VISIT THE AUTOTYPE COMPANY'S GALLERY, 74 New Oxford Street, W.C. A Noble Display of Copies of the GREAT MASTERS, framed and unframed. The Chefs-d'œuvre of the NATIONAL COLLECTIONS of London, Paris, Rome, Dresden, St. Petersburg, Madrid, &c. &c. CATALOGUE of 186 pages, Sixpence, post free. A Descriptive PAMPHLET, free by post, on application to THE AUTOTYPE COMPANY. CARDINAL HARFORD, The Oldest Importers of ORIENTAL CARPETS. THE LEVANT WAREHOUSE, 108 & 109 HIGH HOLBORN, W.C. GUARANTEED GENUINE EASTERN HAND-MADE FABRICS. 'EXCELLENT OF GREAT VALUE.' LANCET, June 15, 1889. LIEBIG COMPANY'S Improved & Economic Cookery EXTRACT and nourishing. Keeps for any length of time, and is the finest-flavoured Stock for Soups, Saucer, Made Dishes, &c. SOLE MANUFACTORY-FRAY BENTOS, SOUTH AMERICA, WHERE FORTY POUNDS OF PRIME LEAN BEEF (VALUE 30/-) ARE USED TO MAKE ONE POUND OF EXTRACT OF BEEF. COOKERY BOOKS (indispensable for Ladies) sent FREE on application to LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT COMPANY, LIMITED, 9 Fenchurch Avenue, Е.С. The highest type of office, other things being equal, is the mutual non-commission paying." (ESTABLISHED 1806.) Edinburgh Review, October 1890. LONDON LIFE ASSOCIATION. 81 KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C. President-F. H. BEAUMONT, Esq. Vice-President-CHARLES CHURCHILL, Esq. The Accumulated Assurance Fund £8,500,000. Profits Divided every year; THIS YEAR R. POTT, Esq. £222,738. R. O. WHITE, Esq. .. Directors E. BOULNOIS, Esq., M.P. W. EVILL, Esq. H. BUTLER, Esq. G. W. CLARK, Esq. F. CLARKE, Esq. C. M. CLODE, Esq., C.B. T. DEVAS, Esq. Actuary & Sec.-JOHN WHITCHER, F.I.A., F.S.S. With these large funds there is economical management; the Society employing no agents and paying no commission. NEW ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION, LIMITED. WEST END OFFICE, 25 COCKSPUR STREET, S.W. EDINBURGH OFFICE, 23 ST. ANDREW SQUARE. DUNDEE OFFICE, 6 PANMURE STREET. Branches and Agencies-AUSTRALIA, INDIA, CEYLON, CHINA, JAPAN, STRAITS, MADAGASCAR, MAURITIUS, SEYCHELLES, ADEN, PARIS, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO. The Bank receives Deposits, buys and sells Bills of Exchange, buys Foreign Coupons and Interest Warrants, makes Telegraphic Transfer, issues Letters of Credit and Circular Notes, forwards Bills for Collection, and transacts Banking and Agency Business generally. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. At 3 Months' notice.... 3 per cent. per annum. • At 12 Months' notice....44 per cent. per annum. At 6 Months' notice....4 For 3 Years certain ....5 The fullest Information can be obtained at any of the Branches, or at the SPOTT SWOODE & CO. PRINTERS, NEW-STREET SQUARE, LONDON. O, the Vain Pride of Mere Intellectual Ability! How Worthless, how Contemptible, when contrasted with the RICHES OF HEART! And such is human life, so gliding on, SMILES. The Mother in her office holds the key Of the soul; and she it is who stamps the Coin be feeble But for her prudent cares a vigorous man SHE WHO ROCKS THE CRADLE This heart, my own dear mother, bends, with love's true instinct, back to thee.'-Moore. Who that has languished, even in advanced life, in sickness and despondency-who that has pined on a weary bed in the neglect and loneliness of a foreign land-but has thought on the mother "that looked on his childhood,' that smoothed his pillow, and administered to his helplessness? O, there is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart! It is neither to be chilled by selfishness, nor daunted by danger, nor weakened by worthlessness, nor stified by ingratitude. She will sacrifice every comfort to his convenience; she will surrender every pleasure to his enjoyment: she will glory in his fame and exult in his prosperity; and, if misfortune overtake him, he will be the dearer to her from misfortune; and, if disgrace settle upon his name, she will still love and cherish him in spite of his disgrace; and if all the world beside cast him off, she will be all the world to him.'