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On the 20th Gen. Parke's brigade commenced to march from Newbern for Beaufort, and on the 23d entered Moorhead city, thirty-six miles from Newbern, and found it evacuated. It is a short distance from Beaufort and connected by a steam ferry. A flag of truce was then sent over to Fort Macon, and a surrender demanded. This was refused, and vigorous measures were at once commenced to reduce it by a siege. Beaufort is the capital of Carteret county, situated at the mouth of Newport river, and a few miles from the sea. The harbor is the best in the State, and its entrance is defended by Fort Macon.

Meanwhile, on the 20th, a naval column consisting of the gunboats Louisiana, Delaware, and Com. Perry, with the transport Admiral, having on board eight companies of the 24th Massachusetts regiment, proceeded to Washington, a small town on the left bank of the Tar river about forty miles from Pamlico Sound. On the 25th, the force arrived before the town, and were received by the authorities without opposition. Below the town obstructions had been placed in the river, and abandoned fortifications were found on each shore adjacent. The commander, A. Maury, thus reported to his superior officer: "I found on further consultation with the authorities, on whom I made my demand for the restoration of the Hatteras Light property, that underlying an apparent acquiescence of the people of the town and neighborhood, in permitting the building of gunboats, and the construction of batteries to repel the approach of the Federal forces, was a deep-rooted affection for the old Union, and not a little animosity for its enemies; the latter element not being diminished by the importation of troops from a distant State. The result of this state of affairs was, as could be anticipated, the abandonment of its defences by the troops, followed by the destruction of what remained of Confederate property by the people. The launched gunboat had been towed several miles up the river, loaded with turpentine, and fired on the night of our arrival. A few hundred bushels of meal and corn left in the commissary store, were distributed to the poor by my orders. All the Hatteras Light property in the town was secured. The woods and swamps were represented as being alive with refugees from the draft. Many of them, encouraged by our presence, came in. They were bitter and deep in their denunciations of the secession heresy, and promised a regiment if called to aid in the restoration of the flag." This force returned to Newbern.

The force in the neighborhood of Fort Macon, however, was not idle. A detachment from Gen. Parke's brigade, consisting of the 4th Rhode Island and 8th Connecticut, on the night of the 25th, crossed over and took possession of Beaufort without opposition. In the day time this passage would have been resisted by the fort. No military force was found in the town. Preparations were now made se

riously to invest the fort. All communication by land or water was cut off, and guns were put into position to reduce it. The garrison consisted of nearly five hundred men under command of Col. White. The regular siege operations commenced on the 11th of April, when a reconnoissance in force was made by Gen. Parke. The pickets of the enemy stationed on Bogue Beach, two miles from the fort, were driven in and a good situation for the siege guns was found. Everything being in readiness, on the morning of the 25th of April, fire was opened upon the fort from a breaching battery eleven hundred feet distant, and flanking mortars planted at a distance of about fourteen hundred yards, and behind sand banks which prevented the garrison from seeing them before the fire was opened. At the same time the blockading gunboats Daylight, Commander Lockwood; State of Georgia, Commander Armstrong; Chippewa, Lieut. Payson and bark Gemsbok, Lieut. Caverdy; approached the fort and began to fire. three steamers assisted the bark, and kept under way, steaming round in a circle and delivering their fire as they came within range, a mile and a quarter distant from the fort. After an hour and a quarter, the sea became so rough and their fire consequently so inaccurate, that the fleet retired. The action however continued between the batteries and the fort until toward evening, when the latter was surrendered with the honors of war. All the guns on the side of the fort opposite that attacked, were dismounted, and also all but three of those bearing upon the Federal force, when it became untenable. The firing of the fleet did no injury to the fort. The Daylight was struck by an 8-inch solid shot which entered her quarter. Seven of the garrison were killed and eighteen wounded. One was reported killed on the Federal side.


