LITTLE lad, little lad, where wast thou born? DCCXVI. LINCOLN was, and London is, The fairest city of the three. DCCXVII. I LOST my mare in Lincoln Lane, Till she came home both lame and blind, DCCXVIII. CRIPPLE DICK upon a stick, To buy a pound o' woo. DCCXIX. DRIDDLETY drum, driddlety drum, And some are gone to Chidley Fair. DCCXX. LITTLE boy, pretty boy, where were you born? In Lincolnshire, master: come, blow the cow's horn. A halfpenny pudding, a penny pie, A shoulder of mutton, and that love I. DCCXXI. ISLE OF MAN. ALL the bairns unborn will rue the day SEVENTEENTH CLASS. Love and Matrimony. DCCXXII. As I was going up Pippen Hill, And she dropt me a curtsey. Little miss, pretty miss, Blessings light upon you! DCCXXIII. IT's once I courted as pretty a lass As ever your eyes did see; But now she's come to such a pass, She never will do for me. |