CHILD WELFARE AND STATE SERVICES. In this section are inserted records of the progress of Child Welfare Work as carried out by various State Services dealing with Health, Education, Industry, Delinquency, Defectiveness, and other questions relating to the care and control of the young. We shall be glad to receive copies of reports and all other official publications as soon after issue as may be possible. THE EDUCATION BILL. The new Education Bill now before the country deserves the serious study and fullest support of all patriots. It is the first of the great measures of reconstruction which are to secure the establishment of a great British Commonwealth. Mr. Fisher's Bill is a statesmanlike endeavour to provide means for the physical and intellectual development of the coming generation. At last the right of youth is recognized. As far as the Bill goes it is excellent, but in some respects it scarcely seems to go far enough at least in regard to what we may consider its medico-educational provisions. The organization and administration required by a comprehensive measure of educational reform will take years to complete, so while we are about the reconstruction of our educational machinery our work should be as complete as possible. War has convinced all serious patriots of the necessity for a far-reaching measure, but it may well be that in the days which are to come we may lose something of our present enthusiasm for education, and, moreover, our spiritual strength and economic resources may be such as to make us as a people unwilling to continue in service and sacrifices. On all grounds it is most desirable that the Bill now before Parliament should be made as adequate and as practicable as possible. At the present time we desire to refer only to some few points of medicoeducational and medico-sociological importance. Clause 19 of the Bill empowers local authorities to establish nursery schools for children over 2 and under 5 years of age "whose attendance at such a school is necessary or desirable for their healthy physical or mental development." Lately there has been an increasing tendency to exclude young children from school. In 1907 459,034 children between the ages of 5 and 3 were attending elementary schools in England and Wales. By January, 1916, only 268,908 were in attendance. It is most desirable that the establishment of a sufficient number of nursery schools should be made obligatory and not left merely optional. Further nursery schools should be open to all children whose parents wish them to attend. Medical inspection is to be extended through all departments of our educational life, and provision is to be made whereby agencies for furthering physical development may be available. A local education authority may maintain holiday or school camps, centres and equipment for physical training, playing fields, school baths, and other facilities for social and physical training. A local education authority is also to have, in relation to children in secondary schools and continuation schools, the same powers and duties with regard to medical inspection and treatment as it has with regard to children in elementary schools. is to say, while it must provide for inspection it may arrange for treatment. Medical inspection of the children in the elementary schools of the land have demonstrated the prevalence of widespread disorder and disease, most of which is certainly preventable. Sir George Newman, Chief Medical Officer to the Board of Education, has declared that "a million children of school age are so physically or mentally defective or diseased as to be unable to derive reasonable benefit from the education which the State provides." We are strongly of opinion that if the terrible wastage of child life is to be arrested the Bill should be so amended as to make it compulsory and not merely permissive for all local education authorities to set up and maintain an adequate medical and dental service. There should also be powers for an extension and improvement in the existing system for pro That em viding school meals. Moreover, it is essential that proper facilities should be taken to secure means for proper physical training, the organization of games, and where possible instruction in swimming. The Bill very rightly provides for the protection of school children from the stress and strain of labour, but it does not appear to afford sufficient protection. A child under 12 years of age may not be employed at all by way of trade or for purposes of gain outside school hours. A child over 12 may not be employed on a school day before the close of school hours, or on any day before 6 a.m. and after 8 p.m. A child may not be employed in any factory or workshop under the Factory and Workshops Act, or in any mine or quarry. A local authority may prohibit or regulate the employment of any child if it is satisfied that such employment is injurious to the child's health or education. The prejudicial influence of fatigue in childhood on mental powers and physical growth must not be forgotten. The Bill as it now stands will allow a school-going child to be ployed after school hours between 4.30 and 8 p.m. from Monday to Friday inclusive, and between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Saturday and other holidays. There is nothing to prevent selfish parents from allowing their children to labour on Sundays. We certainly think that at all costs Sunday should be conserved a rest day for all school children. If the employment of school children is to be permitted alongside of a system of compulsory school attendance not only will educational services and opportunities for physical development be wasted, but the bodily, mental, and moral powers of the children will suffer. The Bill must be so amended as to prohibit the prejudicial employment of children during the period of compulsory full-time school attendance. Mr. Fisher has directed us to a consideration of the old Greek ideals, which looked upon education as a turning of the soul to the light, and as being also an association of friends in search of happiness. We are eager to bring light and health and happiness into the lives of those who will soon be active citizens of the British Commonwealth. We therefore welcome the great Education Bill of 1918, and trust that it may be so amended and strengthened as to make safe for posterity the high ideals of the statesmanlike President of the Board of Education. MEMORANDA. The Board of Education have made preliminary arrangements for short courses for teachers in