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Feb. the king came to the parliament, and gave the royal assent to several Bills. - After which, his majesty made the following Speech:

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My Lords and Gentlemen; I came to pass the Bill for disbanding the Army, as soon as I understood it was ready for me: though in our present circumstances there appears great hazard in breaking such a number of the Troops: and though I might think myself unkindly used, that those Guards who came over with me to your assistance, and have constantly attended me in a'l the actions wherein I have been engaged, should be removed froin me; yet it is my fixed opinion, that nothing can be so fatal to us, as that any distrust or jealousy should arise between me and my people, which I must own would have been very unexpected, after what I have undertaken, ventured, and acted for the restoring and securing of their liberties. I have thus plainly told you the only reason which has induced me to pass this Bill: and now I think myself obliged, in discharge of the trust reposed in me, and for my own justification, that no ill consequences may lie at my door, to tell you as plainly my judgment, that the nation is left too much exposed. It is therefore incumbent on you to take this matter into your serious consideration, and effectually to provide such a strength as is necessary for the safety of the kingdom, and the preservation of the peace which God hath given us."

Address of the Commons thereon.] The Commons were so well pleased with this gracious complaisance of the king, that they iminediately resolved, "That an humble Address be presented to the king, to give his majesty Thanks for his most gracious Speech, with the assurances of this house, That they will stand by, and assist his majesty in the support of him and his government, against all enemies whatsoever." And they accordingly put their Resolution into this form of Address:

"Most gracious Sovereign; We your majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Commons in parliament assembled, being highly sensible of the difficulties your majesty has undertaken, the labours you have sustained, and the hazards you have run, in rescuing us from Popery and Arbitrary Power, restoring our Liberties, and giving peace and quiet to all Christendom; beg leave to return our most hearty Thanks, for your most gracious Speech: in which you express so great a regard for the

present forced to withdraw myself out of the kingdom, I shall always preserve the same inclination to its advantages and prosperity. • And when I can judge, that my presence • will be necessary for your defence, I shall be | ⚫ ready to return, and hazard myself for your ⚫ security, as I have formerly done; beseeching the great God to bless your deliberations, ' and to inspire you with all that is necessary ⚫ for the good and welfare of the kingdom.'By what means the king was diverted from executing this resolution, does not appear." Tindal.

good will and affections of your people, and have given so undeniable a proof of your readiness to comply with the desires of your parliament; and as your majesty has shewn a most tender and fatherly concern for the security and safety of your people; so give us leave to assure your majesty, That you shall never have reason to think the Commons are undutiful, or unkind to your majesty; but that we will upon all occasions stand by, and assist your majesty in the preservation of your sacred person, and support of your Government against all your enemies whatsoever."

The King's Answer.] This Address being presented by the whole house, was thus answered by the king :

"Gentlemen; I take this Address very kindly: I am fully satisfied of your duty and affection to me, and have no doubt but you will always act in the manner you have expressed on this occasion."

The King's Message concerning the Dutch Guards. March 17. The earl of Ranelagh delivered a Message from the king to the house, which was all writ by his majesty's own hand, as follows:

"William R. His majesty is pleased to let the house know, that the necessary Preparations are made for transporting the Guards who came with him into England; and that he intends to send them away immediately, unless, out of consideration to him, the house be disposed to find a way for continuing them longer in his service, which his majesty would take very kindly."

The Commons' Address, in Answer thereto.] Upon reading this Message, the question was put, "That a day be appointed to consider of his majesty's said Message;" but it was carried in the negative, and resolved, " That a Committee be appointed to draw up an humble Address, to be presented to his majesty, representing the Reasons why the house cannot comply with the purport of his majesty's Message this day communicated to the house." And this Address * was accordingly prepared, as follows, and delivered on the 24th.

* "The Commons, with a firmness never to be enough praised, or too often imitated, shut their ears against the voice of the charmer, and resolved to adhere to the Act, without giving way to the least qualification: in doing which, though they rendered themselves obnoxious to the king's displeasure, they did him a far more essential piece of service, than if they had gratified him in his request: for the undue preference given on many occasions to this body of Dutch Janizaries, (at the expence of the Scots Guards in particular) had blunted the zeal of his national troops, and almost deprived him of the hearts of his people: besides, in remaining thus inflexible, they preserved their own consistency; they countenanced the proceedings of former parliaments, who could not be induced to give their consent, That their own native kings should have Guards of their own native "Most gracious Sovereign, We your majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Commons in this present parliament assembled, do, with unfeigned zeal to your majesty's person and government, (which God long preserve) most humbly represent to your majesty, That the passing the late Act for disbanding the Army, gave great satisfaction to your subjects; and the readiness your majesty has expressed by your Message, to comply with the punctual execution thereof, will prevent all occasions of distrust or jealousy between your majesty and your people. It is, Sir, to your loyal Commons an unspeakable grief, that your majesty should be advised to propose any thing in your Message, to which they cannot consent, with due regard to that Constitution your majesty came over to restore, and have so often exposed your royal person to preserve, and did in your gracious Declaration promise, that all those foreign forces which came over with you, should be sent back. -In duty therefore to your majesty, and to discharge the trust reposed in us, we crave leave to lay before you; that nothing conduceth more to the happiness and welfare of this kingdom, than an entire confidence between your majesty and your people, which can no way be so firmly established, as by entrusting your sacred person with your own subjects, who have so eminently signalized themselves on all occasions, during the late long and expensive war."

