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and lawe. And so thei be meante so longe as the churche dothe obeye Christe, for the hearers maie have sometymes chaster eares then the prayers.



W. So maie be in some place, where false prophets preache, but in the hole churche yt is impossible: ffor nowe we be not under Moises but Christ our head, and the holie ghoste leadeth into all truthe. And all the promises in Christ is Est, saithe St. Pawle, that is fulfilled. Nowe then all nations be blessed in Abraham's seede and he put as Esaie saithe his spirit in the mouthe of the churche, and in the mouthe of his seed, and pastours, for ever. And the prophete noteth this difference, betwene the Synagoge, and the churche, spouse, kingdome, and bodye of Christ, ffor saithe Ezechiell gentem no amittet Daniel Regnü eius no dissipabitur. as in the daies of Noie. I sweare I would bringe no more the deluge, so he will nowe no more rebuke his spouse of diemisse hir, with an other alteration. But multi filij desertæ magis &c. hir children be farre manie moe then those of the Synagoge, wherby you teache the Ceremonies of the Synagog be more glorious then the churche of Christ, ffor the Jewes have ever had som openlye professinge Judaisme even nowe in the dispersion, since Christ. And you make the churche invisible manie hundred years, making the blessing of Christ more base then the curse of the lawe, coveringe the citie uppon an hill and puttinge the Candell under a bushell invisible.

K. Then next Mr. Kynge at a pynche, and said that in Antichrist his tyme, the churche should be invisible, and therefor those promises were not absolute.

W. Naye not even in Antichrist his tyme shall yt be invisible, much lesse so longe befor.

K. Your own Remists in their nots uppon the testament do say that yt shall.

W. They do not.

K. It is certaine they do, and so said Dr. Benet and others. W. I assure myself yf they did (but indeed loking sence uppon the boke I fynd yt cleane contrarie, and that the churche shall then be knowen both to hir frends and enemyes: They speake in suche sense as St. Hyppolitus describeth that masse shall not be openlie said, as nowe in England many de saie masse privatlye, and I would gladlie in this chamber, wherto I do professe my faithe before you.

K. Well the Remists be against you in this.

W. That must be tryed by the boke (which is flatte against them), but how so ere it wer, yt is nothinge for you, which

! Blanks in original.

absurdly make the state of the churche for a small space in Antichrists raigne, the same for a thousand years in the raigne of Christ.

K. Whi Antichrist his raigne was even in St. John his tyme, as it is cleare in his epistell the words be Audistis quia Antichristus veniet. Nunc Antichristi multi facti sunt.

W. Those words be against your fantasy, for you se putts a difference betwix multi and Antichristu. And proveth the great one is comminge because his littell fore runners become. As yf a man should saie my Lord Archbeshop is comminge, for behold here is one of his chaplings. And you knowe that in Daniell and the Apocalips Antichrist his raigne is described to be thre yeres and a half, by yeres dayes and monethes, and they shall be shortened saith our saviour. And the Jewes shall receyve him, St. Pawle calleth hym the man of perdition. And howe can you drawe this short tyme, and one man, to all the tyme sithence Christ, and to so many men.

K. We saie, he is one bodye, and many members, and this text is, that he is come, and therfor against you.

W. This proposition is your fantasie, and against all interpreters that be ancient, and against the place I have alleadged: But Mr. Kinge do you remember the Greek whither it be presentence or preterperfectence.

K. I thinck yt be the present tense.

W. Whi then you saie he is not come but comminge, as I said of my Lord Archbishopp.

Kyng. It is the preter tense (which is false) I am sure, for in the english translations which I redd, so yt is, he shall come (which is all together against him).

W. Well the text must be sene, and beyng even what you will yt is against you for the meaninge must be he is come, not in person but in his forerunners as Elias in St. John Baptist, or Christ in the prophet. And besids you be noted to be those Antichrists, and so the great one too, in the verie words following. Ex nobis exierunt sed non erant ex nobis, nam si fuissent ex nobis mansissent utiq. nobiscum. Loo goinge out is the very proper mark of Antichrist, as yt is confessed, you went out from us. And here Mr. Belle tok his leave of the companye, and left us, and went his waie out the dore.

