here files-of-pins extend-their-shining-rows puffs-powders-patches bibles-billets-doux. b. cub ebb tube bib glebe babe bulb barb buoy blue -accumb reverb imbue embark disburse cabal unblessed baboon-abrogate fabulous ebony obstacle barbarous barbican. the-barbarous-hubert took-a-bribe to-kill-the-royal-babe. and-now-a-bubble-burst and-now-a-world. earth-smiles-around with-boundless-bountyblessed and-heaven beholds-its-image-in-his-breast. the-south-sea-bubble put-the-public-in-a-hubbub. k and g. These consonants are formed by joining and separating the back part of the tongue and the correspondent part of the palate, with the same difference between them as between the last two consonants, and the same remarks apply as to their perfect utterance; lk are pronounced ask after a ando: ch are pronounced as k, in words from the Greek language; as sh in words from the French; and as tsh in words more purely English. Gis generally sounded as j before e and i; but there are many exceptions. k. seek cake coke pack tack eke talk folk lough pique dark milk spark keen car chord choir quay quake clear-panic comic kingdom candid choler conquer christian flaccid collocate cucumber technical orchestre epocha conqueror vaccinate siccity. a-black-cake-of-curious-quality. blow-wind come-wrack at-least-we'll-die-with-harness-on-our-back. with-the-cold-caution of-a-coward's spleen which-fears-not-guilt but-always-seeks-a-screen. the-clumsy-kitchen-clock click-clicked. g. bag keg egg gag plague vague teague rogue brogue fugue guide guise gear gird gig ghost guerdon ragged craggy gibbous gimblet gibcat ghastly gherkin-anger finger longer younger. he-gave-a-guinea and-he-got-a-groat. i-cannot-dig and-am-ashamed-to-beg. a-giddy-giggling-girl her-kinsfolks'-plague her-manners-vulgar and-her-converse-vague. These consonants are formed by joining and separating the tip of the tongue and the upper gum. The difference between them will be quickly understood from the exercises on the foregoing four sounds, and the pupil will bear in mind what is necessary to their perfect utterance.-D, in the terminated ed, when the e is silent, and the preceding is a breath consonant, is necessarily pronounced ast; it is only in reading the Scriptures and Liturgy that this omission of e should rarely take place. t. pat kite dust haft halt dreamt flirt tight taught trash thyme thames yacht debt laced danced chafed laughed chopped wrecked-matter tatter tetter titter brittle victual asthma phthisis phthisic flourished practised trespassed-testament titillate tetrical taciturn tantamount tutelar -together testator temptation indebted indictment attainment intestate replenished. the tempter saw-his-time. a-tell-tale-tattling-termagant that-troubled all the-town. he-talked and-stamped and chafed till-all-were shocked. shakes-the-old-beldam earth and-topples-down high-towers and-moss-grown-steeples. to-inhabit-a-mansion-remotefrom-the-clatter-of-street-pacing-steeds. d. bed dead did made grazed hedged Judged saved writhed walled charmed paved heard ebbed rigged would could should couraGEdama Ged rivaled modest pedant udder deadly bdellium harangued abridged adjudged engaged condemned impregned absorbed fatigued. strikes-through-their-wounded-hearts-the-sud den-dread. he-licks-the-hand Just-raised-to-shed-his-blood. ne'er-be-i-found by-thee-o'erawed meadows-trim and-daisies-pied shallow-brooks and-rivers-wide. and-of-those-demons that-are-found in-fire air flood or-under-ground. Exercises on the breath, and on the voice 'Consonants, alternately. BREATH CONSONANTS: hiss hath sash shot cap sack foot hushed hatched haft sapped packs tax speck asp sips posts cupped packed coughed. VOICE CONSONANTS: wall dwell your gang muse waves zeal dares age nerve bathe lone male rare globe vague blaze ranged mouthed walled. BREATH CONSONANTS: hatchet puppet sabbath sackbut pocket tufty sceptic cestus attic office cossacks coppice. VOICE CONSONANTS: willow rosy languid mazes grandeur rather lovely roman moving bible guardian glowworm. BREATH CONSONANTS: excessaccost except access expect assist coquette success acute suspect. VOICE CONSONANTS: beware resume believes obliged absolve beneath farewell around debar imbue. BREATH CONSONANTS: epithet execute suscitate pickpocket catechist ecstacy occiput epitaph. VOICE CONSONANTS: wooingly idolize lingering otherwise gradual libeller dialogues eulogy. BREATH CONSONANTS: specific exsiccate ecstatic auxesis acetous apostate pathetic facetious. VOICE CONSONANTS: remaining delusion aurelia adorer decorum erosion demeanour vermilion. SECTION 2.- THE VOWELS. The Alphabetical Vowels under the Accent. When it is said there are five vowels in our language, we are to understand there are five letters employed to denote vowel sounds; for the subsequent exercises will show, that the vowel sounds are more than treble that number. Nothing can in general be more capricious than the manner of denoting these sounds, usage, and not orthography, determining the pronunciation of words in our language. Five of the sounds agree with the names of the vowel letters and may therefore be called the alphabetical vowels; yet, it must not be supposed, that each sound is always denoted by its proper letter: as a proof of the contrary the pupil will find, in the first exercise, that a is sometimes denoted by ai, sometimes by ea, ey, ei, and sometimes by a in a situation which, according to orthography, would require it to have a very different sound; as in ancient, chamber. Similar remarks apply to every subsequent exercise. Under these circumstances, the business of the pupil will be, to take the key sound from the head of the exercise, or in those called shut sounds, from the first two or three words, and to repeat the same sound decidedly and distinctly throughout the exercise, wherever he sees a letter, or a combination of letters, in italic. a. fate bathe grange paste guage bait pay grey great steak veins deign-asia nation angel danger hasten ancient chamber chasten plaintive neighbour-abase arraign convey inveigh fatalist aorist placable aviary feignedly halfpenny-bravado dictator occasion umbra geous. |