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She was seized upon suspicion of being concerned in Wyatt's conspiracy; and though very ill at the time, was taken prisoner, and conveyed to the Tower. There she was treated with great severity, confined in a close room, and subjected to several examinations from Bishop Gardiner and others; but she answered all their questions with so much adroitness and discretion, that though they tried various arts to entrap her, they could find nothing in her to condemn. For a whole month however, she was not suffered to breathe the fresh air; and in order to vex and annoy her, or else in the vain hope of converting her from what her enemies called heresy, mass was frequently performed in her room. At last she was allowed, as a great favour, to walk in the queen's garden; but always attended by a guard, who watched every thing she said and did. Even a little boy of only four years old, who sometimes tried to console her, by bringing offerings of flowers, was sent away, lest he should be employed as a messenger to her by some of the suspected party. But these early troubles of Elizabeth had proved very useful to her. She had learnt from them many a lesson of wisdom, and patience, and fortitude; and now, when her affairs took a different turn, and the death of Mary called her from her retirement, and

obscurity, and almost disgrace, to the dignities of royalty, she was the better prepared, by the trials she had endured, for the performance of her new duties

Elizabeth was residing at Hatfield, in Hertfordshire, when she received the news of her sister's death, and was acknowledged Queen. She soon set off for London, and entered the city amidst shouts of joy from the people, who were quite prepared to love and honour her. Then she was conducted, according to custom, to the Tower. You may imagine what her feelings must have been when she arrived there, when she found herself in that very place in which she had been confined as a prisoner, and treated with such cruelty, not very long before. How different everything was with her now! What a change had taken place! There she stood, surrounded with pomp and splendour, with all around her ready to do her homage, and to pay her every respect in their power. Elizabeth felt, as well she might, not only happy but thankful,-thankful to Him who had so wonderfully brought her through all her difficulties, to such a state of prosperity. She hastened through the various rooms and passages; and as soon as she reached her own apartments, she fell on her knees, and humbly thanked God who had delivered her, like Daniel from the den of lions,

and permitted her to see this joyful and happy day.

And now came Elizabeth's coronation, and never before had any event been celebrated with so much joy and magnificence in the great city of London. The Queen was conveyed from her palace at Westminster, to the Tower, by water, and a splendid procession was appointed to attend her there in barges ; for the narrow roads of those days were not quite so well adapted for royal processions, as the fine broad streets of our more modern times. A day or two after this, she was attended through the city by a number of noblemen, and gentlemen, and ladies, on horseback, all splendidly attired in velvet, adorned with gold and silver. Triumphal arches were erected in the principal streets, with allegorical figures and representations, and Latin mottos and inscriptions; and a child was stationed at each, to explain the meaning of these hierogliphics to the Queen as she proceeded. Elizabeth was gratified with all she saw; but there was one part of the pageant that pleased her more than any thing else;-as she passed along, a child, who was intended to represent Truth, stepped forward, and presented her with an English Bible. Elizabeth received it with re verence, pressed it to her lips and her heart, and declared aloud, that she considered this

the most valuable gift that could be presented to her, and that she thanked the city more for it than for all the costly adornments that had been prepared for her gratification that day. The people expressed their love and loyalty to their sovereign with tears of joy, when they heard her say this.

Another of these pageants represented a personage in royal robes, with a sceptre in her hand, and over her head this inscription,"Deborah, the judge and restorer of the house of Israel." This was intended to intimate that the nation considered Elizabeth to be the restorer and upholder of the Protestant religion in this country,-the faithful guardian of truth, and the mother of her affectionate subjects, the people of England. Every body tried to show some mark of respect and regard to their Queen that day. Even the poor women had their little nosegays of flowers to present; and one, who perhaps had nothing else to bestow, offered her a branch of rosemary. Elizabeth received all their gifts with smiles and thanks, and thus she endeared herself to the people still more.

The first acts of the reign of Elizabeth, showed that she did indeed intend to be the restorer and defender of the reformed religion. All the acts and statutes of Edward VI. which had been set aside during Mary's reign, were

now again enforced. The Liturgy was read in the churches in the English language; the Bible was freely circulated, and a new translation of it was soon commenced, and quickly completed. The Queen's supremacy was insisted upon, and no one who denied it was allowed to hold any public office. The bishops therefore who refused to take the required oath were deprived of their sees in consequence, but they were treated with mildness and respect. Bonner, who had occasioned so many deaths in the previous reign, and was very obnoxious to the people, was kept in prison during the remainder of his life; but Elizabeth refused to treat even him with greater severity. The religion of Protestantism, -of the Bible,-teaches us to exercise gentleness and forbearance, not hatred and revenge, towards those who differ from us; and though it is the duty of rulers to maintain the cause of truth by enacting righteous laws, and by enforcing the observance of those laws, yet to allow of persecution on account of religion is quite contrary to the spirit of the gospel; and whenever the friends of protestantism have been induced, in times of excitement, to act with harshness in this respect, they have done dishonour to the good cause; and their conduct is to be attributed not to religion, but

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