SARDINIA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS. contd., viz. :—with Page SAXE-ALTENBURG. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. Paraná, 19th September, 1857. 1277 Navigation....Naples, 7th July, 1856. 1267 SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:— SAXE-MEININGEN. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navigation. Sicilies, &c. Declaration. Customs Dues. Navigation. Naples, 7th July, 1856. 1267 SAXE-WEIMAR. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. Friend- ship. Commerce. Navigation. Paraná, 19th September, 1857. 1277 Sicilies, &c. Declaration. Customs Dues. SAXONY. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Netherlands. Sicilies, &c. Commerce. Navigation. Paraná, 19th September, 1857 1277 Convention. Consuls in Dutch Declaration. Customs Dues. Nari- gation Naples, 7th July, 1856. 1267 SCHAUMBURG-LIPPE. TREATIES, &c. with FOERIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navigation. Paraná, 19th September, 1857. 1277 Berlin, 3rd June, 1856. 479 Navigation.... Naples, 7th July, 1856. 1267 SCHWARTZBURG-RUDOLSTADT. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Argentine Confederation, &c. Page Paraná, 19th September, 1857. 1277 Naples, 7th July, 1856. 1267 SCHWARTZBURG-SonderSHAUSEN. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, SERPENTS, ISLE OF. Treaty. Austria, &c., and Turkey. Paris, 19th June, 1857. 60 SHANGHAE. Regulation. British Trade Hong Kong, 18th May, 1854. 594 SIAM. Act of Parliament (British). British Jurisdiction..25th August, 1857. 524 Treaty. France. Friendship. Paris, 28th December, 1857. 993 Bangkok, 15th August, 1856. 993 SICILIES. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with SLAVE TRADE. Bye-Laws. Old Calabar. British Commerce. ................. Old Calabar River, 19th September, 1856. 880 Correspondence with British Commissioners .... 1856, 1857. Decree (Portugal). Factories on Coast of Angola. Regis- SLAVE TRADE. Decree (Portugal. Abolition of Compulsory Labour of Page Lisbon, 3rd November, 1856, 921 Lisbon, 5th November, 1856. 923 Liberation of Slaves belonging to State Lisbon, 30th June, 1856. 905 Abolition of Slavery in certain Territories Lisbon, 5th July, 1856. 906 Freedom of Children of Female Slaves Cintra, 24th July, 1856. 909 Freedom of Slaves belonging to Churches Cintra, 25th July, 1856. 911 Liberation of Slaves on entering King- Cintra, 18th August, 1856. 912 Abolition of Slavery in Macao. Lisbon, 23rd December, 1856. 927 Message (South Carolina). Slavery. Columbia, 24th November, 1856. 980 Portaria (Portuguese). Registration of Slaves at Angola. Do. Do. Do. Do. Lisbon, 6th September, 1856. 913 Lisbon, 20th October, 1856. 918 Lisbon, 19th November, 1856. 918 Lisbon, 29th December, 1856. 930 Lisbon, 31st December, 1856. 929 Lisbon, 17th February, 1857. 933 Lisbon, 10th March, 1857. 938 Page SOUND DUES. See DENMARK. SOUTH CAROLINA. Message of Governor. Slavery. Columbia, 24th November, 1856. 980 SPAIN. Additional Act to Constitution of 23rd May, 1845. Madrid, 15th September, 1856. 793 May, 1845............. .Madrid, 15th September, 1856. 793 Madrid, 14th October, 1856. 795 Paris, 24th August, 1857. 765 SPEECH of Emperor of Brazil. Opening of Legislative Assembly. Do. Do. Rio de Janeiro, 3rd May, 1856. 1038 Rio de Janeiro, 20th September, 1856. 802 of Emperor of the French. Opening of National Assembly. Paris, 16th February, 1857. 1164 of Lords Commissioners of Great Britain. Opening of Parliament. Westminster, 3rd February, 1857. 1 Do. Do. of Queen of Great Britain. Opening of Parliament. SUPERANNUATION. See also MESSAGE. Lisbon, 19th July, 1856. 988 Berlin, 3rd May, 1856. 989 Stockholm, 23rd October, 1856. 797 Act of Parliament (British)............. 17th August, 1857. 524 SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Protocol of Conference with Denmark, &c. Re- Page demption of Sound Dues. Copenhagen, 14th March, 1857. 35 Stockholm, 23rd October, 1856. 797 SWITZERLAND. Constitution of Confederation. Berne, 12th September, 1848. 1245 Russia. SWITZERLAND. Message of Federal Council. Affairs of Neuchâtel. Neuchâtel. January, 1857. 1302 Berne, 26th December, 1856. 819 of Federal Council. Neuchâtel Question. Treaty with Austria, France, Berne, 8th June, 1857. 1307 T. THURINGIA. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation, &c. Treaty. Friend- Paraná, 19th September, 1857. 1277 Sicilies, &c. Declaration. Custom Dues. Navi- gation....Naples, 7th July, 1856. 1267 TONAWANDA (SENECA) INDIANS. Treaty with United States. Cession. Tonawanda, 5th November, 1857. 1136 TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, &c. between GREAT BRITAIN and FOREIGN POWERS. See GREAT BRITAIN. CONVENTIONS, &c. between FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Argentine Confederation and Prussia, &c. Treaty. Paraná, 19th September, 1857. 1277 Austria, &c. and Denmark. Treaty. Sound Dues. Paris, 17th May, 1857. 1159 Austria, &c. and Switzerland. Treaty. Neuchâtel. Frontier. Isle of Serpents. Delta of 60 |