN, Sheffield-street, W.C. have a world-wide fame."Queen £20.-TOBACCONISTS COMMENC HANDKERCHIEFS, CLEAVER, BELFAST. Illustrated Guide (110 pages) how to open respectably from £20 to £2,000. 3 Stamps. -H.MYERS & Co., Cigar and Tobacco Merchants, 109, Euston-road, London. Telephone No. 7541. THE NEW POCKET METALLIC THERMOMETER (PATENT). Is as accurate as a Mercurial Thermometer and far more sensitive, while for portablility it is unequalled, and it will be found an invaluable pocket companion. These instruments are not made on the old system of using the dissimilar contraction and expansion of two metals, but the motion is obtained from the expansion and contraction of a liquid hermetically sealed in a metallic vacuum. Price, in Solid Silver, the size of the engraving, in outer Morocco case, 21s., sent post free. JOHN BROWNING, 63, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. INTERNATIONAL HEALTH EXHIBITION. GREAT SUCCESS. TWO GOLD, TWO SILVER, ONE BRONZE, MEDALS. P. A. AWARDED то MAIGNEN, 32, ST. MARY-AT-HILL, EASTCHEAP, LONDON, for MAIGNEN'S PATENT FILTRE RAPIDE AND WATER-SOFTENING PROCESS. Prices and Particulars in Pamphlet, "Water, Preventable Disease, and Filtration," by P. A. MAIGNEN. PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS For TOURISTS, BICYCLISTS, TRICYCLISTS, &c. &c. 0 0 10 10 0 700 .... LE MERVEILLEUX. LE MERITOIRE THE INSTANTOGRAPH... PATENT CAMERA TENTH THOUSAND "How to be a Successful Amateur Photographer," by W. J. Lancaster, F.C.S., &c. 64 pp., 31 Illustrations, 6d. post free. Illustrated Catalogue, 2 stamps. J. LANCASTER & SON, Opticians, Birmingham. Printed and Published for the Proprietors by CHARLES WYMAN, at the Printing Office of Wyman & Sons, 74-76, Great Queen-street, CONTENTS:-Red Spot on Jupiter-Thought and Language-Colossal Statues-Illusions-Household Insects-Young Electrician-Hysteria as Religion-Clothing-Needle and Thread Plant-Star Lessons-Thunderstorms in America-Geometry-Correspondence-Chess-Whist. KNOWLED AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF SCIENCE PLAINLY WORDED-EXACTLY DESCRIBED THUG CONDUCTED BY RICHARD A. PROCTOR. PHOTOGRAPHY-Practical Lessons FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1885. [PRICE THREEPENCE. Registered at the G.P.O as a Newspaper. MEMORY & SUCCESS. HODDER & STOUGHTONʼSLIST. WHAT IAT IS IT THAT contributes greatly to success? A bad memory. W student, Speaker, Professional and Business Man? WHAT IT TOATTY one can obtain from Prospectus post free, giving opinions of Mr. Great inducements to Correspondence Classes in all parts of the world. Also private instruction by post. Day and Evening Classes in "Never Forgetting," and for Cure of "Mind-Wandering." PROFESSOR LOISETTE, 37, New Oxford-street, London. PRACTICAL TELEGRAPHY. By R. 8. CULLEY, Member Inst. C.E., late Engineer-in-Chief of Telegraphs London: LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. Piven free to the purchaser of Stanley's Complete Aid to Engineering Solution. Sets of Apparatus. Customer's own portrait taken by the Camera and Lens he purchases, thereby enabling him to see what work it will do. Complete sets for Dry-plate process, 50s., 63s., 80s., £5. 10s., £7. 10s., and upwards. Machine-made CAMERAS, superior to hand make, "PH exposures. Entirely under control. Smallest made. IME Per sheet 1s., or ready cut, sufficient for 42 C.D.V., 15 Cabinets, or 10 half-plates, 1s. 1d., post free. EW "RAPID" POSITIVE PAPER, Nor printing by artificial light, 560 pieces .D., Is. 2d.; 24 cabinets, ls. 8d.; or whole sheet, 1s. 2d. New Illustrated Price list post free 1 stamp. By LOWIS D'A. JACKSON. Civil Engineer, Author of "Aid to Survey Practice," With 291 Second English Edition with Additions. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS In its application to Terrestrial Substances, and the Dr. H. SCHELLEN, Translated from the Third Enlarged and Revised London: LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. New and Cheaper Edition, with 6 Maps and 34 Illustrations, 6s. THE BLACK FOREST: ITS PEOPLE AND LEGENDS. NEXT WEEK WILL BE PUBLISHED BY JOHN B. GOUGH. This book is the crowning life-work of its illustrious author, who describes it as "Leaves from my Notebook of Forty Years, Illustrated by Anecdotes, Incidents, Personal Experiences, Facts, and Stories, drawn from the Humour and Pathos of Life." The racy humour, eloquence, and pathos so characteristic of the author, and which made his "Sunlight and Shadow" 80 great a success, will all be found in "Platform Echoes." Early orders should be given through any bookseller. New Work by MISS CLEVELAND, Sister of the By ROSE ELIZABETH CLEVELAND. Fourth Edition, Crown 8vo., 7s. 6d. |