Yesterday morning we discovered from the mast-head a sail in the S. E. steering for la Guira, and soon compelled her to another course for Barcelona; about noon it was mostly calm, when she appeared to be a man-of-war, and, by her ma. nœuvre, an enemy; she had now the advantage of us by a breeze, and, with her lofty flying sails and sweeps, was leaving us fast. At two o'clock her top gallant sails were scarcely above the horizon, but in a situation between the ship and the coast that still afforded me hopes of her, by co-operation of the boats; they pushed off, under the direction of the first-lieutenant, William Combe, manned with five officers, 50 seamen, and 20 marines; and, after rowing about 12 leagues in eight hours (part of the time un der a burning sun,) they came up with her, going, with a light land breeze, about two knots. Having first hailed her, our brave fellows instantly attempted to board on both quarters, but by the fire of her guns, which had been all trained aft in readiness, and having to combat, under overy disadvantage, with mos than double their numbers, wer twice repulsed by them, The boat now dropped, and poured through her stern and quarter-ports a de structive fire of musquetoons, and small arms, that cleared the deck of many of the enemy, who were all crowded aft; when, after an ar duous struggle (a third time) for footing, our men rushed a-board and in a few minutes drove all be fore them; the bowsprit and gib boom were covered; some flew aloft, and others below; the captain and most of his officers were lying wounded on the decks, leaving the remainder of this handful of men in proud possession of the French imperial corvette, Le Lynx, of fourteen 24-pounders, carro nades, and two long 9-pounders, chasers, pierced for 18 guns, and manned with 161 men, commanded by monsieur Jean M. Yarquest, with dispatches from Guadaloupe for the Caraccas: she is two years old, and a well equipped fine vessel, in all respects, for his majesty's ser vice. At the head of our invaluable men's names who fell in this quarter of an hour's sharp contest, stands that of the second lieutenant, Harry Walker, of his third wound; of the officers commanding our five boats, only lieutenant Gibson was unhurt. It may be unnecessary add lieutenant Combe's report, that every man did his duty.-I am satis tied they did. I am, Sir, &c. (Signed) GEO. SAYER. To Rear-admiral the Hon. Sir A. Cochrane, K. B. commander-inchief, &c. &c. List of Killed and Wounded Q 1, Seamen, and Marines, onrd the Galatea and Le Lynx. led on-board the Galatea.-H. tr, second-lieutenant; G. Vin1. Mildron, T. Whetheridge, Cam, and F. Plank, seamen; son, serjeant of marines; W. rand D. Nicholls, privates of rely wounded on-board the .-W. Combe, first-lieuteB. Sarsfield, master's mate; bbin, petty officer; W. Cock, t, W. West, R. Haynes, and ills, seamen; R. Bartlein, R. pson, and D. Jones, privates citres. htly wounded on board the -J. Green, master's mate; rry, petty officer; R. Bailey, taker, G. Griffiths, T. Jones, gg, J. Chapman, J. Norris, . Lewis, seamen ; T. Gordon, te of marines. tal-9 killed, and 22 wound 31. led on board Le Lynx-The lieutenant, 13 petty officers, n, and soldiers. unded on-board le Lynx-The sander, Monsieur M. Yarquest, he first lieutenant, (both badly) cers, and 14 seamen and sol btal-14 killed, and 20 wound(most of them badly), -34. (Signed) GEO. SAYER. n the Gazette of April 18, his esty grants his most gracious mission to the following regi. its, viz. 19th light dragoons, the hand 78th foot, to assume, in lition to any other devices or ges to which they may be seve ly intitled, and to bear in their lours and on their appointments, elephant, with the word "Assaye" superscribed, in commemoration of the gallantry and good conduct dis. played by those corps in the battle fought at Assaye on the 23d of Sep.. tember, 1803. His majesty has also been graciously pleased to approve of the 94th regiment bearing the elephant in their colours and on their appointments, as an honourable and lasting testimony of their distinguished services in India. By order of his royal highness the commander-in-chief. HARRY CALVERT, Adj.