54. Greece, as it impressed the mind of the Poet in 1810. SOLEMNITY OF EXPRESSION: Plaintive manner, * Admiration and Regret, Dread and Pity, Horror, Eager Hope, relaxes into Calm Regret; & Narrative manner, assumes an expression of Dread, which relaxes into 10 Pity, with the addition of much " Solemnity as the description draws to a conclusion. He who hath bent him o'er the dead The doom he dreads, yet dwells upon- So fair, so calm, so softly sealed, We start;-for soul is wanting there. Which parts not quite with parting breath; earth. LORD BYRON. 55. Influence of Natural Objects in calling forth the Imagination. MEDITATIVE MANNER: * Delight mingled with Awe, Scorn, Delight and Awe, Narrative manner, assuming Solemnity of expression, which relaxes toward the Plaintive manner, Delight. 1 Wisdom and Spirit of the Universe! M Of childhood, didst thou intertwine for me * Nor was this fellowship vouchsafed to me WORDSWORTH. 56. Pleasures of Hope. MEDITATIVE MANNER: 1 Delight, Narrative manner; rises again into Delight; 4 Argumentative manner; relaxes into Pity, Delight, "Awe mingling with, and qualifying the expression of Delight, with an occasional expression of Triumph. 1 At summer's eve, when Heaven's aërial bow Spans, with bright arch, the glittering hills be low, Why to yon mountain turns the musing eye, * What potent spirit guides the raptured eye To pierce the shades of dim futurity? * Can Wisdom lend, with all her boasted power, The pledge of joy's anticipated hour; Ah no! she darkly sees the fate of man, Her dim horizon bounded to a span; Or if she holds an image to the view, 'Tis nature pictured too severely true. • With thee, sweet Hope, resides the heavenly light, That pours remotest rapture on the sight: Thine is the charm of life's bewildered way, That calls each slumbering passion into play. * Eternal Hope! when yonder spheres sublime Pealed their first notes to sound the march of time, * Thy joyous youth began-but not to fade. When all the sister planets have decayed; M2 When wrapt in fire the realms of ether glow, And Heaven's last thunder shakes the world 9 below; Thou, undismayed, shalt o'er the ruins smile, And light thy torch at Nature's funeral pile. CAMPBELL. 57. Pleasures of Memory. MEDITATIVE MANNER: Delight mingled with Regret, Delight predominates, Exultation, An expression of Force and Determination, with ocсаsional Solemnity; returns to the expression of Force, Determination, and Triumph; Calm Delight. Sweetmemory! wafted by thy gentle gale, Oft up the stream of time I turn my sail To view the fairy haunts of a long lost hours, Blessed with far greener shades, far fresher bowers. When joy's bright sun has shed his evening ray, And hope's delusive meteors cease to play, When clouds on clouds the smiling prospect close, * Still through the gloom thy star serenely glows; Like yon fair orb she gilds the brow of night With the mild magic of reflected light. * And who can tell the triumphs of the mind By truth illumined and by taste refined ? |