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Three appendant Confidera-
81, 82, 83.
Sect. VII. The Second Temp-



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BOOKS written by Jer. Taylor, D. D. and late Lord Bishop of Down and Connor.


Uctor Dubitantium, or, The Rule of Con

science in Five Books in Fol10.

The Great Exemplar; or, The Life and Death of the Holy Jesus, in Folio, with Figures suitable to every Story, ingrav'd in Copper: whereunto is added the Lives and Martyrdoms of the Apostles: by W. Cave, D. D.

The Golden Grove; A Choice Manual, containing what is to be believed, practised, and defired or prayed for: the Prayers being fitted to the several days of the Week; also Festival Hymns according to the manner of the Ancient Church.

The Pfalter of David, with Titles and Collects according to the Matter of each Pfalm; whereunto are added Devotions for the Help and Aflistance of all Christian People in all Occasions and Neceflities: The Tenth Edition.

A Collection of Offices or Forms of Prayers in Cafes Ordinary and Extraordinary; taken out of the Scriptures and the ancient Liturgies of feveral Churches, especially the Greek. Together with a large Preface in Vindication of the Liturgy of the Church of England. The Second Edition.

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