| William Thomas Roe - 1812 - Страниц: 660
...the presence of all the peers assembled for such election, take the rerespective oaths, videlicet ; " I, AB do sincerely promise and swear, "that I will be faithful, and bear true alle" giance to her majesty, queen Anne. " So help me God. "AB" " I, AB do swear, that I... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1812 - Страниц: 676
...every attention to : — " I, AB do hereby declare, that I do profess the Roman Catholic religion. " I, AB do sincerely promise and swear, that I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance to his Majesty, King George the 3d, and him will defend to the utmost of my power,... | |
| George Thomas (captain) - 1812 - Страниц: 238
...found able and fit for service, he shall then and there take the following oath ; (that is to say,) ' I, AB do sincerely promise and swear, That I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his ' majesty king George ; and that I will faithfully serve in the Local Militia... | |
| Joseph Gabbett - 1812 - Страниц: 700
...declaration and oath, viz. :— " J, AB do hereby declare, that I profess the Roman " catholic religion." u I, AB do sincerely promise and swear, that I will " be faithful and bear true allegiance to his majesty " king George the third, and him will defend to the ut" most of... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1812 - Страниц: 712
...all English Catholics. " I, AB do hereby declare, that I do profess the Roman Catholic religion." " I, AB do sincerely promise and swear, that I will be faithful, and bear \ However, some opinions of Catholic divines and jurists, as to this very point, will true allegiance... | |
| 1813 - Страниц: 16
.... . ENGLISH CATHOLICS. , " I AB do hereby declare, That I do profess the Roman Catholic Religion. " I AB do sincerely promise and swear, That I will be faithful, and bear true Allegiance to His Majesty King George tl»e Third, and him will defend to the utmost of my... | |
| Abraham John Valpy - 1813 - Страниц: 690
...ALL ENGLISH CATHOLICS. » " I AB do hereby declare, That I do profess the Roman Catholic Religion. " I AB do sincerely promise and swear, That I will be faithful, and bear true Allegiance to His Majesty King George the Third, and him will defend to the utmost of my... | |
| William Eusebius Andrews - 1815 - Страниц: 564
...and declaration following : " I (AB) do hereby declare, that 1 profess the Roman Catholic Religion. " I (AB) do sincerely promise and swear, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his Majesty King George the Third, and him will defend to the utmost of my... | |
| Silvester Palmer - Страниц: 360
...all English Catho. lies. " I, AB do hereby declare, that I do profess the Roman Catholic Religion. " I, AB do sincerely promise and swear, that I will be faithful, and bear true allegiance to his Majtsty King George the Third, and him will defend to the utmost of my... | |
| 1829 - Страниц: 632
...and subscribing the following oath, instead of the oaths of allegiance, supremacy, and abjuration. " I, AB, do sincerely promise and swear, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his majesty Kin? George the Fourth, and will defend him to the utmost of my... | |
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