secondary schools to be held next August, as follows: English at Cambridge (Women's Training College) and Oxford (St. Hugh's); History at Eton College and a centre in the North of England; Geography at Aberystwyth (University College of Wales); French at London (Bedford College) and Durham; Latin at a centre to be determined later; Mathematics at London and a centre in the North; Botany at Leeds; Voice Training at Bristol. Details of the various courses will be circulated to all secondary schools recognized by the Board, probably before the end of April, and directions as to the manner of application for admission will be given. It is possible that one or two additional courses may also be arranged. In Circular 1035 the Board of Education, acting in concert with the Ministry of Food, have issued instructions to local education authorities with regard to the establishment of national kitchens and the provision of meals for school chldren. The Children's Court is now to have an assured position. It is good to know also that in London arrangements are being made whereby all summonses under the Education Acts, the Employment of Children Act, 1903, and the Children Act, 1908, are to be removed from the police court and heard by the local justices of the peace. Three districts- Hampstead, Kensington, and the Tower-we understand, have already adopted this method, and it is to be extended to Newington, Paddington, St. Marylebone, St. Pancras, and the Strand. The Ministry of Munitions have issued in booklet form "The Boy in Industry (price 3d.), consisting of a reprint of articles which have appeared in the Daily Telegraph. This little work should be studied by employers and all workers for boy betterment. CHILD WELFARE AND THE WORK OF NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS. During this period of supreme testing our journal will endeavour to render every possible assistance to National Associations and Societies, Hospitals, Homes and Orphanages, and all agencies working for child welfare and desirous of publishing particulars regarding their plans, purposes and activities for rendering special assistance to childhood and youth in these days of stress and strain. Particulars should be sent, in as clear and condensed a form as possible, to the Editor, with copies of any publications, appeals, &c., which are being issued to the public. WOMEN PATROLS AND CHILD WELFARE. Women Patrols can do much to help in the protection of children as well as adolescents. In August, 1914, rumours were brought to the National Union of Women Workers regarding the bad effects which were being produced by warlike preparations, the massing of troops, &c., on the conduct of many young people. The Union at once took active steps towards coping with the difficulty. The Commissioner of Police was asked for permission to place a band of Women Patrols on the streets of London and provincial centres to guide and advise those who needed help. This suggestion was welcomed and cards were promised signed by the Commissioner directing the police to give Women Patrols any assistance they might need. The chief constables sign those in the provinces. A Special Committee of the N.U. W. W., called "The Women Patrols Committee," was formed, and at once proceeded to organize and initiate the scheme. Organizers were carefully trained, who were then sent to various centres to start Women Patrols; altogether some 120 centres have been organized. The original idea was to work round camps and other military centres, but it was at once realized that it was impossible to narrow it to that alone. No work of a preventive nature was precluded, and the scope of the enterprise was greatly enlarged. The pathetic sight of tiny children left outside publichouses, while their natural guardians were drinking inside, could not fail to touch the heart of the Woman Patrol. Many a babe was soothed and comforted, and mother and child taken home when the guardian perhaps was not quite to be trusted. In one centre the chief constable asked the Women Patrols to assist in the matter of children trading in the streets, and very valuable work was done; this example was followed in other centres. In the metropolitan area the Commissioner of Police employs Women Patrols as auxiliaries to the police. The Board of Works employs them as parkkeepers; in this capacity the service they render to children and young people is of inestimable value. Open spaces are the favourite hunting ground of those depraved men who insult women and children by indecent conduct. This is promptly observed and stopped by the women park-keepers, who have the power of arrest and use it when necessary. In one centre the whole of the Women Patrols' work is centred on caring for the children of the district, who spend most It of their day in a large public park. is felt, as the main object of the work is "preventive," it can best be fulfilled by protecting the purity and innocence of the children on whom the future of the race depends. Further particulars can be obtained from Mrs. Carden, M. G. O.B.E., the Hon. Secretary of the Women Patrols Committee, at the headquarters of Union the National of Women Workers of Great Britain and Ireland, Parliament Mansions, opposite 28, Victoria Street, S.W.1. NOTA BENE. The newly elected Executive of the National Baby Week Movement is getting to work. Miss Musson, late Assistant Secretary at the National Association for the Prevention of Infant Mortality, has been appointed Secretary. We understand that the first week in July has been selected for Baby Week in London. Full particulars may be obtained on application to the Central Offices at 27A, Cavendish Square, W.1. Edinburgh is to have a School of Social Study and Training. A two years diploma course has been arranged for. Full particulars may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Professor Seth, at the University of Edinburgh. The following announcement is addressed "to Students of Education.' Essays are invited on " 'A suitable curriculum for Girl Shop Assistants in the Retail Drapery Trade, between the ages of 15 and 18." The competition is open to all. The curriculum suggested must comply with the requirements of the Scottish Education Bill. The object of the promoters is to adopt the best curriculum which will conduce to sound physical health, to making pupils efficient in business, and to educating them in the broadest sense, and preparing them generally for their duties as citizens. Three prizes-one of £25, one of £15, and one of £10 for the three best essays, in