-Washington Irving. THE MORNING AND EVENING OF A MOTHER'S LIFE. WHAT HIGHER AIM CAN MAN ATTAIN THAN CONQUEST OVER HUMAN PAIN? DRAWING AN OVERDRAFT ON THE BANK OF LIFE.-Late hours, fagged, unnatural excitement, breathing impure air, too rich food, alcoholic drink, gouty, rheumatic, and other blood poisons, feverish colds, biliousness, sick headache, skin eruptions, pimples on the face, want of appetite, sourness of stomach, &c. - Use ENO'S FRUIT SALT. It is pleasant, cooling, health-giving, refreshing, and invigorating. You cannot overstate its great value in keeping the blood pure and free from disease. EGYPT. CAIRO.-Since my arrival in Egypt, in August last, I have on three occasions been attacked by fever; from which on the first I lay in hospital for six weeks. The last attacks have been, however, completely repulsed in a remarkably short space of time by the use of your valuable "FRUIT SALT," to which I owe my present health, at the very least, if not my life itself. Heartfelt gratitude for my restoration and preservation impels me to add my testimony, and in so doing I feel that I am but obeying the dictates of duty. - Believe me to be, Sir, gratefully yours, A CORPORAL, 19th Hussars. May 26, 1883. -Mr. J. C. ENO. 'I USED my "FRUIT SALT," freely in my last severe attack of fever, and I have every reason to say I believe it saved my life. - J. C. EΝΟ.' IMPORTANT to Travellers and all Leaving Home for Change. We have for the last four years used your "FRUIT SALT" during several important Survey Expeditions in the Malay Peninsula, Siam, and Cambodia, and have undoubtedly derived very great benefit from it. In one instance only was one of our party attacked with fever during that period, and that happened after our supply of "FRUIT SALT" had run out. When making long marches under the powerful rays of a vertical sun, or travelling through swampy districts, we have used the "FRUIT SALT" two and three times a day. The "FRUIT SALT" acts as a gentle aperient, keeps the blood cool and healthy, and wards off fever. We have pleasure in voluntarily testifying to the value of your preparation, and our firm belief in its efficacy. We never go into the jungle without it, and have also recommended it to others. - Yours truly, Commander A. J. LOFTUS, his Siamese Majesty's Hydrographer: B. C. DAVIDSON, Superintendent Siamese Government Telegraphs, Bangkok, Siam. May 1883.-TO J. C. ENO, Esq., London.' CAUTION.-Examine each Bottle, and see that the Capsule is marked ENO'S 'FRUIT SALT.' Without it, you have been imposed on by a worthless imitation. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS. PREPARED ONLY AT O'S FRUIT SALT' WORKS, HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., by J. C. ENO'S PATENT. JAN 12 1801 LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. JANUARY 1891. I T will be remembered that Mr. Schofield and his nieces were on their way to the Grange, riding thither through the lanes, on a warm summer evening. They had nearly reached their destination when another horseman, who had up to the last moment been hidden by hedges, suddenly emerged from a grass lane intersecting the main road; and as he drew rein, and politely checked himself in order to allow them to pass, they had a full view of a handsome face and figure, and, in particular, of a pair of curious eyes which unhesitatingly scanned all three, with an air of surprise that could bear but one interpretation. 'He is saying to himself, Who the deuce can those be?' murmured Monica to her sister, as soon as sufficient distance permitted the aside, 'and we are saying to ourselves, Who the deuce can he be? Bell, can that be the Dorrien boy, do you think?' 'That was Sir Arthur Dorrien's son,' observed her uncle, overhearing the last words. You mean that gentleman behind us VOL. XVII. NO. XCIX. ، Q |