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" Blefled are the poor in fpirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "
Christian Blessedness: Or, Practical Discourses Upon the Beatitudes of Our ... - Стр. 1
авторы: John Norris - 1724
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Lectures on the prophecies of Isaiah, Том 1

Robert MacCulloch - 1791 - Страниц: 750
...affigns the kingdom of heaven, in his memorable difcourfe delivered from a mountain in Galilee: ' Blefied are the poor * in fpirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven *.' The apoflle James calls our attention to this circumfiance: ' Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not *...
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Sacra Privata: The Private Meditations and Prayers of the Right Reverend ...

Thomas Wilson - 1792 - Страниц: 230
...hope to reconcile two things fo ineonfiftent as the love of Thee and the world. Matth. v. 3.. Ble/ed are the poor in fpirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. To be poor in Jpirit.*- is to be difengaged from wealth, to look upon it as a burthen, or as a truft....
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Sermons and Other Practical Works: Consisting of Above One Hundred ..., Том 6

Ralph Erskine - 1796 - Страниц: 512
...in Chriit, and his fulnefs, and dependent upon that, your time of want is a time of love. " Blefled are the poor in fpirit ; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven," Matth. v. 3. 3. Say you, " My time is a time of guilt ; I have a " fenfe of much guilt lying upon my...
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The Arminian Magazine: Consisting of Extracts and Original Treatises ..., Том 17

John Wesley - 1794 - Страниц: 740
...Blind was exercifed on her account, the words of our Lord were brought with fweet power to fny foul, 'f Bleffed are the poor in fpirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God." More mkable words could not be applied. I believe, few perfons that ever lived, were more eminent...
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Living Testimonies: Or, Spiritual Letters on Divine Subjects. By William ...

William Huntington - 1797 - Страниц: 598
...The Lord lift " up his countenance upon thee, and give thee " peace." Numb. vi. 24, 25, 26. Blefled are the poor in fpirit — For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Poverty of fpirit goes- before, to empty us of felf; to fap the empire of Sin and Satan-, to prepare...
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Discourses Relating to the Evidence of Revealed Religion ...

Joseph Priestley - 1799 - Страниц: 504
...bletfings on perfons of this character, in three different branches, or (hades of it. (Matt. v. 3) " Bleffed are the poor in fpirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blefled are they VOL. in. M that \6z The Evidences of that mourn, for they fhall be comforted. Blefled...
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The Works of Hannah More ...: Including Several Pieces Never Before ..., Том 4

Hannah More - 1801 - Страниц: 488
...woman ready to faint, fhe would read her a few Words out of this book, fuch as the following — " Bleffed are the poor in fpirit, for " theirs is the kingdom of heaven."— " Bleffed are they that mourn, for they " fhall be comforted." — *' I will never " leave thee nor...
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Sermons, Том 1

Thomas Gisborne - 1802 - Страниц: 490
...look, faith the Lord ; even to him that is poor and of a contrite fpirit , and trembleth at my word. Bleffed are the poor in fpirit : for theirs is the kingdom 'of Heaven. Thus faith the high and lofty one, that ifihabitetb eternity, whofe name is holy: I dwell with him...
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An American Spelling Book: Designed for the Use of Our Common Schools ... in ...

1802 - Страниц: 152
...li ga to ry fee ond a ri \y vol un ta rLly fpir it u ;il \y Or di na ri ly fup pii ca to ry Bluffed are the poor in fpirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Bk-ffed are they who mourn: for they fhall be comforted. Bleffed are the meek : for they fiiall inherit...
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The Great Importance of a Religious Life Considered

William Melmoth - 1802 - Страниц: 326
...duties peculiar to this religion, and abfolutely neceflary to the attainment of its end. " Blefled are the poor in fpirit ; for theirs ' is the kingdom of heaven : l. by which (f) Mitt. vj poornefs of fpirit is to be underftood a difpofition of mind, meek, humble,...
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