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" An act for establishing certain regulations for the better management of the affairs of the East India Company, as well in India as in Europe... "
Calcutta Review - Стр. 293
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The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and ..., Том 1

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1781 - Страниц: 546
..." An act for eftablifhing certain regulations for the better management of the affairs of the Eaft India company, as well in India, as in Europe," and previous to it, very erroneous reperts had been propagated, and injurious ideas entertained, of the principles and practices of the...
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Annual Register of World Events, Том 24

1800 - Страниц: 620
...for eltabliih" ing certain regulations for the " btlt management of the affairs " of the Eaft-India Company, as " well in India as in Europe :" and previous...ideas entertained, of the principles and practices of tile Britilh lubjecb refiding within thefe jultice and cruelty of thefe fuppofitions, and have excited...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1800 - Страниц: 624
...for eftabliih" ing certain regulations for the " beft management of the affairs " of the Bail-India Company, as " well in India as in Europe :" and previous to it, very erroneous in all cafes where it can bs grant reports had been propagated, and ed, is one of thefe inherent, uninjurious...
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Annual Register of World Events, Том 16

1803 - Страниц: 598
...vigorous and effective measures for opposing a bill now depending in parliament, entitled, " A bill for establishing certain regulations for the better management of the affairs of the East-India Company, as well in India as in Europe," haveunanimously thought it their duty to apprize...
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a compendious view of universal history

charles mayo, l.l.b. - 1804 - Страниц: 572
...warm debates, in both houses, f " for establishing certain regulations for the better manage'•' ment of the affairs of the East India company, as well in India as in " Europe." (i.) " That the court of directors should in future be elected " for four years. (2.) That no person...
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The Correspondence of the Late John Wilkes: With His Friends, Printed ..., Том 4

John Wilkes - 1805 - Страниц: 376
...direct violation of the act of parliament. The fact is admitted : but let us examine the law. By the act " for establishing certain regu*lations for the...East India company,. as well in India as in Europe, &c." (the 13th- of the king, ch. 63, sect. 23), which passed m 1773, it is enacted, that " no governor-general...
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The Correspondence of the Late John Wilkes: With His Friends, Printed ..., Том 4

John Wilkes, John Almon - 1805 - Страниц: 368
...rect violation of the act of parliament. The fact is admitted : but let us examine the law. By the act " for establishing certain regulations for the...East India company, as well in India as in Europe, &c." (the 13th of the king, ch. 63, sect. 23), which passed in J773, it is enacted, that " no governor-general...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in ...

Great Britain - 1823 - Страниц: 1102
...Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for establishing certain Re- 13G.S. c.63. gulations for the better Management of the Affairs of the East...India Company, as well in India as in Europe, and by divers subsequent Statutes : And Whereas the said lastmentioned Charter, so far as it respects the...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Том 6

Edmund Burke - 1813 - Страниц: 630
...misdemeanors. XXI. CORRESPONDENCE. THAT by an act of the 13th year of his present majesty, entitled, " an act for establishing certain regulations for the better...East India company, as well in India as in Europe," " The governor general and council are required and directed to pay due obedience to all such orders...
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The Parliamentary History of England from the Earliest Period to the ..., Том 17

Great Britain. Parliament - 1813 - Страниц: 738
...Company's Jlegulaliun Bill.'] May 18. Lord North presented to the Couse, according to order, a Bill " for establishing certain Regulations, for the better Management of the Affairs of the East India ("отрину, ;is well in India as in Europe." On moving that it be read a first time, Lord North...
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