While this siege was pressed forward, Gen. Burnside, in order to create the impression at Norfolk, Va., that he was approaching with his whole force, sent Gen. Reno with the 21st Massachusetts, 51st Pennsylvania, a part of the 9th and 89th New York, and 6th New Hampshire in that direction. Proceeding nearly to Elizabeth City, he disembarked at a point about three miles below, on the night of the 19th of April. Col. Hawkins was ordered forward with the 9th and 89th New York and the 6th New Hampshire toward South Mills, to be followed by Gen. Reno four hours after, upon getting the remaining troops ashore. Col. Hawkins lost his way and came in behind Gen. Reno on the march, and was ordered to follow. Having marched about sixteen miles, and within a mile and a half of South Mills, a Confederate force opened with artillery upon the advanced guard before it was discovered. They were found posted across the road, with their infantry in ditches, and their artillery commanding all the direct approaches. Their rear was protected by a dense forest. Gen. Reno or

dered the 6th New Hampshire to form in a line on the left of the road and support the four pieces of artillery, while the 51st Pennsylvania and 21st Massachusetts filed to the right and passed over to the edge of the wood to turn the enemy's flank, and the New York regiments supported them. The effect of these movements, and the sharp firing that ensued, caused the enemy soon to retire in a rapid manner. The force rested until evening, and then withdrew to their boats. The Federal loss was fourteen killed and ninety-six wounded, and two taken prisoners. The Federal force remained on the field for seven hours, buried their dead, and transported all the wounded except fourteen, so severely wounded that they could not be moved, but who were comfortably provided for and left in charge of a surgeon and chaplain. "In obedience to orders," says Gen. Burnside, "Gen. Reno then returned to his fleet and embarked his men." Ten or fifteen prisoners were taken, most of whom belonged to the 3d Georgia regiment. The loss of the Confederate force was unknown; thirty killed and wounded were left on the field. They reported one regiment and three pieces of artillery as the entire force engaged.

On the 23d of April, a naval expedition consisting of the gunboats Lockwood, Whitehead, and Putnam, under Lieut. Flosser, was sent to obstruct the entrance of the Dismal Swamp canal. This was done by means of sinking a schooner, and filling the canal with brush, stumps, rails, and earth, and trunks of trees.

On the 6th of June, a sharp engagement occurred eight miles from Washington near Pactolus, between a Confederate force under Col. Singleterry and the 24th Massachusetts under Capt. Potter. This latter officer had been stationed at Washington with a small force, and hearing of the gathering of the enemy, obtained reenforcements, and successfully attacked them. Seven were killed and eleven wounded on the Federal side.

Some other military movements, to be hereafter stated, took place during the succeeding months. This portion of North Carolina was held by the Union forces throughout the year. Its ports were closed to imports for the Confederate States, and its commerce ceased entirely. (See NORTH CAROLINA.) The principal part of the forces under Gen. Burnside were subsequently brought to Newport News, where they remained in transports until the Army of the Potomac returned to Alexandria. They then united with it under Gen. Pope.

This expedition in its outfit, vigor of action, and complete achievements, showed that it was commanded by an experienced, judicious, and able officer. It was necessarily confined in its operations to the shores of the country, where it could act in concert with the gunboats. Public expectation had looked forward to see it penetrate the State of North Carolina, and occupy the eastern line of railroad connecting the Southern States with Richmond. It never

was strong enough to entertain such a thought. Brave old North Carolina has always had a high reputation for soldiers. Her white popalation is over six hundred thousand, and her militia must have been nearly one sixth of this number. Gen. Burnside's military force was about sixteen thousand strong. His expedition had not been in the field four months, when the Government found itself entirely without soldiers who could be sent to reënforce him.

The achievements of the military and naval expedition to the coast of South Carolina and Georgia, should be described in this connection. For an account of its outfit, departure, and occupation of Hilton Head and adjacent islands, see ANNUAL CYCLOPÆDIA, 1861-EXPEDITIONS. Undoubtedly there was a double object in this expedition. On the one hand it was designed to seize and hold as large a district of the coast as might be practicable, and on the other prepare a base for future operations against Charleston and Savannah, South Carolina, and the great State of Georgia. The point designed for its headquarters, and for the base of future operations, was occupied at once. The first labor was to prepare Port Royal for the purposes in view. Immense cargoes of commissary stores, ordnance, and means of transportation were landed from the large ocean steamers which accompanied the expedition. Extensive warehouses were erected for the preservation of the stores; while for the security of the depot whence supplies were to be drawn for all portions of the command, and to enable as many troops as possible to be spared for distant operations, long lines of defence had to be constructed. While the works were pushed forward reconnoissances were made in every direction to ascertain the position and strength of the enemy, to learn the depth of water in the numerous creeks and inlets, and remove all obstructions that might have been placed in important channels of communication.

