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" Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind... "
The complete works of the late rev. Philip Skelton. To which is prefixed ... - Стр. 343
авторы: Philip Skelton - 1824
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Popery Not Founded on Scripture, Or, The Texts which Papists Cite Out of the ...

Thomas Tennison - 1688 - Страниц: 528
...God, than bad ones are. • S;:. Pad's Caution and Prohibition is no lefs to be heeded, Col. 2. 18. Let no Man beguile .you of your Reward in a voluntary...humility And worshipping of Angels, intruding into thofe things that he hath not fee n, -vainlj *pu£t uf by his fleshly Mind, and not holding the Head....
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The Case Stated, Between the Church of Rome and the Church of England ...

Nathaniel Spinckes - 1714 - Страниц: 424
...our felves upon a much furer foundation. See then what the Apoftle fays upon the very Cafe in hand, Let no Man beguile you of your Reward in a voluntary Humility •(or being a voluntary in Humility, as our Margin reads it) and Colll '* s >'9Worjhipping of Angels,...
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The Christian institutes, or, The sincere word of God, a plain account of ...

Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - Страниц: 352
...Devils. For, what Communion hath Light with Darknefs ? And, what Concord hath Chrift with Belial ? b Let no Man beguile you of your Reward, in a voluntary Humility , and wor(hipping of Angels, or Men of like Paffions with you. c Dearly beloved , ftee from Idolatry ; and...
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A key to the Church-catechism, or The Church-catechism methodized and explained

Philo-Delphus (pseud.) - 1719 - Страниц: 332
...any ftrangeGod, fhall v not God find it out ? i. .and .//?•<»*/.acknowledged us not. And ii. 18. Let no Man beguile you of your Reward in a voluntary Humility and Woj.ftipping of Angels. , 4. Worjhipping of Saints, or Angels ? A. Yes. ,: 7/lxiii. i<5- Doubtlefs...
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Several Discourses Upon Practical Subjects: The Arguments of which May be ...

Jeremy Collier - 1725 - Страниц: 460
...intelligent Spirits. But to put his Opinion beyond all Difpnte, he prefently after quotes Colo ft. ii. 18. Let no Man beguile you of your Reward, in a voluntary Humility and Worjbipping of j$ngels, &c. And then pofitively affirms, " That neither Chriftians nor Jews wor* "...
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A View of Popery, Taken from the Creed of Pope Pius the IV: Containing an ...

Joseph Burroughs - 1735 - Страниц: 172
...indeed you may now, if you will but take the fcripture for your guide : which particularly warns you, to let no man beguile you of your reward, in a voluntary humility, and worfoiping of angels; Col. II. 18. Surely then he muft be much more a volunteer in worfhip, who will...
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A View of Popery, Taken from the Creed of Pope Pius the IV:: Containing an ...

Joseph Burroughs - 1737 - Страниц: 166
...indeed you may now, if you will but take the fcripture for your guide : which particularly warns you, to let no man beguile you of your reward, in a 'voluntary humility, and wor/hiping of angels; Col. II. 18. Surely then he muft be much more a volunteer in worlhip, who will...
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Sermons..., Том 1

Samuel Clarke - 1743 - Страниц: 500
...Living and True God, St Paul argues in this manner expreflly and moft prophetically ; Col. ii. 1 8 ; Let no man beguile you of your Reward, in a voluntary humility [ or wittworJhip, ver. 23. ] and worJhipping of Ange/s ; intruding into thofe things which be hath...
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Sermons..., Том 2

Samuel Clarke - 1744 - Страниц: 434
...Fables and Commandments of Men. Some of thefe Commandments of Men, he particularizes, Col. ii. i8. Let no man beguile you of your reward, in a voluntary humility, and worfiipping of Angels, intruding into thofe things which he hath not feen, vainly Vainly puft up by...
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The works of ... Benjamin Whichcote, Том 2

Benjamin Whichcote - 1751 - Страниц: 420
...our way is betterAnd, what a fcorn is this to be put upon God, for men to be wife in their own eyes ? Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility, and wdrfhip of. angels, Col. ii. 1 8. If you mifcarry, you fall fhort of your reward; by worJhip of angels....
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