The King's Answer.] His majesty's Answer was as follows:

"Gentlemen, I came hither to restore the ancient Constitution of this Government. I have had all possible. regard to it since my coming, and I am resolved through the course of my reign, to endeavour to preserve it entire in all the parts of it. - I have a full confidence in the affections of my people, and I am well assured, they have the same in me; and I will never give them just cause to alter this opinion. As to my subjects who served during the War, I am an eye-witness of their bravery, and of their zeal for my person and government; and I have not been wanting to express my sense

subjects: and they shut the door, for ever, as they thought, against the like shameful innovation. The courtiers, however, did not fail, on this occasion, to muster their whole strength, and put in practice all the devices in their power, to gratify their master at the expence of their country: for first in order to gain time for job-work and expedient, they moved, That a day might be appointed for taking the Speech into consideration; which being carried in the ❘ negative, and a Committee appointed to draw up an Address, representing the Reasons, why the house could not comply with his majesty's Message, they moved, in the next place, on the report of the said Address, That it might be recommitted; but were again defeated on a division of the house, by a majority of 19 voices: the Yeas being 156, the Noes 175." Ralph.

of this to my parliament as well as upon other occasions. -I have all the reason to trust and to rely upon them that a prince can have; and I am satisfied, there is not one person among them capable of entertaining a thought, that what was proposed in my Message, proceeded from any distrust of them. It shall be my study to the utmost of my power, to perform the part of a just and a good king: and as I will ever be strictly and nicely careful of observing my promise to my subjects, so I will not doubt of their tender regards to me."

This Answer, though it could not but please, yet it would not move the Commons from their Resolutions; so that the Dutch Guards were soon after shipped off for Holland.

The day before the transactions relating to the Dutch Guards, the question being put that the house do agree with the Committee of the whole house upon the Supply, That more Bills of Credit be issued out of his majesty's Treasury, which shall be current in all branches of the public Revenue; it passed in the negative, Yeas 148, Noes 182.

The Commons' Address on the State of the Nary.) March 29. The following Address was reported, agreed to, and ordered to be pre sented to his majesty by the whole house:

"Most gracious Sovereign; We your majesty's, &c. having taken into our serious consideration the State of the Navy, do most humbly represent to your majesty, That the Streights Squadron not sailing till September last, was prejudicial to England, and a great mismanagement. -That the Order made by the Commis sioners of the Admiralty, Sept. 12, 1695, giving Henry Priestman, esq. an allowance of 10s. per diem, from the date of his Commission, as Commander in Chief before Sallee in 1684, till the ship Bonadventure was paid off, over and above his pay as captain of the said ship, was very unreasonable, and a misapplication of the public money. That the Victualling any of his majesty's ships by others than by the Victuallers appointed for that service, or their agents, is contrary to the course of the Navy, and may be of ill consequence. That many new and unnecessary Charges have, in an extraordinary manner, been introduced into the Navy, contrary to the rules of the Navy, which is a great mismanagement.-That the deductions of Poundage taken by the Pay-Masters of the Navy, for Slop-Clothes, Dead Men's Clothes, Tobacco, Chest at Chatham, Chaplain and Surgeon, is without Warrant, and ought to be accounted for. - That it is inconsistent with the Service of the Navy for the same person to be one of the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High-Admiral and Treasurer of the Navy at the same time. And that the passing any Account of Monies impressed for the contingent use of the Navy, without regular vouchers, or such other proof, as the nature of the service will admit, either with or without a sign manual, is contrary to the rules and methods of the Navy, and of dangerous consequence. All which we beg leave to lay before your majesty, desiring that you will be graciously pleased to take effectual care that the Mismanagements herein complained of may be prevented for the future." *

The King's Answer.] His majesty's Answer was as follows: "Gentlemen, I will consider your Address: it is my desire that all sorts of Mismanagements and Irregularities should be prevented or redressed; you may be assured I will take the best care I can, in relation to the Navy; the right management whereof is of so great concern to the kingdom."