At the beginning of the year it was observed to be the design of the enemy to shut up the Federal troops in Port Royal Island, by placing obstructions in Coosaw river and Whale Branch, by constructing batteries at Port Royal Ferry, at Seabrook, and at or near Boyd Creek, and by accumulating men in the vicinity so as to be able to throw a force of twenty-five hundred or three thousand upon any of these points, at a short notice. It was determined to arrest their designs peremptorily, and in such a manner as would serve a subsequent purpose. Commander E. R. P. Rodgers had charge of the naval force of the expedition, consisting of the gunboats Ottawa, Lieut. Stevens, Pembina, Lieut. Bankhead, and four armed boats of the Wabash, carrying howitzers, and under the command of Lieuts. Upsher, Lane, Irwin, and Master Kempff, which were to enter the Coosaw by Beaufort river; and the gunboat Seneca, Lieut. Ammen, and tug boat Ellen, Master Budd, which were to move up Beaufort river, and approach the batteries at Seabrook and

Port Royal Ferry by Whale Branch. The tug boat E. B. Hale, Master Foster, was added to the expedition after it started. The part assigned to the naval force was to protect the landing of the troops at Haywood's plantation, the first point of debarkation, to cover the route of the advancing column, and the second point of debarkation, and to assail the batteries on their front. The military force consisted of the 47th and 48th New York regiments, Cols. Frazer and Perry, the 79th New York, 50th and 100th Pennsylvania, and 8th Michigan, with a naval howitzer force of forty men, under Lieut. Irwin. After the forces, landed at the two points, had marched, driving all of the enemy who were seen before them, and formed a junction, they were divided into centre, right, and left wings, and ordered forward to attack the batteries of the enemy. A sharp skirmish of half an hour ensued upon their approach to the battery, when the enemy retired, and the works were completely destroyed. An incomplete work at Seabrook, two miles from Port Royal Ferry, was destroyed at the same time. The result of the expedition was the destruction of the two batteries, driving the enemy five miles into the rear, and rendering the Broad and Coosaw rivers secure for the gunboats. The land force was commanded by Gen. Stevens. Eleven privates were wounded and two of them missing. Four of the enemy were found dead.

While all the improvements were urged forward at Hilton Head, reconnoissances were constantly made. The next movement of interest

took place on the 26th of January, in consequence of explorations which had been previously made, and which were of such an adventurous nature as to entitle to honor the parties engaged. The city of Savannah is about fifteen miles from the mouth of the river of that name, and situated on its right or southern bank. The approach to it by water is defended by Fort Pulaski (see ANNUAL CYCLOPEDIA, 1861-FORTS), a casemated work on Cockspur Island, at the mouth of the river, and Fort Jackson, a barbette work on the mainland, only four miles below the city. The left bank of the river is formed by a succession of islands, and the channel is also interrupted by large and numerous ones. The network of creeks and bays which surround Hilton Head terminates to the southward in Calibogue Sound, which is separated from Savannah river at its mouth by Turtle and Jones Islands. The waters that bound two sides of Jones Island, which is triangular in shape, are called Mud and Wright rivers; the latter is the more southern, and separates Jones from Turtle Island, which lies next to Dawfuskie Island, the western shore of Calibogue Sound. The water on the third side of Jones Island is the Savannah river. This island is about five miles long, and between two and three broad. About half way between its upper and lower angles, and fronting on the Savannah, is Venus Point, where a Federal battery was subsequently placed to cut off communication between Savannah and Fort Pulaski.

Lieut. J. H. Wilson, of the topographical

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engineers, becoming convinced, from information obtained of negro pilots and others, that an interior passage existed, connecting Calibogue Sound with the Savannah river, and which, if passable by gunboats, might lead to cutting off Fort Pulaski from communication with Savannah, was despatched by Gen. Sherman on a reconnoissance. Taking with him two row boats, and about seventy men of the Rhode Island regiment, he left Calibogue Sound with his negro crew and pilots, and ventured by night through the intricate passages. At this time

May R.

Hilton Head I.

the Union troops had not advanced beyond Dawfuskie Island, and on some of these rivers Confederate pickets were still stationed. The oars of the reconnoitring party, however, were muffled, and they passed by the pickets without discovery. Under cover of the darkness they penetrated several miles up one of these streams, leaving the pickets in their rear. If discovered, retreat or escape would have been impossible for them, as there was no opportunity of returning except on the same route by which they came. The river which they thus

