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" The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfils himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world. "
The Holy Grail and Other Poems - Стр. 143
авторы: Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1870 - Страниц: 202
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Metre, Rhythm and Verse Form

Philip Hobsbaum - 1996 - Страниц: 220
...statement. Here is Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-92), in his Victorian attempt at an epic, Idylls of the King. And slowly answered Arthur from the barge: The old order changeth, yielding place to new And Cod fulfils Himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world. This can be...
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The Pre-Raphaelites: Writings and Sources, Том 1

Inga Bryden - 1998 - Страниц: 424
...gift ol 'myrrh. But now the whole ROUND TABLE is dissolved Which was an image of the mighty world; And I, the last, go forth companionless, And the days...Among new men, strange faces, other minds." And slowly answer' d Arthur from the barge: ''The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfils himself...
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The Wordsworth Dictionary of Quotations

Connie Robertson - 1998 - Страниц: 686
...Passing of Arthur' Authority forgets a dying king. 11514 ldylls of the King "The Passing of Arthur' m high in hope and work. BURNS George 1896 1996 1801 Too bad that all the people who kn 11515 Idylls of the King 'The Passing of Arthur' The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And...
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Yoruba Gurus: Indigenous Production of Knowledge in Africa

Toyin Falola - 1999 - Страниц: 336
...life led to a cautionary book. "The old order changeth," asserted Johnson in an authoritative tone, "yielding place to new; And God fulfils Himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world!" A third point is that Johnson believed that the best way to present...
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The Making of Middle English, 1765-1910

David Matthews - 1999 - Страниц: 268
...but just as quickly celebrates the possibility of renewal: "The old order changeth," Arthur responds; "yielding place to new, / And God fulfils himself in many ways, / Lest one good custom should corrupt the world" (2:15). Bedivere watches Arthur disappear on the barge to Avilion,...
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English in the Digital Age: Information and Communications Technology (ITC ...

Andrew Goodwyn - 2000 - Страниц: 157
...reading and writing alongside IT. (an English teacher quoted in Goodwyn et a/., 1997) And slowly answer'd Arthur from the barge: 'The old order changeth, yielding...And God fulfils himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world. (Tennyson, 'The Idylls of the King', The Passing of Arthur, 1.407)...
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Civil Procedure Rules in Action

Ian Grainger, Michael Fealy - 2000 - Страниц: 759
...Her Majesty's Stationery Office. ISBN 185941 589 X Printed and bound in Great Britain The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfils Himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world. Tennyson, Morte d' Arthur It is not good to look too long upon these...
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Caught Between the Dog and the Fireplug, or How to Survive Public Service

Kenneth Ashworth - 2001 - Страниц: 224
...King calls his grieving knights to him. And Tennyson describes the King's response to their lament: And slowly answered Arthur from the barge, "The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfills Himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world." I then...
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Sound, Sense, and Rhythm: Listening to Greek and Latin Poetry

Mark W. Edwards - 2004 - Страниц: 210
...of myrrh. But now the whole ROUND TABLE is dissolved Which was an image of the mighty world; 235 And I, the last, go forth companionless, And the days...years, Among new men, strange faces, other minds." The emotional change in rhythm in the penultimate line ("And thè days darken . . .") is all the more...
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Stop the Train

Geraldine McCaughrean - 2002 - Страниц: 264
...Crew called on Cissy to stand up and recite as much as she could remember of the 'Passing of Arthur'. 'And slowly answered Arthur from the barge: "The old...yielding place to new. And God fulfils Himself in many ways . . . Ifthou shouldst never see my face again, Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayer...
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