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" Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel... "
The Savoy liturgy - Стр. 14
редактор(ы): - 1661
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The Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, and Religious Intelligencer, Том 1

1808 - Страниц: 604
...his laws and dishonour his name. How can this be more plainly expressed than it is by the prophet, " Say unto . them, as I live saith the Lord God, I have...his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways, for whywill ye die O, house of Israel ?" This expression of pity, doth not mean that, sinners...
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Sermons, Том 4

Hugh Blair - 1808 - Страниц: 456
...cast out *. As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live -, turn ye, turn...from your evil ways ; for why will ye die, O house of Israel-^- ? Such is the relief which the religion of Christ brings to them who labour and are heavy...
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Sermons,, Том 4

Hugh Blair, James Finlayson - 1808 - Страниц: 458
...cast out *. As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live ; turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways ; for why will ye die, O home of Israel .\ ? Such is the relief which the religion of Christ brings to them who labour and are...
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The Works of President Edwards ...

Jonathan Edwards - 1809 - Страниц: 524
...11. «* As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live : Turn ye, turn...from your evil ways, for why will ye die, O house of Israel." 2 Pet. iii. 9. " Not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."...
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The Works of President Edwards ..., Том 6

Jonathan Edwards - 1809 - Страниц: 544
...xxxiii. 1 1. * As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live : Turn ye, turn...from your evil ways, for why will ye die, O house of Israel " 2 Pet. iii. 9. " Not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."...
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Practical Essays on the Morning and Evening Services of the Church of ..., Том 2

Thomas Tregenna Biddulph - 1810 - Страниц: 490
...oath. " As " I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure " in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked " turn from his way and live : turn ye, turn...from your evil ways ; for why will ye die, " O house of Israel?" (Ezek. xxxiii. 11.) If an objection to this declaration should be founded on the many passages...
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The Christian Entirely the Property of Christ, in Life and Death: Exhibited ...

Johannes van der Kemp - 1810 - Страниц: 570
...yea, he swears, Ezck. xxxiii. 1 1. " That he hath BO pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live : turn ye, turn...from your evil ways ; for why will ye die, O house of Israel ?" Only consider and say, " What have I done ?" Jer. viii. 6. A person will never repent,...
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Sermons on Devotional, Evangelical and Practical Subjects

Joshua Toulmin - 1810 - Страниц: 506
...oath. " As I live, faith the LORD, I " have no pleafure in the death of the wicked, " but that the wicked turn from his way and " live. Turn ye, turn...ye, from your evil " ways ; for why will ye die, O Ifrael."s And fo in another part of the fame prophecy: c' Caft away from you all your tranfgreffions...
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Helps to Composition, Or, Six Hundred Skeletons of Sermons: Several ..., Том 4

Charles Simeon - 1810 - Страниц: 544
...unto them. As I live, salth the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;, but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye. from your evil ways; for why will ye die, 0 house of Israel? THE excuse?, which men offer for not turning unto God,...
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Sermons on Important Subjects

Thomas Williams - 1810 - Страниц: 244
...again, " As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked ; but that the wicked turn from his way and live : turn ye, turn ye, from your evi! ways ; for why will \c. die, O house of Israel ? I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth,...
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