March 30. The Accounts relating to the Transports were laid before the house; whereby it appeared, that there had been paid on that Service 100,1071. 8s. 5d. That there was still due 441,6371. 9s. 5d. And that the Cash in the Office amounted to 9,030l. 16s. 1d.

The Earl of Warwick and Lord Mohun tried for a Murder; and acquitted.] March 28. Edward earl of Warwick, and Charles lord Mohun, being severally indicted for the Murdert of Richard Coote, esq. were tried by the house of peers, in a court prepared for that purpose in Westminster-Hall, the lord chancellor of England being constituted lord high Steward upon this occasion. The court being opened, with the usual ceremonies, the Trial of the earl of Warwick came on first, and lasted till late in the evening, when the peers adjourned to their own house, and after some debate, the lords temporal only returned to the court in Westminster-Hall, where they delivered their Judgments seriatim upon their honours, and unanimously acquitted the earl of Warwick of the murder, but found him guilty of manslaughter; who craving the benefit of

"* It was evident, that this Address was

chiefly levelled against the earl of Orford, who was both Treasurer of the Navy, and one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and who had got too much by his late expedi

tion in the Mediterranean, and done the go

vernment too signal services, not to lie open to the inquiry of some well-meaning, and to the envy of many disaffected persons. The earl therefore, foreseeing the storm gathering against him, thought it prudence to resign all his places and retire. However it ought to be remembered in justice to him, that what he got in the Streights, was only by the presents he received from the States, whom he protected; for it was confessed by his very enemies, that a fleet was never better taken care of, nor more timely provided than that, which he, with so much reputation, commanded. And besides it is most certain, that he charged the king in his books with much less a day for man, than the usual allowance of the navy. He was so popular, that in the former parliament, when he was a Commoner, he was Knight of the Shire for Middlesex, Knight of the Shire for Cambridge County, and Burgess for Portsmouth." Tindal.


+ In a drunken fray in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Three against three.

his peerage, according to the statute in that case provided, was thereupon discharged. The next day came on, in like manner, the Trial of the lord Mohun, who with great composedness and ingenuity, having made bis innocence appear, was acquitted of the said murder, by the unanimous suffrages of the peers there present.

April 1. Sir George Rook presented to the house, according to order, a State of the Deht of the Navy, the total of which appeared to be 2,245,9571. exclusive of what was due to Marines.

Certain Letters of Mr. Chivers, a Member, complained of.] April 3. A complaint was made to the house of certain Letters written by Henry Chivers, esq. a Member, as not only reflecting on, but misrepresenting several Members of the House; which Letters are as follow:

"London Jan. 5, 1698. Dear Will. Yesterday we had a great contest in the house, concerning augmenting the Forces; in which my brother member signalized himself for the good of his country. He made a very violent speech for keeping up more Forces than the sense of the house was for; so that we poor country-gentlemen were forced to labour hard, and sit late to overcome them: I do really believe he will never give his country one vote, he is so linked in with the court-party. If you please, you may communicate this to your friends, and let them know that I shall always be ready to serve both them and you, here and elsewhere. So I remain, &c. H. CHIVERS."

"For Mr. Wm. Wilks, in Calne, Wiltshire."

"London Feb. 5. 1698. Dear Brother; I have sent you his majesty's Speech, and a List of those gentlemen who voted for a Standing Army. The question was whether the Army should stand, or the Bill be thrown out: but God be praised we carried it. The number for disbanding the Army was 221, and the List will satisfy you how many were against it. So I remain, &c. HENRY CHIVERS."

"To Mr. John Hoskins at Calne."

These Letters being read, Mr. Chivers was ordered to attend in his place, but pleaded indisposition by way of excuse: upon which, a motion being made for him to attend the next day notwithstanding, it was carried in the affirmative, Yeas 119 Noes 83. But he not obeying the said summons, the question was put, that he be sent for in custody of the serjeant at arms, and passed in the negative, Yeas 99. Noes 134.

Vote thereon.] Upon the whole, the house came to the following Resolution: Resolved, "That the publishing the Names of the Members of this house, and reflecting upon them, and misrepresenting their proceedings in parliament, is a breach of the privilege of this house, and destructive of the freedom of parliament."

April 21. The house proceeded to the choice of seven- Commissioners for taking an Account of the Forfeited Estates in Ireland by Ballot, when the numbers stood thus. Francis Annesley, esq. 222, Henry earl of Drogheda 220, John Trenchard, esq. 208, James Hamilton, esq. 158, Henry Langford, esq. 136, Sir Rd. Leving 127, Sir Francis Brewster 122.