explored led into no other channel, but wasted away in a marsh. They got back into another stream. Finally the creeks became so shallow as to be unnavigable for any but the smallest craft. At one point an artificial channel had been constructed about two hundred yards long, called Wall's Cut. This led to the rear of Jones Island, and into both the Mud and Wright rivers, both of which, as stated above, empty into the Savannah, the former about six miles, and the latter about two miles above Fort Pulaski. This cut had, however, been obstructed by three rows of piles driven across its entire width, and by a large brig sunk in the same direction, across the channel. At high tide the reconnoitring party were able to get over the piles and pass the brig. The reeds on both banks were very high, and the cut altogether invisible from Savannah, while the marshy nature of the region prevented any approach by land. There was danger of meeting pickets or stray parties of sportsmen, shooting wild ducks abounding in those waters. The party remained concealed by the reeds during the day, and at night pursued their explorations. They found the channel of Mud river impassable for large vessels by reason of its shallow water, but got easily through the Wright river, and rounding the point of Jones Island, entered the Savannah. There they remained nearly all night, moving at times under the guns of Fort Pulaski, near enough to hear the challenge of the lonely sentinels, or the conversation of the gunners on the parapets before tattoo. They found the depth and bearings of the channel in all directions; went up the river beyond Venus Point, and even passed the entrance of Mud river, and then returned into the Wright, establishing to their own satisfaction that gunboats of ten feet draught could pass by that route into the Savannah, without incurring any material risk from the guns of Pulaski, which were at the nearest point a mile and three-fourths distant.

Upon this report Gen. Sherman caused another and fuller reconnoissance to be made. Major Beard of the 48th New York was sent to remove the obstructions in Wall's Cut. A party of volunteer engineers and a company of the 7th Connecticut accompanied him; and while some kept a careful watch, others were engaged at the obstructions. They were removed in three weeks of unremitting night labor. All the piles were sawn off a foot below the bottom of the cut, and the brig turned lengthwise, leaving a passage wide enough for the gunboats. All this was accomplished without awakening the suspicions of the enemy, whose pickets had been withdrawn. All stragglers, white or black, who approached were seized; of these, four or five whites seemed to have been hunting, for they were in boats loaded with game; others were slaves who had escaped from Savannah. All were astonished to see their captors there. No scouts were ever detected, and no boats passed on the Savannah river except the steamers

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plying to Fort Pulaski from Savannah. On some nights the rain fell furiously, but the work proceeded. After the obstructions had been removed, a violent storm that lasted for several days rendered any further operations impracticable; still the pickets kept up their watch on the dismal and muddy marsh, and every straggler or spy was seized.

A naval reconnoissance was now made by Capt. John Rodgers and Lieut. Barnes, in company with Lieut. Wilson. Like all the others it was made in the night. The party were able to pass through the cut, take soundings in the Wright river, enter the Savannah, and ascertain all that was necessary to determine the practicability of the passage of gunboats. Capt. Rodgers reported favorably, and was willing to command the movement. It was determined therefore that a reconnoissance in force should be made, and preparations were commenced for that purpose.

It had always been known that a passage existed on the right side of the Savannah, leading from Warsaw Sound through the Wilmington river until it narrows into St. Augustine Creek, and finally empties into the Savannah just below Fort Jackson. This passage was defended by a battery. Information was however obtained from negroes of another passage leading up also from Warsaw, but much nearer to the Savannah and entering it lower down than St. Augustine Creek. This second passage is called Wilmington Narrows. Several reconnoissances were made along its course and the result was a determination by Gen. Sherman and Com. Dupont to send a force up Wilmington Narrows, at the same time that operations should begin in the vicinity of Wall's Cut. Accordingly on the 26th of January, Gen. Wright with the 4th New Hampshire, Col. Whipple, 6th Connecticut, Col. Chatfield, and 97th Pennsylvania, Col. Guess, on the transports Cosmopolitan, Boston, and Delaware were convoyed by the gunboats Ottawa, Seneca, and others under Capt. C. H. Davis to Warsaw Sound. The force then proceeded up the Wilmington Narrows for some miles and in the rear of Fort Pulaski until it arrived at a place where piles had been placed to obstruct its further progress. The gunboats remained at this spot a short distance from the Savannah during the night, while reconnoissances were made on land and water. In the morning Capt. John Rodgers with three gunboats appeared on the opposite side of the Savannah in Wall's Cut. Two of these vessels passed into Wright river. About eleven o'clock in the forenoon Com. Tatnall and the five Confederate steam gunboats attempted to pass down the river with scows in tow, when fire was opened upon them by the gunboats on each side. The country on each side is so flat that but little obstruction to the sight intervened. In less than half an hour Com. Tatnall and one of his vessels were driven back; the other three escaped injury apparently and made

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