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The sun is brighter still than they,
He blazes in the skies;

I dare not turn my face that way,
Unless I shut my eyes.

Yet when he shines, our hearts revive,
And all the trees rejoice and thrive.

God is more glorious than the sun
And all the stars of light;

He made and keeps them every one,
By his own power and might.
And when we end our mortal race,
The pure in heart shall see his face.


How pleasant is Saturday night,

When I've tried all the week to be good, Not spoken a word that was bad, And obliged every one that I could. To-morrow the sweet Sabbath comes, Which our merciful Father has given, That we may have rest from our work, And prepare for the joys of his heaven.



Little children love each other,
Is the blessed Saviour's rule;
Every little one is brother
To his playfellow at school.
We're all children of one Father,
The great God who reigns above;
Shall we quarrel? no-much rather
We would be like Him-all love.

He has placed us here together,
That we may be good and kind;

He is ever watching, whether

We are of one heart and mind.

Who is stronger than the other ?

He should be the weak one's friend ; Who's more playthings than his brother ? He'll delight to give and lend.

Children, who are like the Saviour,
Give kind looks and gentle words,
And always by their good behavior,
They are known to be the Lord's.


I'm not too young for God to see,

He knows my name and nature too,

And all day long he looks at me,

And sees my actions through and through.

He listens to the words I say,

He knows the thoughts I have within;

And whether I'm at work or play,

He's sure to see it if I sin.

If some good minister is near,

It makes us careful what we do;

And how much more we ought to fear

The Lord who sees us through and through.

Thus when I want to do amiss,
However pleasant it may be,
I'll always try to think of this,
I'm not too young for God to see.


How proud we are! how fond to shew
Our clothes, and call them rich and new;
When the poor sheep and silk-worm wore
That very clothing long before.

The tulip and the butterfly
Appear in gayer coats than I;
Let me be dress'd fine as I will,
Flies, worms, and flowers exceed me still.

But let me seek and strive to find
Inward adorning of the mind;

Knowledge and virtue, truth and grace, These are the robes of richest dress.

This never fades, it ne'er grows old,
Nor fears the rain, nor moth, nor mould;
It takes no spot, but still refines ;
The more 'tis worn, the more it shines.

In this on earth would I appear,
Then go to heaven and wear it there ;
God will approve it in his sight,
'Tis his own work, and his delight.


Go, when the morning shineth,
Go, when the moon is bright,
Go, when the eve declineth,
Go, in the hush of night;
Go, with pure mind and feeling,
Send earthly thought away,
And, in thy chamber kneeling,
Do thou in secret pray.

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