The Tribune Almanac, Том 2New York tribune., 1868 |
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Результаты 6 – 10 из 100
Стр. 2
... Ohio ..... Columbus Pennsylvania .. Harrisburg Rhode Island Newport & Prov'e .. South Carolina . Columbia Tennessee . Texas .. Vermont Virginia .. Wisconsin . Nashville Austin Montpelier Richmond Madison . Panl O. Hebert Nathaniel B ...
... Ohio ..... Columbus Pennsylvania .. Harrisburg Rhode Island Newport & Prov'e .. South Carolina . Columbia Tennessee . Texas .. Vermont Virginia .. Wisconsin . Nashville Austin Montpelier Richmond Madison . Panl O. Hebert Nathaniel B ...
Стр. 4
... Ohio , are placed in the Demoentic col umn , and GrNDINGS in the Whig . WHIG ALMANAC , 1855 . XXXIVTH CONGRESS - AS FAR. ALABAMA . 1 Philip Phillips , 2 James Abercrombrie , 3 * Sampson W. Harris , 4 Wm . R. Smith , 5 Geo . S. Houston ...
... Ohio , are placed in the Demoentic col umn , and GrNDINGS in the Whig . WHIG ALMANAC , 1855 . XXXIVTH CONGRESS - AS FAR. ALABAMA . 1 Philip Phillips , 2 James Abercrombrie , 3 * Sampson W. Harris , 4 Wm . R. Smith , 5 Geo . S. Houston ...
Стр. 12
... Ohio , shall demand any person , as a fugitive from justice , of the executive authority of any such state or territory to which such per- son shall have fled , and shall , moreover , produce his agent or attorney , in so seizing or ...
... Ohio , shall demand any person , as a fugitive from justice , of the executive authority of any such state or territory to which such per- son shall have fled , and shall , moreover , produce his agent or attorney , in so seizing or ...
Стр. 20
... ( Ohio ) , Clayton ( Del . ) , Fish ( N. Y. ) , Foote ( Vt . ) , On- LRTTE ( Ct ) , Hamlin ( Me . ) , James ( R. I. ) , Seward ( N. Y. ) , SUMNER ( Mass . ) , Wade ( Ohio ) , Walker ( Wis . ) - 18 . Democrats in Reman ; Whigs in Italics ...
... ( Ohio ) , Clayton ( Del . ) , Fish ( N. Y. ) , Foote ( Vt . ) , On- LRTTE ( Ct ) , Hamlin ( Me . ) , James ( R. I. ) , Seward ( N. Y. ) , SUMNER ( Mass . ) , Wade ( Ohio ) , Walker ( Wis . ) - 18 . Democrats in Reman ; Whigs in Italics ...
Стр. 2
... Ohio Trenton Albany Raleigh Columbus . Pennsylvania .. Harrisburg .. Rhode Island .. Newport & Prov'e .. South Carolina . Coluinbia Tennessee Peter F. Causey * ..... James E. Broome . Herschel V. Johnson , Joel A. Matteson Joseph A ...
... Ohio Trenton Albany Raleigh Columbus . Pennsylvania .. Harrisburg .. Rhode Island .. Newport & Prov'e .. South Carolina . Coluinbia Tennessee Peter F. Causey * ..... James E. Broome . Herschel V. Johnson , Joel A. Matteson Joseph A ...
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aforesaid Alabama appointed appropriations Arkansas army Bell bill Border Ruffians Breck Buch Buchanan Carroll Cass cent Charles citizens Clark Clay Clinton Congress Connecticut Constitution Convention Counties court Crawford Davis Delaware Democrats Districts Doug Douglas duty election Fayette Fill Fillmore Franklin Free-State Fremont Georgia Government Governor Greene Hale Hannibal Hamlin Henry hereby House Illinois Indiana Iowa Island Israel Washburn Jackson James Jefferson John Johnson Jones Kansas Kentucky Lawrence Lecompton Legislature Lincoln Louisiana Madison majority Marion Marshall Maryland Massachusetts ment Mississippi Missouri Monroe Montgomery Morgan Navy Nebraska New-York NewCo North officers Ohio party Perry person Pierce Polk President public lands rebels Republicans Rhode Island Scott Secretary Senate slave slavery South Carolina Tennessee Territory Texas thereof Thomas tion Total treaty Union United vessels Virginia vote Warren Washington Wayne Whig William Wisconsin York
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 36 - ... and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States and parts of States are, and henceforward shall be, free ; and that the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-defence ; and I recommend to them that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faithfully...
Стр. 41 - Vice-President; and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of the President and Vice-Président, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected. 7. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected ; and...
Стр. 31 - State which may take and claim the benefit of this act, to the endowment, support, and maintenance of at least one college, where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts...
Стр. 30 - States is that of freedom; that as our Republican fathers, when they had abolished slavery in all our national territory, ordained that "no person should be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law...
Стр. 39 - I deem it proper to say that the first service assigned to the forces hereby called forth, will probably be to repossess the forts, places, and property which have been seized from the Union ; and in every event the utmost care will be observed, consistently with the objects aforesaid, to avoid any devastation, any destruction of, or interference with property, or any disturbance of peaceful citizens of any part of the country...
Стр. 40 - They had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations, and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit.
Стр. 31 - That all the expenses of management, superintendence, and taxes from date of selection of said lands, previous to their sales, and all expenses incurred in the management and disbursement of the moneys which may be received therefrom, shall be paid by the States to which they '-* may belong, out of the treasury of said States, so that the entire proceeds of the sale of said lands shall be applied without any diminution whatever to the purposes hereinafter mentioned.
Стр. 36 - And I further declare and make known that such persons, of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service. And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice warranted by the Constitution upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God.
Стр. 39 - States, do proclaim, declare, and make known to all persons who have, directly or by implication, participated in the existing rebellion, except as hereinafter excepted, that a full pardon is hereby granted to them and each of them, with restoration of all rights of property, except as to slaves, and in property cases where rights of third parties shall have intervened...
Стр. 32 - No portion of said fund, nor the interest thereon, shall be applied, directly or indirectly, under any pretense whatever, to the purchase, erection, preservation, or repair of any building or buildings.