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So they sat in a tree,

And said, "Beautiful!


And they listened and looked
In the clouds for the lark.

Then sang, by the fireside,

A song without words
To Dame Wiggins of Lee.

They called the next day
On the tomtit and sparrow,

And wheeled a poor sick lamb

Home in a barrow.

"You shall all have some sprats

For your humani-ty,

My seven good cats,"

Said Dame Wiggins of Lee.

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She wished them good-night,

And went up to bed,
When, lo! in the morning,
The cats were all fled.

But soon what a fuss!
"Where can they all be?
Here, pussy, puss, puss!"
Cried Dame Wiggins of Lee.

The Dame's heart was nigh broke,

So she sat down to weep,

When she saw them come back

Each riding a sheep.

She fondled and patted

Each purring tom-my:
"Ah! welcome, my dears,"
Said Dame Wiggins of Lee.

The Dame was unable
Her pleasure to smother,
To see the sick lamb
Jump up to its mother.
In spite of the gout,
And a pain in her knee,
She went dancing about,
Did Dame Wiggins of Lee.

The Farmer soon heard

Where his sheep went astray,
And arrived at Dame's door
With his faithful dog Tray.
He knocked with his crook,
And the stranger to see,
Out the window did look
Dame Wiggins of Lee.

For their kindness he had them

All drawn by his team;

And gave them some field-mice,

And raspberry-cream.

Said he, "All my stock

You shall presently see;

For I honor the cats

Of Dame Wiggins of Lee."

He sent his maid out

For some muffins and crumpets;

And when he turn'd round

They were blowing of trumpets.

Said he, "I suppose

She's as deaf as can be,

Or this ne'er could be borne

By Dame Wiggins of Lee."

To show them his poultry,
He turn'd them all loose,
When each nimbly leap'd
On the back of a goose,
Which frighten'd them so
That they ran to the sea,
And half-drown'd the poor cats
Of Dame Wiggins of Lee.

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You see them arrived

At their Dame's welcome door;
They show her their presents,
And all their good store.
"Now come in to supper,

And sit down with me;

All welcome once more,'

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Cried Dame Wiggins of Lee.


There was a sly Cat, it seems, in a house, and the Mice were in such fear of her, that they had a court to find some way that she might not catch them. "Do as I say," cried one of the Mice; "hang a bell to the Cat's neck, to tell us when she is near." This bright plan made the Mice jump for joy. "Well," said an old Mouse, "we have a pretty plan. Now, who shall hang the bell to the Cat's neck?" Not a Mouse would do it.


A Field Mouse had a friend who lived in a house in town. Now the Town Mouse was asked by the Field Mouse to dine with him, and out he went and sat down to a meal of corn and wheat.

live a

"Do you know, my friend," said he, "that you mere ant's life out here? Why, I have all kinds of things at home; come, come, and enjoy


So the two set off for town, and there the Town Mouse showed his beans and meal, his dates, too, his cheese and fruit and honey. And as the Field

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