Or did it from his teeth. Oata. O my good lord,. Believe not all; or if you muft believe, Stomach not all. A more unhappy lady, If this divifion chance, ne'er stood between, Praying for both parts: The good gods will mock me prefently, When I fhall pray, 0, bless my lord and bufband O, blefs my brother! Hufband win, win brother, Ant. Gentle Octavia, Let your beft love draw to that point, which feeks Than yours fo branchlefs. But, as you requested, Shall stain your brother; Make your fooneft haste; So your defires are yours. Óda. Thanks to my lord. The Jove of power make me most weak, most weak, Your reconciler! Wars 'twixt you twain would be As if the world fhould cleave, and that flain men Should folder up the rift. Ant. When it appears to you where this begins, Turn your displeasure that way; for our faults Can never be fo equal, that your love Can equally move with them. Provide your going Choose your own company, and command what coft Your heart has mind to. F [Exeunt. SCENE SCENE V. The fame. Enter ENOBARBUS, and EROS, meeting. Eno. How now, friend Eros? Eros. There's ftrange news come, fir. Eno. What, man? Eros. Cæfar and Lepidus have made wars upon Pompey. Eno. This is old; What is the fuccefs? Eros. Cæfar, having made use of him in the wars 'gainst Pompey, presently denied him rivality; would not let him partake in the glory of the action: and not refting here, accuses him of letters he had formerly wrote to Pompey; upon his own appeal, feizes him: So the poor third is up, 'till death enlarge his confine. Eno. Then, world, thou haft a pair of chaps, no more; And throw between them all the food thou haft, Eno. Our great navy's rigg'd. Eros. For Italy, and Cæfar. More, Domitius; My lord defires you prefently: my news I might have told hereafter. Eno. "Twill be naught: But let it be-Bring me to Antony. Eros. Come, fir. [Exeunt. SCENE SCENE VI. Rome. CESAR's house. [more; Enter CESAR, AGRIPPA, and MECENAS. Caf. Contemning Rome, he has done all this: And In Alexandria, here's the manner of it, I' the market-place, on a tribunal filver'd, Cleopatra and himself in chairs of gold Were publicly enthron'd: at the feet, fat Cæfarion, whom they call my father's fon; And all the unlawful iffue, that their luft Since then hath made between them. Unto her He gave the 'ftablishment of Egypt; made her Abfolute queen. Mec. This in the public eye? Caf. I' the common fhew-place, where they exercise. His fons he there proclaim'd, The kings of kings: Great Media, Parthia, and Armenia, He gave to Alexander; to Ptolemy he affign'd In the habiliments of the goddess Ifis That day appear'd; and oft before gave audience, As 'tis reported, fo. Mec. Let Rome be thus Inform'd. Agr. Who, queafy with his infolence Already, will their good thoughts call from him. Caf. The people know it; and have now receiv'd His accufations. Agr, Whom does he accufe? Caf. Cæfar: and that, having in Sicily Sextus Pompeius fpoil'd, we had not rated him F 2 Some Some shipping unreftor'd: laftly, he frets, That Lepidus of the triumvirate Should be depos'd; and, being, that we detain Agr. Sir, this should be answer'd. Caf. 'Tis done already, and the meffenger gone. I have told him, Lepidus was grown too cruel; That he his high authority abus'd, And did deferve his change; for what I have conquer'd, Demand the like. Mec. He'll never yield to that. Caf. Nor must not then be yielded to in this. [not Oda. Hail, Cæfar, and my lord! hail, most dear Cæfar! Caf. That ever I fhould call thee, cast-away! Oda. You have not call'd me fo, nor have you caufe. Caf. Why have you ftol'n upon us thus? You come Like Cæfar's fifter: The wife of Antony Should have an army for an ufher, and The neighs of horse to tell of her approach, Long ere fhe did appear; the trees by the way, Should have borne men; and expectation fainted, Longing for what it had not: nay, the dust Should have afcended to the roof of heaven, Rais'd by your populous troops: But you are come A market-maid to Rome; and have prevented The oftentation of our love, which, left unfhewn, Is often left unlov'd: we fhould have met you By fea, and land; fupplying every stage With an augmented greeting. Oda. Good my lord, Το To come thus was I not conftrain'd, but did it Caf. Which foon he granted, Being an obstruct 'tween his luft and him, my lord. Caf. I have eyes upon him, And his affairs come to me on the wind. Oña. My lord, in Athens. Caf. No, my wronged fifter; Cleopatra Hath nodded him to her. He hath given his empire Up to a whore; who now are levying The kings o' the earth for war: He hath affembled Bocchus, the king of Lybia; Archelaus, Of Cappadocia; Philadelphos, king Of Paphlagonia; the Thracian king, Adallas: Of Comagene; Polemon and Amintas, That have my heart parted betwixt two friends, Caf. Welcome hither: Your letters did withhold our breaking forth; Hold |