BOOKS written by Jer. Taylor, D. D. and late Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. D Uctor Dubitantium, or, The Rule of Con science in Five Books in Fol10. The Great Exemplar; or, The Life and Death of the Holy Jesus, in Folio, with Figures suitable to every Story, ingrav'd in Copper: whereunto is added the Lives and Martyrdoms of the Apostles: by W. Cave, D. D. The Golden Grove; A Choice Manual, containing what is to be believed, practised, and defired or prayed for: the Prayers being fitted to the several days of the Week; also Festival Hymns according to the manner of the Ancient Church. The Pfalter of David, with Titles and Collects according to the Matter of each Pfalm; whereunto are added Devotions for the Help and Aflistance of all Christian People in all Occasions and Neceflities: The Tenth Edition. A Collection of Offices or Forms of Prayers in Cafes Ordinary and Extraordinary; taken out of the Scriptures and the ancient Liturgies of feveral Churches, especially the Greek. Together with a large Preface in Vindication of the Liturgy of the Church of England. The Second Edition. |