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is not possible to pass, but further back to the left of Munson's Hill, there is still something worthy of examination. The Mason's Hill works on the Columbia turnpike, are odder specimens of Southern engineering than any of the rest. They surround Murray Mason's house-one of those fine old Virginia mansions of which the Old Dominion is vastly proud, one fine young New England mansion being, as everybody knows, worth a dozen of the best of them. The works are literally not more than two feet high at the most important points. They extend for altogether about one hundred yards, being terminated by a dozen rods of rifle-pits precisely ten inches above the level sod. I do not exagparticle. And it is not possible to suppose that, as many would wish to suppose, these works are mere shams and deceptions, never intended for use. Here at Mason's there are pits within pits, and a series of interior works all of Liliputian dimensions, but all erected with a view to strategic retreats and gradual withdrawals. If nothing more than a delusion were projected, this sort of thing would not have been done, since the interior works are invisible from the outside. But no words can explain the utter absurdity of these long-talked-of "fortifications" as they now appear, without plan and entirely void.

cognize so familiar a place after having so long | been impeded in the approach to it. Your correspondent was once taken into custody here by the Connecticut men, after a long ride near the Confederate lines, upon suspicion of being a rebel spy, so he naturally retains touching remembrances of the locality. Just beyond is the old camping ground of Captain Harrison and Lieutenant Tompkins, famed leaders of cavalry charges, and the abiding place of Captain Varian's battery, which did not fight at Bull Run. But there is here an excitement more immediate than even these lively remembrances. A turn in the road reveals the once welcome house of Webster, the wholesale entertainer of Union regiments, the hearty loyalist ingerate the ridiculousness of these defences one the midst of the perilous contaminations which surrounded him. Webster's house was, eight weeks ago, the surest haven for traveller or soldier, and now it is not only deserted, but the place is at the point of destruction. Some reckless and wicked stragglers from our troops have penetrated every dwelling place they could find unoccupied, and set fire to each one. Even Webster's has not escaped. Smoke and flame are pouring out of every door and window. We must make at least an effort to save it. My companion runs into the first floor, and sweeps out piles of blazing straw. Only one room has been seriously damaged; the others are merely scorched and stained with smoke. Chaplain Willey of the Third Connecticut regi- | ment would not recognize his old comfortable chamber, and my own is quite impenetrable from the blinding smoke. But a little labor saves this house for the time, although it does not seem likely long to escape.

It is a shameful fact that, on Sunday afternoon, at least a score of houses in the neighborhood of Falls Church were wantonly destroyed by wandering mischief-doers from our camps. The whole air was red and black, by turns, with their flame and smoke. Many residences of sound Union citizens were sacrificed with the rest. Through little by-lanes, the modesty of which should have made them sacred from intrusion, these fellows had passed, levelling every thing on their way. The officers made no effort so far as I could see to check them, and the nearest approach to a remonstrance came from the lips of a gentleman in colonel's uniform who mildly" wondered what could be the object in setting fire to these buildings." Even under the very eyes and nose of authority, within twenty rods of the earthwork at Munson's Hill, the destruction was carried on, without any apparent objection.

Our forces extend through Falls Church, beyond which no attempt to advance has been made. The old toll-gate keeper is still at his post, at the entrance of the village. He acknowledges that since Bull Run he has been a good secessionist, and that he now proposes to be a sound Unionist, so long as interest demands. "On both sides of the fence," he says "that's the way to catch the fox." Beyond this point it

There are miserable remains of a camp at Mason's-a few boards, great piles of straw, and a hideous stench, the traces which always mark a deserted Virginian position. The huts have been set on fire, and were burning all Sunday, but Mason's house is yet untouched.

The Columbia turnpike is held by the Twenty-first New York regiment, which captures cattle and feasts off them, and sometimes trifles with the younger and fairer inhabitants along the way. Numbers of other regiments are disposed about, but there seems to be no means of definitely ascertaining their numbers and designations. At present they bivouac, and may either advance or establish themselves at any moment. We are all kept in the dark as to the future, except that we know our movements depend, for the moment, exclusively upon those of the enemy. -N. Y. Tribune, Oct. 1, 1861.

