| Sir George Forrest - 1910 - Страниц: 356
...Company, the Ministry could no longer neglect Indian affairs, and the same year Parliament passed " an Act for establishing certain " Regulations for the...East India Company as well in India as in "Europe." It has often been assumed and stated that Parliament for the first time interfered to control the administration... | |
 | University of Wisconsin - 1910 - Страниц: 506
...subject was exhaustively debated.17 Ultimately the proposals of the government were embodied in the law "For establishing certain regulations for the better...of the East India Company, as well in India as in Europe."18 The title, however, scarcely indicates the scope of the act. The company's charter was virtually... | |
 | Percy Arthur Baxter Silburn - 1910 - Страниц: 368
...company. Two years later Lord North's Eegulating Act (13 Geo. III, c. 16) was passed. It was entitled " An Act for establishing certain regulations for the better...management of the affairs of the East India Company ". It created the office of GovernorGeneral, defined the qualifications and terms of directors and... | |
 | Queensland - 1911 - Страниц: 598
...thirteenth year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled " An Act for the establishing certain regulations for the better management...India Company, as well in India, as in Europe,"}; certain powerare given and provisions made for the examination of witnesses in India in the cases therein... | |
 | 1911 - Страниц: 802
...It was during the administration of Lord North that Parliament passed the regulating act of 1773 " for the better management of the affairs of the East India Company as well in India as in Europe." This act was the first statute distinctly recognizing the company as fulfilling other functions than... | |
 | Ramsay Muir - 1915 - Страниц: 440
...point of importance has been omitted. The clauses have been numbered for convenience of reference.) An Act for establishing certain Regulations for the better...East India Company, as well in India as in Europe. Whereas the Powers granted by Charters to the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the... | |
 | Panchanandas Mukherji - 1915 - Страниц: 570
...PART I. GENERAL DOCUMENTS, (1773-1868). I. THE EAST INDIA COMPANY ACT, 1773.* (13, Geo. 3,0.63). AN ACT FOR ESTABLISHING CERTAIN REGULATIONS FOR THE BETTER...EAST INDIA COMPANY, AS WELL IN INDIA AS IN EUROPE. "Whereas the several Powers and Authorities granted by charters to the United company of Mer1>r !rr"K... | |
 | Sudhindra Bose - 1916 - Страниц: 158
...wealth was based" aroused public attention in England,131 and the Regulating Act of 1773133 was passed "for the better management of the affairs of the East India Company". The Act of 1773 brought about great changes. It may be regarded as the first step in the final shifting... | |
 | Robert Niven Gilchrist - 1921 - Страниц: 880
...British Parliament itself. The first real legislative Act governing the East India) Company was the Act " for establishing certain regulations for the better management of the affairs Regulating °^ ^e ^ast ^n^& Company as well in India Act of 1773. as in Europe." This Act is better... | |
 | Australia. Parliament. Joint Library Committee - 1922 - Страниц: 1108
...so much of an Act, made in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, ' An Act for establishing certain Regulations for the better...East India Company, as well in India as in Europe, as relates to the Administration of Justice in Bengal, and for the Belief of certain Persons, imprisoned... | |
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