-gen. Raising of the Siege of Stralsund, and the subsequent expulsion of the French Forces from Swedish Pomerania: transmitted to Mr. Se. cretary Canning, by Baron Rehausen, his Swedish Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary at this Court: Malmo, April 7. Baron de Bojie, aid-du-camp to his majesty, arrived yesterday with dispatches from baron d'Essen, governor-general of Pomerania, of which the following is an extract: Having received certain infor. mation of the enemy's having commenced his retreat from Pomerania by small detachments, I ordered the following troops to advance in two columns, for the purpose of forcing him to quit his intrenchments, and to abandon Swedish Pomerania. The first column, under my orders, was commanded by the chief of brigade, baron de Tavast, and consisted of eight squadrons of hussars, a detachment of flying artillery, and four battalions of infantry, with their divisions of chasseurs. The second column was of equal force with the first, and was commanded by the chief of bri Tt3 gade, gade, baron de Vegesack, under fire, obliged him to retire. My the orders of lieutenant-general column then made a movement, in baron d'Armfeldt. These two columns, marching on the same line, wet with the enemy at Lüssow, attacked him, and, after a vigorous resistance, forced him to abandon that post, and to retire upon Suderhagen. Here the attack was again renewed; a very brisk fire from his light troops checked us for some time, but the fire from the artillery attached to our two column, soon obliged him to retire upon Voigdehagen, where he was attacked in front by the column under baron d'Armfeldt, and repulsed with great loss; his left flank having been at the same time turned by the corps under the command of baron de Tavast. Whilst our troops were carrying the village of Voigdehagen, the enemy had abandoned his batteries and intrenchments before Stralsund, and had intrenched himself anew on the heights between Voigdehagen and Teschenhagen, on which he had planted a battery of four pieces of cannon and two howitzers, whose incessant fire prevented our troops from advancing, till our artillery had succeeded in dismounting them. The loss of the enemy on this occasion must have been considerable, since an officer in the Dutch service has said, that only 24 men of his regiment were left alive. We had but three officers and about twenty men wounded in this affair. The enemy shortly afterwards quitted his position, and retired upon Teschenhagen, after having vainly attempted to make himself master of a marsh covered with un derwood, but was prevented from so doing by two companies of infantry, who, by a well-sustained order to harass the left Hank of the enemy, whose retreat shortly be came general, retiring from post to post, with the loss of many pri soners, a quantity of baggage, and magazines of all kinds, of which we have not yet had time to make out complete returns. My column took possession of Loitz on the 2d of April, and, the same day, baron d'Armfeldt's column entered Greiss." wald, where it took six officers, and a great many French soldiers fell into our hands, as well as the ene my's hospital, where we recovered all the Swedish soldiers who had been wounded and taken prisoners in the action of the 14th March. Above 1000 muskets, 200 braces of pistols, and considerable magazines, were found there. On the 3d April I entered Dem. nien with my column, and I sent on my light troops in pursuit of the enemy, towards Mecklenbourg, The garrison of Demnien were all made prisoners, after a feeble re sistance. Some small detachments of hussars, sent in pursuit of the enemy, were continually coming in with French and Dutch prisoners; and three hussars alone took 104 men on the road to Neukahlan. A great number of prisoners were made, and some stands of arms and provisions taken from the enemy at Darguhn. A detachment, commanded by lieutenant-colonel baron de Ceders. tröm, took a quantity of baggage from the enemy, together with two officers and two hundred and seven soldiers. The magazines that have been taken are very considerable, but there has not as yet been time to make out returns. I cannot cannot sufficiently praise the d conduct, the bravery, the cool. and the presence of mind, ced by the chief of brigade, an de Tavast. Mentenant-colonel baron de Cetrom, major d'Essen, the caps of cavalry, Geger and de Plaand in general all the officers, well as the troops, conducted selves with such intrepidity discipline, that I could not, hout reproaching myself, refrain expressing to your majesty satisfaction I feel at having had command of such brave men, or giving them that honourable imony on my part which their d conduct has so highly deved. Baron d'Armfeldt entered the n of Anclam this morning, where took two officers and 150 men, sides a considerable booty; 1995 ederics d'or, and about 3000 owns, belonging to the enemy's litary chest, have also been taken. (Signed) H. F. D'ESSEN. ead-quarters at Demnien, April 4, 1807. P.S. According to all the infor. ation received at the time of baron ojie's departure, the number