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General Orders No. 2, from the head-quarters | of the division of the Potomac, of July 30, 1861, which have of late been to a certain extent disregarded. No officer or soldier can absent himself from his camp and visit Washington except for the performance of some public duty, or for the transaction of important private business, for which purposes written permits will be given by brigade commanders. The permit will state the object of the visit. The number of passes granted at present is far too great. Brigade commanders will hereafter limit their approvals to those permits which are clearly within the restrictions of the order. Brigade commanders will observe that they can only give passes to the troops, or to other persons connected with the army. They are prohibited giving passes to citizens having no connection with the troops.

II. The publication of orders is neglected in certain portions of this army. It is directed that henceforth every general order be read at the head of each regiment. Division and brigade commanders will see that the printed orders sent to them are distributed without delay. Care will be also taken at division and brigade head-quarters to furnish copies of special orders, received from these or other superior head-quarters, to the individuals concerned, through their immediate commanders, as soon as practicable. Orders for any body of troops will be addressed to the commander, and will be opened and executed by the commander present, and published or distributed by him when


III. Division and brigade commanders will report weekly, through the chief orduance officer, at these head-quarters, the amount of ammunition on hand in their commands, and the amount in the cartridge boxes of the troops.

IV. The light batteries assigned to each division of this army will be commanded by the senior battery officer present with them, who will report directly to the division commander. The divisional batteries will not be assigned to brigades, except for temporary service.

V. The armament of the field-batteries having been fixed by the Chief of Artillery, will not be altered, even in the slightest respect, except by his permission and order.

VI. The commander of every field-battery will send to the office of the Chief of Artillery, on the 1st and 15th of each month, a return of his battery, of the same form as usual.

VII. Whenever a field-battery is engaged with the enemy, a full report of the same in writing will be made, with as little delay as possible, by the battery commander to the Chief of Artillery, stating in detail, beside the ordinary matters of such reports, the loss or damage of matériel, as well as personnel.

authority with this command, will be turned into the principal depot of supplies nearest the point of such condemned stores, to be disposed of by the depot commissary according to army regulations and orders on the subject. A copy of the proceedings of the Board of Survey, or inspection report, will be furnished the commissary receiving the condemned stores.

X. Payment for the rations saved by companies, as directed in General Orders No. 82, September 23, 1861, from the War Department, will be made only by the officers or agents in charge of the principal subsistence depots within this command.

XI. The works in the vicinity of Washington are named as follows:

The work south of Hunting Creek, "Fort Lyon."

That on Shuter's Hill, "Fort Ellsworth." That to the left of the Seminary, “Fort Worth."

That in front of Blenker's brigade, "Fort Blenker."

That in front of Lee's house, "Fort Ward." That near the mouth of Four Mile Creek, "Fort Scott."

That on Richardson's Hill, "Fort Richard


That now known as Fort Albany, "Fort Albany."

That near the end of the Long Bridge, “Fort Runyon.”

The work next on the right of Fort Albany, "Fort Craig."

The work next on the right of Fort Craig, "Fort Tillinghast."

The work next on the right of Fort Tillinghast, "Fort Ramsay."

The work next on the right of Fort Ramsay, "Fort Woodbury."

That next on the right of Fort Woodbury, "Fort De Kalb."

The work in the rear of Fort Corcoran and near the canal, "Fort Haggerty."

That now known as Fort Corcoran, "Fort Corcoran."

That to the north of Fort Corcoran, "Fort Bennett."

That south of Chain Bridge on the height, "Fort Ethan Allen."

That near the Chain Bridge, on the Leesburg road, "Fort Marcy."

That on the cliff north of the Chain Bridge, "Battery Martin Scott."

That on the height near the reservoir, "Battery Vermont."

That near Georgetown, "Battery Cameron." That on the left of Tennally town, "Fort Gaines."

That at Tennallytown, "Fort Pennsylvania." That at Emory's chapel, "Fort Massachu

VIII. All requisitions for ordnance and ord-setts." nance stores for the field-batteries will be made direct to the Chief of Artillery.

IX. Hereafter all subsistence stores condemned by a board of survey, or by other competent

That near the camp of the Second Rhode Island regiment, "Fort Slocum."

That on Prospect Hill, near Bladensburg, "Fort Lincoln."

