Thought and language, 39, 214, 219, Thurber, Professor Samuel, 262, n. Training of teachers, literary, in- Treatment of masterpieces, as deter- Unity, regard for, in masterpieces, 102 ff. Versification, 167, 188, 276, 290, of English course, 350; ends to Waste, avoidance of, 388. Wholes, literary, securing apprehen- Writing, when to begin, see Read- THE TEACHERS' PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY Under the General Editorship of Nicholas Murray Butler, Professor of Philosophy and Education in Columbia University. The contributors to this series will be leading teachers and students of education in Europe as well as in the United States. Each volume applies the results of the latest scholarship and the widest experience to some phase of educational thought or activity. Each subject is treated in untechnical language, and the series is intended to form a prac tical reference library of text-books in professional study, the price of which is within every one's reach. 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This volume will mark a departure from the conventional treatment of the subject of school hygiene. The schoolroom is viewed as the unit first to be considered in the planning of a school building. Accordingly, the building is regarded as the grouping of the number of schoolrooms required, with corridors, cloak-rooms, etc., and not as a building of a given size determined by the appropriation, and then divided up into schoolrooms, corridors, etc. The book is not one of open questions on school hygiene, but offers some definite conclusions. Much new material on the subject is presented. The chapters are: The Schoolroom, The School Building, School Grounds, Warming and Ventilation, School Baths, School Furniture, Postures and Physical Exercise, Eyesight and Hearing, The Hygiene of Handwriting, Fatigue, Sanitation, and Diseases which concern the School. THE NEW BASIS OF GEOGRAPHY By Jacques W. Redway, F.R.G.S. Cloth, 12m0. $1.00 net. (Now Ready.) 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Unless our teachers, the author insists, speak and read and write well, and by their exemplary influences win their pupils to good habits of thought, feeling, and language, and to worthy preferences and pleasures, no great advance can be looked for. The book aims to invest school work in English with the literary quality and attractiveness that must belong to it, if it is to be the most powerful school agency for the refinement of manners, the enrichment of intercourse, and the ennobling of character. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 2 |