Works lately published by F. C. and J. Rivington. 6. An ESSAY on the SCRIPTURE DOCTRINES of ADULTERY and DIVORCE; and on the Criminal Character and Punishment of Adultery by the Ancient Laws of England and other Countries. Being a Subject proposed for Investigation by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge in the Diocese of St. David's, and to which that Society awarded its Premium (by a Benefaction) of Fifty Pounds, in Dec. 1821. By H. V. TEBBѕ, Proctor in Doctors' Commons. 870. 7s. 7. PROOFS of INSPIRATION; or, the GROUNDS of DISTINCTION between the NEW TESTAMENT and the APOCRYPHAL VOLUME; occasioned by the recent publication of the Apo cryphal New Testament by Hone. By the Rev. THOMAS RENNELL, B.D. F.R.S. 8vo. 68. 8. A DEFENCE of the CLERGY of the CHURCH of ENGLAND, stating their Services, their Rights, and their Revenues, from the earliest Ages to the present Times; and shewing the Relation in which they stand to the Community and to the Agriculturist. By the Rev. FRANCIS THACKERAY. 8vo. 5s. 6d. 9. A COURSE of LECTURES, containing a Description and Systematic Arrangement of the several Branches of Divinity; accompanied with an Account both of the principal Anthors, and of the Progress which has been made, at different Periods, in Theological Learning. By HERBERT MARSH, D.D. F.S.A. Lord Bishop of Peterborough, and Margaret Professor of Divinity; Part VI. (on the Credibility of the New Testament.) 2s. 6d. 10. The SCRIPTURE TESTIMONIES of the DIVINITY of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, collected and illustrated. To which are added, a List of Authors consulted, and an Index of Texts. By the Rev. GEORGE HOLDEN, M.Α. "The reader needs not be told that this is a learned work, but he has no occasion to apprehend that it is a work intended only for Scholars and professed Theologians. The passages extracted will be sufficient to show, that the Author has used his talents so skilfully, that the full strength of his argument may be appreciated by any man of common understanding and ordinary attention." Christian Remembrancer, March, 1822. 11. MEDITATIONS on the SCRIPTURES, chiefly addressed to YOUNG PERSONS, on the importance of Religious Principles and Conduct. By the Rev. RICHARD WALOND, A.M. Rector of Westonunder-Penyard, and Treasurer of the Cathedral Church of Hereford. 2 vols. 12mo. 8s. "These Meditations are full of wisdom and piety, and appear extremely well calculated for warming the hearts of the Young, and inspiring them with the love of virtue. Those on the Life and Character of Jesus,' possess many beauties, and will be read with delight both by old and young."-Scottish Episcopal Review and Magazine for March, 1822. 12. A NECESSARY DOCTRINE and ERUDITION for any CHRISTIAN YOUTH; set forth in a Series of Sunday School Lectures, with a Catechism, or Preaching Conference, on the Doctrines and Principles of the Church of Christ adapted to each Lecture; to which is prefixed, a View of Popular Education from the Reformation to the present Time. By the Rev. J. TRIST, A.M. Vicar of Veryan, Cornwall. 4 vols. 12mo. 11. 48. 13. The PROTESTANT BEADSMAN; or a Series of Biographical Notices, and Hymns, commemorating the Saints and Martyrs, whose Holidays are kept by the Church of England: to which is appended, a brief review of the Scriptural and Traditionary Accounts of the Holy Angels. 12mo, 6s. 1 |