That next on the left of Fort Lincoln, "Fort Saratoga."

That next on the left of Fort Saratoga, "Fort Bunker Hill."

That on the right of General Sickles's camp, "Fort Stanton."

That on the right of Fort Stanton, "Fort Carroll."

That on the left towards Bladensburg, "Fort Greble."

By command of Major-General MCCLELLAN. S. WILLIAMS, Assistant Adjutant-General. RICHARD B. IRWIN, Aide-de-Camp.

The time has now arrived when each man must be considered as a friend or a foe to the interest of the State; when avarice, timidity, and duplicity can no longer be excuses for inaction.

The rapid and brilliant victories which have crowned the army of Missouri, since its organization, the enthusiastic enlistment of the volunteer force for the defence of the State; the unparalleled magnanimity which has been shown by their Commander-in-Chief, General Price, to those taken in arms against the State of Missouri; the faithful manner in which the proclamation of Gen. Price, made after the

DEPREDATIONS OF FEDERAL SOLDIERS PUNISH- battle of Wilson's Creek, has been carried out;


all call upon the people of Missouri to remain

The following order was also issued by Gen- and share the glory which must speedily crown

eral McClellan :

WASHINGTON, October 1, 1861.

General Order No. 19.

The attention of the General commanding has recently been directed to depredations of an atrocious character that have been committed upon the persons and property of citizens in Virginia, by the troops under his command. The property of inoffensive people has been lawlessly and violently taken from them, their houses broken open, and in some instances burned to the ground. The General is perfectly aware of the fact that these outrages are perpetrated by a few bad men, and do not receive the sanction of the mass of the army. He feels confident, therefore, that all officers and soldiers who have the interest of the service at heart will cordially unite their efforts with his in endeavoring to suppress practices which disgrace

the name of a soldier.

The General commanding directs that in future all persons connected with this army, who are detected in depredating upon the property of citizens, shall be arrested and brought to trial;

the triumph of liberty over fraud, rapine, and oppression.

We are apt to blend private interest and domestic enjoyments too much with the public good-too ready to sacrifice the latter to the

former. Where are all the illustrious sacrifices Shall this one, waged upon a principle as sacred that history records in all past revolutions? as any, pass without them! Shall it be a war first duty we owe to our family is to place it in a merely for wealth, and not for principle? The situation of honor, and the noblest inheritance noble virtue, and a name to which true glory we can leave our children is the example of is attached.

The late acts of Gen. Fremont in carrying out his proclamation, by liberating the slaves of Col. Snead, indicate, in a manner not to be mistaken, the objects of the present war, as ment; but there is a more sinister motive in the waged on the part of the United States Governproclamation, which the true men of Missouri, by leaving the State with their property, are that will be given by the withdrawal of their assisting to carry out, and that is, the power influence and wealth, to hired bandits and unscrupulous demagogues, to rouse a feeling of envy in the minds of the poorer classes. Missourians! Americans! your country demands interest in this great Commonwealth, just as your sacrifices. Will you give up your proud she is emerging from the thraldom of hired in

and he assures all concerned that crimes of such enormity will admit of no remission of the death penalty which the military law attaches to offences of this nature. When depredations are committed on property in charge of a guard, the commander and other members of the guard will be held responsible for the same as princi-vasion; just as the invader has been driven pals, and punished accordingly.

By command of Major-General MCCLELLAN. S. WILLIAMS, Assistant Adjutant-General. RICHARD B. IRWIN, Aide-de-Camp.

[blocks in formation]

and make your homes in other lands, and by from your State? Will you selfishly slide away so doing put a weapon in the hands of an unscrupulous enemy to injure the sacred cause which your countrymen now in the field are defending, with their lives? Be firm and true: if sacrifices must be made, make them like men; join the armies of the State; remember,

where all are united none can subdue.

Without the liberty you are now battling for, wealth will be useless and happiness a dream. Manassas, Wilson's Creek, Lexington, and Washington stand before you; all your most sanguine hopes are realized; the war must be short, as it has been brilliant. Your brightest glory in future time will be that you were a soldier of

[blocks in formation]


WASHINGTON, October 1, 1861.

