| John Buchan - 1923 - Страниц: 336
...submit half-yearly accounts to the Treasury. The other was the Regulating Act of 1773, entitled " An Act for establishing certain regulations for the better...East India Company as well in India as in Europe." The passing of this Act marked the formal beginning of British-Indian constitutional history. Its main... | |
 | John Buchan - 1923 - Страниц: 338
...submit half-yearly accounts to the Treasury. The other was the Regulating Act of 1773, entitled " An Act for establishing certain regulations for the better...East India Company as well in India as in Europe." The passing of this Act marked the formal beginning of British-Indian constitutional history. Its main... | |
 | Great Britain - 1892 - Страниц: 700
...called Scotland, and for repealing and amending several of the laws now in being relative thereto. An Act for establishing certain Regulations for the better...East India Company, as well in India as in Europe. The Engraving Copyright Act, 1766. The East India Company Act, 1770. The Entail Improvement Act, 1770.... | |
 | Lewis Sydney Steward O'Malley - 1925 - Страниц: 816
...received a check from the operation of the Regulating Act of 1773, so called from its title, viz., an Act for establishing certain regulations for the better...East India Company, as well in India as in Europe. Parliament had not previously asserted its right to control the government of the Company's possessions... | |
 | Great Britain - 1896 - Страниц: 544
...3. c. 53. 17 Geo. I ?.c. 1 9. An Act for establishing certain Regulations for the better Mnnngetnent of the Affairs of the East India Company, as well in India as in Europe. An Act for the better Cultivation, Improvement, and Regulation of the Common Arable Fields, Wastes,... | |
 | William Arthur Jobson Archbold - 1926 - Страниц: 382
...Act of 1773. 13 Geo. III. c. 63, of which we must now give a brief summary. It was described as an Act for establishing certain regulations for the better...East India Company, as well in India as in Europe. In future the twenty-four Directors were to be chosen for four years instead of annually. No person... | |
 | Norman Bentwich - 1926 - Страниц: 456
...His late Majesty King George the Third, and intituled " An Act for establishing certain Regulation* for the better Management of the Affairs of the East...India Company, as well in India as in Europe," and by an Act passed in the first year of the reign of His present Majesty, and intituled " An Act to enable... | |
 | 1902 - Страниц: 1020
...and amend so much of an Act, made in the 13th year of the reign of His Present Majesty, entitled an Act for establishing certain regulations for the better...East India Company, as well in India as in Europe, as relates to the administration of justice in Bengal,' etc., it is enacted, ' that the said Supreme... | |
 | Great Britain. India Office. Library - 1937 - Страниц: 1196
...to Francis, the remainder being copies of letters issued by him.J 1 , pp. 3-30 : A Bill intituled An Act for establishing certain Regulations for the better...East India Company, as well In India as in Europe. [Print.'] This contains manuscript notes in the margins. H. Strachey, Lord Olive's private secretary,... | |
 | 1840 - Страниц: 598
...Act, 13 Geo. 3. c. 63, intituled, ' An Act for the estahlishing certain Regulations for the hetter Management of the Affairs of the East India Company as well in India as in Europe,' certain powers are given and provisions made for ihe examination of witnesses in India in the cases... | |
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