The King's Speech at the close of the Session.] May 4. The king caine to the house of peers, and passed several bills. After which, his majesty made the fol'owing Speech:

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My Lords and Gentlemen; At the opening of this Parliament, I told you my opinion was, that you were come together with hearts fully disposed to do what was necessary for the safety, honour, and happiness of the kingdom; and having nothing else to recommend to you, I had reason to hope for unanimity and dispatch. You have now sat so many months, that the season of the year, as well as your particular affairs, make it reasonable you should have a recess. I take it for granted, you have finished all the Bills, which for the present you think requisite to be passed into laws: and I have given my assent to all you have presented to me. If any thing should be found wanting for our safety, the support of Public Credit, by making good the faith of the kingdom, as it stands engaged by parliamentary securities, and for discharge of the Debts occasioned by the War, or towards the advancing of Trade, the suppressing of Vice, or the employing of the Poor; which were all the things I proposed to your consideration when we met first, I cannot

doubt but effectual care will be taken of them next winter: and I wish no inconveniencies may happpen in the mean time."

Then the Lord Chancellor prorogued the Parliament to the 1st of June.*



The King's Speech on opening the Session.] Nov. 16. The parliament met at Westminster, and his majesty made this Speech to both houses:

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My Lords and Gentlemen; I hope you

* "The many evidences of the decoining influence of the Whigs, which had lately occurred, induced the king to transfer a considerable share of executive offices into the hands of the Tories. The earl of Jersey was made secretary of state, in the room of the duke of Shrewsbury; the earl of Pembroke succeeded the duke of Leeds as president of the council, and lord Lonsdale the earl of Pembroke as privy seal; Mr. Montague, against whom the Tories discovered great personal animosity, quitted the treasury, and was succeeded as chancellor of the exchequer by Mr. Smith, and as one of the lords of the treasury by Mr. Hill. This change of administration did not answer the king's expectation, by smoothing the current of public business. The zeal of the Whigs for his service abated upon every concession to their antagonists, who grew more bold in opposition from the prospect of their approaching ascendancy." Somerville.

will not think I have called you out of your countries too soon, if you consider, that our common security requires a farther Provision should be made, for the safety of the kingdom by sea and land, before we are at the end of what was granted for that purpose last session: and when you enter upon this business, I helieve you will think it necessary to take care of the Repairs of the Ships and of the Forth cations; without which our Fleet cannot be safe when it is in Harbour.-I cannot omit to put you in mind of another matter, in which 50 great a number of my subjects is concerned, and wherein the honour of the kingdom, and the faith of parliaments is so far engaged, that our future se urity seems to depend upon it: I mean, the inaking good Deficiencies of the Funds, and the discharging the Debts contracted by reason of the War. And till we may be so happy as to see the public Dets paid, I shall hope that no session will end, without something done towards lessening them. While I am speaking to you on this Head, I think myself obliged to mention, with a particular concern, a Debt which is owing to the prince of Denmark, the state whereof I have ordered to be laid before you. Gentlemen of the house of commons; These things are of such importance, that I most earnestly recom mend them to your consideration, and deire you to provide the necessary Supplies.-My Lords and Gentlemen; There is nothing I could more rejoice in, than that i were not under the necessity of so often asking Aids of my people; but as the reason of it is evident, because the Funds formerly applied to defray the Public Expence, are now anticipated for payment of the Debts of the kingdom; so it is my satis faction, that you all see that nothing of what is demanded, is for any personal use of mine: and I do faithfully assure you, that no part of what is given, shall be diverted from any purpose for which it is designed. I believe the nation is already sensible of the good effects of Peace, by the manifest increase of Trade, which I shall make it my business to encourage by all means in my power; probably it might receive an advantage, if some good Bill were prepared, for the more effectual preventing and punishing unlawful and clandestine trading, which does not only tend to defraud the public, but prejudice the fair merchant, and discourage our own manufactures. - The increase of the Poor is become a burthen to the kingdom, and their loose and idle life, does in some measure contribute to that depravation of manners, which is complained of, (I fear with too much reason). Whether the ground of this evil be from defects in the laws already made, or in the execution of them, deserves your consideration. As it is an indispensable duty, that the Poor, who are not able to help themselves, should be maintained; so I cannot but think it extremely desirable, that such as are able and willing, should not want employment; and such as are obstinate and unwilling, should be compelled to labour.-My Lords and Gentlemen; 1 have a ple, which I shall endeavour to preserve by a constant care of their just Rights and Liberties; by maintaining the established Religion, by seeing the course of justice kept steady and equal, by countenancing Virtue, and discouraging Vice, and by declining no difficulties or dangers, where their welfare and prosperity may be concerned. These are my resolutions; and I am persuaded that you are come together with purposes on your part suitable to those on mine. Since then our aims are only for the general good, let us act with confidence in one another; which will not fail, by God's blessing, to make me a happy king, and you a great and flourishing people."