SIR: In relation to the communication of R. B. Forbes, Esq., a copy of which was sent by you to this Department on the 16th ultimo, inquiring whether letters of marque cannot be furnished for the propeller "Pembroke," which is about to be despatched to China, I have the honor to state that it appears to me there are objections to, and no authority for granting letters of narque in the present contest. I am not aware that Congress, which has the exclusive power of granting letters of marque and reprisal, has authorized such letters to be issued against the insurgents; and were there such authorization, I am not prepared to advise its exercise, because it would, in my view, be a recognition of the assumption of the insurgents that they are a distinct and independent nationality.

Doc. 631.


THE Fort Scott Times published the following letter from JOHN Ross, Chief of the Cherokee Indians, giving his adhesion to the Confederate States:

EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, PARK HILL, CHEROKEE NATION, August 24, 1861. ) To Major Clark, Ass't Quartermaster, C. S. A.: SIR I herewith forward to your care despatches for Gen. McCulloch, C. S. Army, which I have the honor to request you will cause to be forwarded to him by the earliest express.

At a mass meeting of about four thousand Cherokees at Tahlegue on the 21st instant, the Cherokees, with marked unanimity, declared their adherence to the Confederate States, and have given their authorities power to negotiato an alliance with them.

In view of this action, a regiment of mounted men will be immediately raised and placed under the command of Colonel John Drew, to meet any exigency that may arise.

Having espoused the cause of the Confederate States, we hope to render efficient service in the protracted war which now threatens the country, and to be treated with a liberality and confidence becoming the Confederate States. I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your humble servant, JOHN Ross,

Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

Doc. 64.



THE following communication from Capt. J. II. Morrison, master of the propeller Fanny, which was captured by the rebels at Chicomicomico on the 1st of October, presents his account of the affair:

Under the act of August 5, 1861, "supplementary to an act entitled 'An act to protect the commerce of the United States and to punish the crime of piracy,'" the President is authorized to instruct the commanders of "armed vessels sailing under the authority of any letters of marque and reprisal granted by the Congress of the United States, or the commanders of any other suitable vessels, to subdue, seize, take, and, if on the high seas, to send into any port of the United States any vessel or boat built, purchased, fitted out, or held," &c. This allusion to letters of marque does not authorize such letters to be issued, nor do I find any other act The propeller Fanny, owned by the Philadelcontaining such authorization. But the same phia Transportation Company and commanded act, in the second edition, as above quoted, gives by me, was chartered at Philadelphia as a transthe President power to authorize the " comport, by Lientenant Crosby of the Navy, abont manders of any suitable vessels to subdue, the 1st of July. Myself and crew were shipped seize," &c. Under this clause, letters permis- to manage the transport. On arriving at Forsive, under proper restrictions and guards tress Monroe the Fanny was armed with two against abuse, might be granted to the propeller rifled guns, one a six and the other a nine"Pembroke," so as to meet the views expressed pounder, after which she was employed in variby Mr. Forbes. This would seem to be lawful, ous expeditions where a light-draft steamer was and perhaps not liable to the objections of grant-requisite. In all these, among which may be ing letters of marque against our own citizens. and that too without law or authority from the only constituted power that can grant it.

I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of a letter from Messrs. J. M. Forbes & Co. and others, addressed to this Department, on the same subject.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient ser-
Hon. WM. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.

mentioned that of Black River, and Cherrystone Inlet, we were successful. When the expedition was sent down to Hatteras Inlet, the Fanny was employed as one of the gunboats, and was the first to enter Hatteras Inlet.

After the success of this expedition was established, the control of the Fanny was given to Capt. Rowan of the Pawnee, and Col. Hawkins of the Zouaves, and the boat employed in various duties about the Sound.

In order to show that myself and crew were | house on deck, forward of the boiler, and a not recognized by the Government as officer or shell exploding into it would have blown the seamen, but simply in charge of the propeller, vessel to atoms. Beside this, my boiler was on for the purpose of navigating her, I will state deck, and insufficiently protected against shot that, when the expedition to Ocracoke Inlet from cannon. was planned, my crew declined to go unless it was stipulated that, if any of them fell, their families should be cared for by the Government. Capt. Rowan promised to see to this, and we left on that expedition, under Lieutenants Maxwell and Eastman, on which, fortunately, no lives were lost.

