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TERRENA mentis corporisque vincula,
Deo jubente fabricata, diligunt

Poscuntque curas hinc et inde compares.

Corpus quiete roboratur utili,

Modicisque gaudet indies laboribus.
Mens otiosa crescit interim mora,
Vigetque, nil molita. Sed, dulcissime,
Non hic moremur; neu solum diutius
Penna supervolemus ignava nimis :
Sed altiores audeamus ætheris

Tranare campos, et die puro frui.


In the hour of my distress,

When temptations sore oppress,

And when I my sins confess

Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

When I lie within my bed,

Sick in heart and sick in head,

And with doubts discomfited

Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

When the house doth sigh and weep,
And the world is drowned in sleep,

Yet mine eyes their vigils keep—

Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

When the passing bell doth toll,
And the furies in a shoal

Come to fright my parting soul—

Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

When the tapers all burn blue,
When the comforters are few,

And that number more than true,―

Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

When the priest his last has prayed,
And I nod to what is said,

'Cause my speech is now decayed—

Sweet Spirit, comfort me!


HORA in calamitatis,

Cum tenter et prober satis,

O! ut solvar a peccatis,

Solare, dulcis Spiritus !

Cum capite et corde æger
Miser intus lecto tegar,

Ne in tenebras releger,

Solare, dulcis Spiritus !

Quando domus flet et gemit,
Atque sopor mundum premit,

Nec vigiliis me demit,

Solare, dulcis Spiritus !

Quum campana sonat mortem,

Furiæque vim consortem

Jungunt, rapiant ut fortem,

Solare, dulcis Spiritus !

Lampas fuscos dat colores;

Pauci adstant, qui dolores
Levent-veri pauciores!

Solare, dulcis Spiritus !

Cum sacerdos summa dabit

Verba, quæ nutu probabit

Caput hoc, si vox negabit,

Solare, dulcis Spiritus !

When (God knows) I'm tossed about
Either with despair or doubt;

Yet before the glass runs out—

Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

When the tempter me pursueth

With the sins of all my youth,

And half damns me with their truth

Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

When the flames and hellish cries

Fright my ears and fright my eyes,

And all terrors me surprise

Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

When the judgment is revealed,
And that open, which was sealed,
When to thee I have appealed—

Sweet Spirit, comfort me!



THE spacious firmament on high,

And all the blue etherial sky,

The spangled heavens, a shining frame,

Their great original proclaim.

Cum huc illuc (Deus novit)
Ferar, sicut terror movit,

Nec stat sanguis, qui me fovit,

Solare, dulcis Spiritus !

Cum peccatis me juventæ

Serpens premit violentæ,

Vero heu


Solare, dulcis Spiritus !

Aures gemitus obtundunt!
Ignes oculos confundunt!

Nervi sine te succumbunt!

Solare, dulcis Spiritus !

En judicium declaratur :

En! patet quod celabatur:
En vox iras deprecatur-

Solare, dulcis Spiritus !

H. D.


QUICQUID habet coeli vertex et splendidus ordo,
Quicquid habent vasti cœrula templa poli,

Sidera quot splendent, quot sunt super æthera flammæ,
Omnia divinum testificantur opus.

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