D f. Then D favour tok the matter and said that in the 4th chapter it was cleere that Antichrist was in St. John his tyme. Hic est Antichristus de quo audistis quoniam venit, Etiam nunc in mundo est.

W. It is cleere to the contrarie, for venit, he is comminge hym self in mnndo yf in his forerunners, so Christ was seene

from the beginninge in signe and vertue, but afterwards in deed. So St. John is Elias, 2 7. and yet Elias venturus est, et restituet omnia, saithe our saviour. And in deed I fear, nowe by hakket, and such like, that Antichrist is nere at hand. D. f. It is a monstruous error of Elias, that he should come, for our saviour saithe he was come and St. John was he. W. It is but your fancie to saie so, for all the fathers expound yt otherwis. And the text is plaine. St. John is come in spu. Elias but venturus est in persona for St. John shall not come againe. And so the prophet Malachie describeth Elyas comminge before the terrible daie of Judgment, not the meeke daie of redemption. And the Apocalips saithe, the two witnesses shall come, and make it shall not raigne alluding to Elyas praier, in the tyme of Achab and Jesabell.

f. And here D favour brought furthe a bull which was sent to the Irish men by the pope.

W. Toplif have showed me that allridie, it is directed to Irishe men. And so they went away.

Benedictus deus in secula.

Dom. Eliz. State Papers, Vol. 247, No. 21—1594:
Public Record Office.

Right Hon: I know not, my good Lord, whether my Lord President of the North have signifyed unto your LLP. and the rest of her Matys. Privie Counsell our proceedings with those 3 p'sons taken at theire arrivale at Flambroaghe or not: Father Wallpoole ye Preest Jhezewt [Jesuit-H. F.] A younge man his brother, a soldyer under Stanley, & Lyngen a soldyer vnder him also. Bvtt for many convenient regards I thought my dewty that her M. may by your LPs. have some inkling, by yo'. Lo. (to whome her Highus. cheefly referred me in this my travell) to signify how farre wee have digged into the hartts of too of these vnnaturall trators-the Jhezewt Preest, and Lyngen. By the incredible toyle day and night of ye Lord President himselfe : for his Lordshipp in wisdome fyndinge the 3rd persone a young man of amyble disposytion & not so farr gyven over in ye poyntz of cyvell honestye as the other too, ye Jhezewt & Lyngen, his Lordshipp applyed him himselfe with Godly p'suasions, himselfe and yt. day and night, and then applyed him with the labour of his Chaplain Mr. Doct'. Favour, a very milde devyne, well known to my Lord of Buckhurst. That after the younge man Wallpoole once hadd grace to knowe that offence he had comytted to God in his disobedience & cunninge to her [fol. MS. obliterated] to serve them, to

serve his idolatrous hewmour, Then all trewth, secretts and matter even against himselfe, and the other two, the Jhezewt & Lyngen, flowed from him as fast as his LoP. culde or can imadgen qwstyons. Lyke & more yn lyke to proove very geratly [greatly] to do her Mty, highe service, thus much beinge fawllen ovt from hym alreddye.

First the Jhezewt & Lyngen bee so farre gyven over in poperye & so thereby bownde to disloyaltye, that they wold nether of them utter or confesse any one letter eather delyvered them, or browght over by eather of them, or by younge Wallpoole, or one cipher, mark, noate, toaken, dyrection, or message, for any purpose But salutations by worde of mouthe from one friende to another the Jhezewt avowed so, & Lingen upon y' [MS. illegible one word-H. F.] But after my Lo. had so paynfully laboured younge Wallpoole. But younge Wallpoole the fyrst tyme he was examined before mee with a good conscyence (as one might well judge) confessed that his brother the Jhezewt did delyver to him to kçepe vj small peeces of p'chment wrytten uppon lyke to theise fyxt in the margin ... And a packett of letters & directions seeminge to bee about xii and iij p'chments to Lyngen. The p'chments bee cutt in halfe, That whoever hereafter sholde fly over with these noates to Dunkyrke havinge ij of them, or to Newport havinge j of the greatest he should be receaved, and any thinge that he sholde bringe with him to eyther of these places, or any person that should cum with him without damadge, stopp, or loss.