Previous to this time and shortly before her loss, the Fanny's gun crew consisted of experienced men from the Naval Brigade, who well understood the management of guns and were good fighters. When the Fanny was sent to Chicomicomico, on the 29th ult., she went in company with the Putnam and Serious to transport the Indiana regiment to that point. After transferring them to the shore, the Putnam was left behind to act as guard-boat, and furnished with a nine-pound rifle gun from the Fanny, after which the latter and the Serious returned to Hatteras Inlet.

On the morning of the 1st inst., the Fanny was loaded with stores of a valuable character, consisting of clothing, medicines, and one hundred boxes of cartridges, in addition to two hundred pounds of powder in her magazine. The Fanny was then ordered to Chicomicomico to deliver her stores, but no convoy was sent with her. Her gun crew consisted of ten men of Hawkins' Zouaves, under Sergeant-Major Pea- | cock. There were also on board thirty-five men of the Indiana regiment, who were under command of Captain Hartt; he, being the only captain on board, had charge of the boat.

I arrived off Chicomicomico about one o'clock and lay at anchor about two and a half miles from shore, in about six feet of water. The Putnam then came alongside, delivered the Fanny's rifled cannon, and left for Hatteras Inlet.

The rebels

When the approach of the rebel steamers was perceived, Capt. Hartt asked me what had better be done. I declined to assume any authority in the premises, as he was the commander of the expedition, and responsible. He finally ordered the men to throw the cartridges overboard, and went aft and lowered a boat, to go ashore; as he said, for assistance. To this course I objected, and insisted that he should remain in charge of his men, as I was not willing to assume any responsibility. opened fire, which we returned with nine shots, which fell short, save one, which struck one boat in the bow. I then took my son, who was lying sick in his berth, and, with a boat's crew, pulled ashore. As I left, Capt. Hartt suggested to the mate that he had better slip the cable, and run the ship ashore. I was about five hundred yards from the Fanny when the cable was slipped, but she struck immediately. After she struck, Sergeant-Major Peacock ran up the white flag. This was a signal that all had been done that could be, and the remainder of the crew took the spare boat and left.

The rebels, by this surrender, came into possession of one of the best-assorted cargoes and every thing on board, save thirty cases of cartridges, which were thrown overboard.

To have attempted to defend the Fanny, under the circumstances, would have been madness. The gun crew knew nothing of gunnery, and I think the Indiana troops on board knew little better. We had enough time from one o'clock to half past four to have discharged every portion of the cargo of the Fanny, and to have destroyed the vessel, had we received assistance from the Indianians on shore. I cannot but feel that it was to their neglect to assist us that the loss of the Fanny may be attributed. Nor do I think it was policy in Capt. Rowan or Col. Hawkins to have sent the Fanny to Chicomicomico without an escort or sufficient guard on board, when she had so valuable a cargo.

Upon my return to Hatteras Inlet, I made report of the loss to Capt. Rowan, and on Friday, 4th instant, went up to Hampton Roads with my crew. Here I reported to Gen. Mansfield, and detailed the circumstances of the capture of the Fanny. He acquitted me from blame, and furnished me and my crew with passes to Philadelphia.

It was not until half past three o'clock that any movement was made by the troops on shore to remove the cargo of the Fanny. I had but two boats, while they had a large lighter and a number of canoes, with which the cargo could have readily been removed in a short time. Finally the commanding officer of the Indiana regiment came off in a canoe with a lighter and took off a cargo of goods for immediate use. About half past four o'clock I saw the rebel side-wheel steamer Northampton heading from Roanoke Island directly toward us; shortly after I saw two smaller boats, propellers, one heading to cut off our retreat and the other so as to get ahead of us. The side- It is true I am not nor have I been recognized wheel steamer was about two hundred and fifty by the Navy Department as commander of the tons' burden and had two thirty-twos forward. Fanny. She has never been regularly comThe other vessels were about one hundred and missioned as a gunboat, although doing nearly twenty tons, and each armed with one twenty-three months' active and successful duty as four-pounder cannon, capable of throwing a sixty-four-pound shot.

The powder I had on freight was stored in a

such. Neither have my crew been recognized by the Department, and if myself or any of my crew had fallen in any of the many actions in

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