of risoners already taken by the wedish troops exceed 1000 men nd 20 officers, amongst whom was 1 French colonel. Particulars from Sir J. Duckworth MY LORD, mit to your lordship two letters of the 21st and 28th ult, the former of which will have informed you of my arrival with the squadron near Con. stantinople, and the latter of an unlucky attempt, in which the marines and boat's crews of the Canopus, Royal George, Windsor Castle, and Standard, had been engaged. It is now my duty to acquaint your lordship with the result of the resolution which, for the reasons I have already detailed, I had adopted, of forcing the passage of the Dardanelles. My letter of the 21st is dated at anchor eight miles from Constantinople, the wind not ad. mitting of a nearer approach; but the Endymion, which had been sent a-head with a flag of truce, at the request of the ambassador, was enabled to anchor within four miles. Had it been then in our power, we should then have taken our station off the town immediately; but as that could not be done from the rapidity of the current, I was rather pleased than otherwise with the position we had been forced to take; for in the conferences between Mr. Arbuthnot and the Captain Pacha, of the particulars of which your lordship is in possession, it was promised by Mr. A. that even when the squadron had arrived before Constantinople, the door to pacification should remain open, and that he would be willing to negociate on terms of equality and jus tice. In consideration of this promise, and as it would convince the Porte of his majesty's earnest desire to preserve peace, as well as possess her ministers with a confidence of the sincerity of our professions, it was the opinion of Mr. A. in which I concurred, that it was fortunate we had anchored at a little Tt4 distance distance from the capital, as a nearer approach might have given cause for suspicion and alarm, and have cut off the prospect of an amicabie adjustment of the differences which had arisen. At noon of the 21st, Ysak Bey, a minister of the Porte, came off; from whose expressions Mr. Arbuthnot thought it impossible not to believe, that in the head of the government (for in the present in. stance every circumstance proved, that between him and the armed populace a great distinction is to be made) there really existed a sincere desire for peace; and the negocia tion was carried on, as will appear by the documents transmitted to your lordship, till the 27th; but from the moment of our anchorage till we weighed, on the morning of the 1st of March, such was the unfortunate state of the weather, that it was not at any time in our power to have occupied a situation which would have enabled the squadron to commence offensive operations against Constantinople. On Sun. day the 22d alone, for a few hours, the breeze was sufficient to have stemmed the current where we were placed; but such was the rapidity on shore where the Endymion was at anchor, that captain Capel thought it very doubtful whether the squadron could have obtained an anchorage, though it had been held in preparative readiness, by signal, from day-break; but the peculiarly unsettled state of the wea. ther, and the minister's desire that I should give a few hours for an answer to his letter, through Ysak Boy, prevented me from trying. Before five o'clock P. M. it was nearly calm, and in the evening the wind was entirely from the east ward, and continued light airs or calm till the evening of the 28th, when it blew fresh from the N. E. and rendered it impossible to change our position. Two days after our arrival near Constantinople, the ambassador found himself indisposed, and has been ever since confined with a fit of illness, so severe as to prevent him from attending to business. Under these circumstances he had delivered in on the 22d, to the Turkish ministers, a projet, as the basis on which peace might be pre served; and at his desire, the subsequent part of the negociation was car. ried on in my name, with his advice and assistance and while I lament most deeply, that it has not ended in the re-establishment of peace, I derive consolation from the reflection, that no effort has been wanting on the part of Mr. Arbuthnot and myself to obtain such a result, which was soon seen, from the state of the pre. parations at Constantinople, could be effected by negociation only, as the strength of the current from the Bosphorus, with the circuitous eddies of the port, rendered it imprac. ticable to place ships for an attack without a commanding breeze: which, during the ten days I was off the town, it was not my good for tune to meet with. |