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" Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify Thy glorious Name, evermore praising Thee and saying, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, LORD GOD of hosts, heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Glory be to Thee, O LORD MOST... "
Hele's Select offices of private devotion - Стр. 514
авторы: Richard Hele - 1825 - Страниц: 546
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Mary for Earth and Heaven: Papers on Mary and Ecumenism Given at ...

William McLoughlin, Jill Pinnock - 2002 - Страниц: 412
...archangels AND WITH ALL THE COMPANY OF HEAVEN We laud and magnify God's Holy Name Evermore praising him, and saying, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts, Heaven...of thy glory, Glory be to Thee, O Lord, most high. (This paper was given at the ESBVM Leeds Congress in August 1998) The saints' everlasting rest the...
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Outlines of Romantic Theology

Charles Williams - 2005 - Страниц: 134
...Service of the Book of Common Prayer it appears (hence Williams 's phrase, "arch-angelic trisagion") as: "Therefore with angels and archangels, and with all...of thy glory; glory be to thee, O Lord most high." Universal Sacrament of Communion and the particular sacrament of marriage exists. In the prayer of...
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Common Worship Pastoral Services

Church of England - 2005 - Страниц: 496
...with the sick and the rejected, and, bringing thy healing to the world, he rescues us from every evil. Therefore with angels and archangels, and with all...glorious name, evermore praising thee and saying: All Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee,...
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Liturgy, Time, and the Politics of Redemption

Randi Rashkover, C. C. Pecknold - 2006 - Страниц: 265
...eternity planted in our midst. Holy Seeds: The Trisagion and the Liturgical Untilling of Time Ben Quash Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all...thy glory: Glory be to thee, O Lord most High. Amen. Introduction Book of Common Prayer The threefold Sanctus is now at the heart of the eucharistic prayer...
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Offering the Lamb: Reflections on the Western Rite Mass in the Orthodox Church

Michael D. Keiser - 2006 - Страниц: 157
...unto Thee, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, everlasting God. } Here the Proper Preface is said or sung. Therefore, with Angels and Archangels, and with all...glorious Name; evermore praising Thee, and saying, The Sanctus HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, Lord God of hosts, heaven and earth are full of Thy glory: Glory be to...
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How to Read the Bible: A Guide to Scripture, Then and Now

James L. Kugel - 2007 - Страниц: 850
...Your glory." The Sanctus (or Tersanctus), preface to the Eucharistic Prayer in the Roman Catholic mass Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all...of thy glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord Most High. Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal Church) Why Three? Isaiah's vision was not without its exegetical...
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The Slaves' Champion: The Life, Deeds, and Historical Days of William ...

Henry Wheeler - 2007 - Страниц: 244
...Archangels," and where, " with all the company of Heaven, he shall laud and magnify His glorious name ; saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, heaven...of Thy glory; Glory be to Thee, O Lord most High." 113 Let us, therefore, while we say, "Amen," and "Thy will be done," pray that " a double portion"...
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