Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1845, by E. FERRETT & CO., in the office of the clerk of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PREFACE. THE object of the compiler of the following volume has been to present his young countrymen with a connected view of the War of Independence, by a series of narratives of its most brilliant and striking events, interspersed with such personal traits and anecdotes as might serve to illustrate the peculiar spirit and character of that period. It is by no means unimportant to preserve, in every practicable way, the memory of so remarkable and interesting an epoch. It was one in which patriotism and self-sacrifice were conspicuous traits in the character of the people and their leaders. It was a period when all felt that they were laying the foundations of a great republic, and that an object so glorious was worthy the liberal expenditure of blood and treasure. In sacrificing their own ease and personal prosperity to the welfare of those who should come after them, our ancestors not only preferred a lasting claim to our gratitude, but left us an example which is worthy of imitation. The youthful American should remember, that although wars have ceased in our land, the duties of patriotism are still imperative; and that every citizen may promote the welfare of his country, by studying its history, and the true character of its institutions; and by endeavouring to preserve the purity of our government-elevating to public office those only who respect the virtues of our ancestors and imitate their bright example. |