order of merit, will be awarded by the judges-Alexander Darroch, M.A., Professor of Education at Edinburgh University, and J. J. Findlay, Ph.D., Professor of Education at Manchester University, whose decision must be accepted as final. Essays should be received by Professor Darroch not later than June 15, 1918. Those for which prizes are awarded will become the property of the promoters. For fuller particulars, application should be made to Professor Darroch, 12, Abbotsford Park, Edinburgh. The Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals are now offering prizes to school children for essays. Full particulars may be obtained from the Secretary, Archibald Langwill, C.A., 19, Melville Street, Edinburgh. The London Teachers' Association have issued a Special Holiday Register Sup plement for 1918, containing the names and addresses of quarters recommended by members in 1916-17 (price, post free, 3 d.). Application should be made to L.T.A. Headquarters, 9, Fleet Street, E.C.4. In connection with the movement for "Education as National Service" Mansfield House, Canning Town, has been opened as a residence for students of social and educational problems. For further information application should be made to the Hon. Dean, Mrs. Mackenzie, M.A., Lecture Centre, II, Tavistock Square, W.C.1. The London " Safety First" Council have issued an illustrated poster of "Dont's for Cyclists," pointing out the common causes of accidents and giving advice on how to avoid them. Since the war began, it is stated that more than 110 cyclists have been killed and 1,700 injured in the metropolitan area. The Girl Guides have recently issued from the National Headquarters, 76, Victoria Street, S.W.1, a new "Annual Report and Distribution List of Presidents, Commissioners, Secretaries, &c." (price 9d. post free). The Bradford Education Committee have just issued a valuable booklet prepared under the supervision of Mr. A. C. Coffin, the Director of Education, dealing with Careers for Girls." It provides in convenient tabular form much practical information regarding forms of vocation, with details regarding approximate length and cost of training. From the Co-operative Reference Library, The Plunket House, Dublin, there has been issued a valuable "Report of a Bacteriological Investigation of the City of Dublin Milk Supply" (price 6d. net), prepared by D. Houston, F.L.S., Lecturer on Agricultural Bacteriology, Royal College of Science for Ireland. A preface is provided by Oliver St. John Gogarty, M.D., F.R.C.S. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Reviews and Notices of Books and Journals dealing with all subjects relating to Child Life appear under this heading. 'The Dawn of Mind: An Introduction to Child Psychology.' By Margaret Drummond, M.A., Lecturer on Psychology in the Edinburgh Provincial Training College. Pp. xi + 179, with frontispiece. London: Edward Arnold, 41, Maddox Street, W. 1. 1918. Price 3s. 6d. net. Child psychology is now being recognized as a legitimate and, indeed, an essential department of psychology and a subject necessary to teachers and all others desirous of dealing justly and effectively and righteously with children of all ages. Miss Drummond has proved. her powers as a careful observer and reliable teacher, and her latest book will add to a well-won reputation for skill in the exposition of psychological problems relating to the mental powers of children. The book is based on close and more or less continuous studies of three little children, Margaret, Ruth, and Axel, and around the records of the mental revolution of these small folk is built up a most interesting, instructive, and generally helpful account of the development and expression of early consciousness. There are separate sections on Fundamental Concepts; Memory, Imagination, and Play; Sympathy, Suggestibility, and Selfcontrol; Reasoning; and Spoken and Written Language. Miss Drummond is an original thinker and does not hesitate to make excursions into new fields. Some of her views will doubtless be severely criticized. The book is one which will stimulate thought and incite inquiry. A wise word of warning expressed in the preface is worthy of being reproduced : The practical need for a study of child psychology is even more pressing than the theoretical. All lovers of little children have welcomed the recent proposal for the establishment of nursery schools. If, however, the teachers in these schools are not thoroughly versed in child psychology and in the methods of teaching which are naturally founded upon it, there are two grave dangers to be feared. If the school is regarded simply as a nursery, no use may be made of the enormous capacity for intellectual growth and assimilation of knowledge that characterize the third, fourth, and fifth years. Such a school, while lacking the often objectionable character of a street environment, might prove even more cramping to the developing intelligence. On the other hand, if the school is thought of as a place where children sit quietly in rows and receive instruction, the working out of this idea may lead to even more fatal results. To find the safe middle path between these two dangers, the teacher must be armed with the fullest knowledge of child nature that is yet available. To teach the little people as they ought to be taught, and deserve to be taught, to preserve their spontaneity and keep their eager interest alive, is no easy task; but if this task were well done it would make an incalculable difference to the work of the ordinary school, and in the end to the life of the nation." The book is throughout full of helpful information and practical suggestions. We could wish that space would allow of many quotations, but we must close this all-too-brief notice with a few sentences from Miss Drummond's concluding chapter: "Trust the child's intelligence. Be ready to help if help is wanted, but never rob the child of the joy of making his own discoveries. To keep the spirit of scientific curiosity alive in him is of far greater moment than to teach him anything whatever. Work with the grain of the child. Knowledge that is given against the grain is a burden rather than a support, and tends to be discarded as soon as possible. Training given against the grain produce's an imperfectly unified character. In working with any material one cannot obtain the best results unless one knows intimately the nature of that material. This is the real reason why it is necessary that parents and teachers should study the psychology of the child. Only |