The very orygenals, his Lop. will send by mee, they be not fitt

to be hazarded nor the Lres.

The finder confessed that besides these xij Lres. delyvered to him by his brother ye Jhezewt, the Jhezewt did at Dunkirk in his chamber before him reade to himselfe (ye Jhezewt) iiij or v. other letters & burned them, and one letter the Jhezewt polled in peeces, but still disperantly lyke Devills of nether faythe, loyaltye, & honesty the Jhezewt & Lyngen denied any suche, thoughe broade spetche were revealled to them to trye their desperate spyretts.

Wallpool & Lin

gen & MrTopliffe

Wallpoole overtoke Cahill at Callais. [A short sentence follows in French, almost impossible t make out-H. F.

Hereupon the Lord President sent younge Lingen & yo Jhezewt seweyd [? seaward] to rest. And young Wallpoole to proove his honesty, his LoP. putt well guarded to the sea syde, if he colde fynde ye place wher hee hadd with his dagger cutt vp a sodd verry neare a fyrr boshe [fir bush-H. F.] & buried his xij Lres as the Jhezewt had directed him And by ye younge Wallpoole a trusty servant of my Lords, was browt to ye sodd, & ye servant tooke upp the bundell all wyett [wett-H. F.] wth rayne, & brought them home to Yorke to his Lop.; whych mayde him leape for joye.

Presentlye his Lord". delyvd. them to mee, and before a fyer, my LoP. & I so tenderly handled ye same, that wee unfowlded xxij letters & directions wch were every one: and in all those xxij no one tyttill blemyshed.

And before younge Wallpoole did goe to the conney [rabbit warren-H. F.] for ye Lres, hee hymselfe for ye first proofe delyvered to my Lorde ye vi labels or prevate marks above fyxed.

His Lp.

hathe delivered

me them


By this your Lops. may shew vnto her saccred Mtye how God blesseth her highness with the utteringe of that wch I see will torne to her Highnesses service for discovery of disloyal men & women bothe abowt London, in sondrie countree in England, & deeply in Ireland, and her Matye shall see what a Toyllinge [toiling-H. F.] Lord President can do by day & night labor in this, wherof I am an eye witness, & not one of his Councell.

After his Lordship hadd gotten this laght [light-H. F.] he glanced at this Jhezewt, so that he confessed to ix of those labels or p'chment marks, wherof vi delivered to his brother ye younger man, & iij delivered to Lingen, wch Lyngen yet shamefull and trator lyke deniethe, lyke an Athest.

Now hathe his Lordship digged out of that hollow harted Jhezewt, that ye intent of the use of those p'chments was (as his brother confessed honestlye vpon his goinge & findinge them), for any to passe that hadd them.

Then also is founde about the Jhezewt, a bracelett of gowlde flagon fashyon, & vpon the lape a cypher or mark of armes that will bewray the sender in Spayne or in the Low Countryes, and to whome itt was sent, in dispight of the Jhezewt.

These I bring vpp

to her Ma


A ring with a seale of armes thereon engraved fayre ancyent coatts (if not disperdged1 [dispersed] wth treachery to the soveryne of the owner) that cannot bee hidden for I wold prove a Harrold. A wedding ring the Jhezewt is trusted with for another, & Jhezewts be farr and deeply trusted by Catholick popish women.

by her Ma

power & yr wisdomes.

This must be gott Much more lyethe hydden in theis too lewde p'sons, the Jhezewt & Lyngen which wytt of man geveth occasion to bee suspected that labour of man withowt furder athorytye and conference than his Lordsp. hath here, can never be digged out.

And therefore as it is most honorable for her Matys fayme yt this thinge which hath been gotten out by his LoP. with fayre Counsell and labour & conversyon of the sowle & body of younge Wallpole, so the Jhezewt & Lyngen must be dealt 1 Sic in original.-H. F.

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