full assurance of the good affections of my peo- | ments, but to every one of my subjects, to judge

The Commons' Remonstrance thereon.] The house having taken this Speech into consideration, agreed upon the following Address:

"Most gracious Sovereign, We your majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects the Commons in parliament assembled, being highly sensible, that nothing is more necessary for the peace and welfare of this kingdom, the quieting | the minds of your people, and disappointing the designs of your enemies, than a mutual and entire confidence between your majesty and your parliament, do esteem it our greatest misfortune, that after having so amply provided for the security of your majesty and your government, both by sea and land, any jealousy or distrust hath been raised of our duty and affections to your sacred majesty, and your people; and beg leave humbly to represent to your majesty, that it will greatly conduce to the continuing, and establishing an entire confidence between your majesty and your parliament, that you would be pleased to shew marks of your high displeasure towards all such persons who have, or shall presume to misrepresent their proceedings to your majesty. And your Commons (having likewise a due sense of the great care and concern your majesty has always expressed, for preserving and maintaining the religion, rights, and liberties of your people, in defence of which your majesty hath so often exposed your royal person) will use their utnost care and endeavours, to prevent and discourage all false rumours and reports, reflecting upon your majesty and your government, whereby to create any misunderstandings between you and your subjects."

The King's Answer.] To this his majesty was pleased to give the following Answer.

"Gentlemen, My parliament have done so great things for me, and I have upon all proper occasions expressed so great a sense of their kindness, and my opinion has been so often declared, that the happiness of an English king depends upon an entire good correspondence between him and his parliament, that it cannot seem strange for me to assure you that no persons have ever yet dared to go about to misrepresent to me the proceedings of either house. Had I found any such, they would have immediately felt the highest marks of my displeasure. It is a justice I owe not only to my parha


of them by their actions: And this rule I will steadily pursue. If any shall hereafter attempt to put me on other methods, by calumnies or misrepresentations, they will not only fail of success, but shall be looked upon, and treated by me as my worst enemies.-Gentlemen; I am pleased to see by your Address, that you have the same thoughts of the great advantages which will ensue to the kingdom, from our mutual confidence, as I expressed to both houses at the opening of the session. I take very kindly the assurance you give me, of using your utinost care and endeavour to prevent and discourage all false Rumours and Reports reflecting upon me and my government; and I faithfully promise you, that no actions of mine shall give a just ground for any misunderstanding between me and my people."

Motion with regard to Lord Bellamont.] Dec. 6. It appearing to the house, that a Grant had been made by Letters Patent to the earl of Bellamont and others, of Pirates Goods: the question was put, That the said Letters Patent were dishonourable to the king, against the law of nations, contrary to the laws and statutes of the realm, an invasion of property, and destructive of trade and commerce; and passed in the negative.

Report of the Commissioners for taking an Account of the Irish Forfeited Estates.] The most material business that occurred next in the house of commons was the Report of the Commissioners for taking an Account of the Fofreited Estates in Ireland; an Abstract of which is as follows:

"The commissioners met with great difficulties in their Enquiry, which were occasioned chiefly by the backwardness of the people of Ireland to give any information, out of fear of the Grantees, whose displeasure in that kingdom was not easily borne; and by reports industriously spread and believed that their Enquiry would come to nothing. Nevertheless, it appeared to them, that the persons outlawed in England, since the 13th of Feb. 1688, on account of the late Rebellion, amounted in number to 57, and in Ireland to 3,921. That all the lands in the several counties in Ireland belonging to the forfeited persons, as far as they could reckon, made 1,060,792 acres, worth per annum 211,6231, which by computation of six years purchase for a life, and 13 years for the inheritance, came to the full value of 2,685,138/. That some of those lands had been restored to the old proprietors, by virtue of the Articles of Lineric and Galloway, and by his majesty's favour, and by reversal of out-lawries, and royal pardons, obtained chiefly by gratifications to such persons as had abused his majesty's royal bounty and compassion. Beside these Restitutions, which they thought to be corruptly procured, they gave an account of 76 Grants and Custodiums, under the great seal of Ireland; as to the lord Romney three grants now in being, containing 49,517 acres; to the earl of Albemarle in two Grants 108,533 acres in

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